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Build Author Keith Davis Views 34144
OneZ i3
A quiet, 8inx8in build area, Cartesian printer with permanently level bed. This is a compact, solid, inexpensive printer that will reliably print any type filament for thousands of hours while you sleep, fish, or play ball in the park.
Build Author Troy Joachim Views 16589
Prusa i3 Bear IDEX
Remix of the Prusa i3 Bear with added IDEX
Build Author James Archer Views 12876
Archer - An extendable all metal 3D printer
This is an all metal build using OpenBuilds V-Slot linear rails to produce a high quality and cost effective 3D printer. The printer is designed to be scalable for your desired build area and can utilize high quality hotends with 16mm groove mounts such as E3D.
Build Author Dave420 Views 13641
OpenBuilds C-beam 15mm belt on 1500mm C-Beam.
OpenBuilds C-beam 15mm belt on 1500mm C-Beam.
Build Author John Pollman Views 6597
Wanhao Duplicator i3 Plus - Major rebuild.
Major rebuild of my Wanhao Duplicator i3 Plus.
Build Author Keith Davis Views 18295
BldrBot S2
A Prusa i3 design running on Open Build's mini V wheels
NCS P3-v Steel with 12X12 Build area
A large 12x12x12 build area sturdy printer made of steel
LayerFused C201 - DIY 3D Printer Build, i3 Style
My DIY 3D Printer build which is similar to an i3 style printer. This is a fully documented step-by-step build with videos.
Build Author pek Views 79565
Prusa i3 Bear Upgrade V2
Stronger frame for Prusa i3 MK2(s), MK2.5 and MK3 3D printer
eTrueUp Glide
A TrueUp Glide modified to use 20x40 V-Slot with a 300x300 bed.
3D Printer based upon 3d printed parts and open builds componets
Build Author pek Views 25475
Prusa i3 Bear Half Upgrade v1.0
Stronger frame for Prusa i3 MK2 / MK2s / MK2.5 3D printer
Kool Bot
Mid range build. Prusa i3Pro 300
Concept for a Prusa i3 made from Cbeam Extrusion. X & Y using GT2 Belts, Z using Acme Screws Goal is to build a simple. and very Solid Printer Single Z Motor to keep the Z Screws in Sync. (Might require Geared Nema 17) 12" x 12" x 12" Build volume Nema 17's
Build Author mytechno3d Views 64822
Maximus 3D Printer
A full scalable 3D Printer , with a big printing area. Build with openbuild parts from
Build Author dddman Views 13042
Prusa i3 (Acrylic frame with OB rods)
The Prusa i3 (iteration 3) is the newest and most current 3D Printer design by RepRap Core Developer Prusajr (source:
This build will hopefully be 18x18x24 build space using RAMPS 1.4 with Marlin firmware. Using NEMA 17 motors and belts to drive the X and Y axis, lead screws for the Z axis. The build plate will be heated with a delrin Y carriage for the glass and heatbed. Z axis motors will be top mounted. Possibly and ATX power supply.
V Rail 3D printer
My version a Cartesian style 3d printer, an attempt to eliminate frame vibration and movement and to use up materials left over from other projects.
dave's RepStrap
PVC foam Core frame made from a Delta facet display. a curb find while walking home.