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Build List

CNC accessory box Made 100 % from recovery materials

Jan 24, 2025
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
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Build Complete!

Quick construction. A few pieces of wood recovered in the trash can, two hooks one hinge, a few screws and a little glue. [Edit] Added the SVG file for sharing (I forgot it)

Custom 4x4 CNC

Nov 5, 2022
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

I started designing and ordering parts for this build back in Oct 2021. Unfortunately life got in the way and I had to sideline the project to deal with more important projects. I am now back working on this project full time. I originally was building a MPCNC on this torsion box platform I built but quickly realized how difficult it would be to produce anything with good accuracy. So I decided to design my own CNC that would be more robust and accurate.

Adjustable Router Guide Template

Feb 9, 2017
Everything Else
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Build Complete!

This project is an adjustable router guide template made with 20x60 V-slot. It was meant as a less expensive and more user friendly alternative to commercially available units.

3000x1500 CNC

Apr 25, 2014
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

Here is my Project A CNC 3000 mm by 1500 mm, with a 2.2kW spindle collet ER25 and 4 stepper motor nema 23 425oz-in. The purpose being to have a large work surface for a minimum cost.

Gantry Style CNC from plywood

Mar 4, 2021
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

I am currently 15 years old, from Germany and trying to build a low budged CNC router. I only designed this CNC based on other CNC routers that I have seen and what I am able of. It consists mostly of 2.3cm plywood to keep costs down. The size of the work area is approx. 40 x 80 cm. I would be really glad if you could give me advice's for improvement on the design and everything else ... ( I could really need your help :) ) enjoy :)

Plywood Built CNC Router

Apr 10, 2020
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This is my first build attempt, a large form (4x4ft.) 3 axis 4-motor CNC router table, . The build components are Baltic birch plywood, stepper motors, SBR linear bearings, and ball screws, LinuxCNC, Mesa controller.

Beamlazer Laser cutter CO2 100W

Jan 4, 2020
Laser Cutter Builds
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Build in Progress...

Hi everyone, im new to the world of lasercutters but i have been granted access for a Trotec laser for a while with old firmware and only compability trought Windows XP. Then i decided to build my own laser, with some easier workflow and support for Windows 10. Since im still a student i have limited resources, so i will try too use scrap parts as much as possible. I will publish photos and updates during my build continously. Gladly taking advices from others.

Hyatt and My Journey to Tonehenge

Dec 1, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

I'm conducing guitar loudspeaker cabinet fabrication technique research (material type/thickness, mechanical joints, adhesives, etc) and how these relate to cabinet/speaker coupling and enclosure resonance with respect to psycho-acoustics. Basically, does one speaker cab sound better than another and why?


Jul 25, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

Inpired by the OpenBuilds OX and PrintrBot Crawlbot. This is the LimpyCNC. It's still a work-in-progress. But it provides a 120x120cm work space without using up 150x150cm of garage space.

The Floating Dust Shoe

Feb 15, 2018
Everything Else
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Build Complete!

I wanted a dust shoe that have a easy access to tool change and something that kind of float on the surface. And I have seen shoes with long brush that sucked in by the vacuum. I think I have the solution too all that here.

Gluing frame for guitar tops and backs

Dec 25, 2018
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Build in Progress...

I have built four of these frames. The first pictured I have been using for maybe a year or two and bought the clamps. The last three I have made I have built my own clamps with openbuild parts. I am still working on the design. At present I use wedges to apply pressure to the side of the wood and block. I am working on a cam system to apply pressure. I just bought 8mm screws with Knobs for quicker adjustment. I will update the build when I make these improvements.

My new wood mill

Nov 30, 2018
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Build in Progress...

First and foremost, I want to create accurate parts for my model aircraft. In second line I am interested in the control and electronics of the milling machine. If you are interested in drawings and the parts list, feel free to contact me.

The Domino - 1.5m x 1m

Oct 27, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

DIY scratch build consisting of gas pipe, skate bearings, 12mm birch, 3/4 maple v-core ply, Nema 23's, and arduino and CNC shield with DRV8825's.


Mar 12, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Open builds style wood CNC router. Usable work aria 1000mm x 1250mm x 150MM (X x Y x Z). 80x40 C bleam for the Y axis , two 60x20 beams for X axis and a 60x20 fo Z. Interlocking GT3 belts for X and Y. Looking to change over to a rack and pinion system in the future. 8x8Tr Lead screw for the Z. Leadshine HBS507 close loop drivers and 3-phase servo motor 573HBM20-EC-1000 motors driving the Y and X axis. Would recommend them to anyone looking for servo like performance at a affordable price.

OffAxis CNC 1000x1500

Mar 1, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Cut Area: 825 x 1340. Max Cutting depth: 2 inches. Arduino based control with Nema 23 and Nema 17 drive. 8mm leadscrew and 2GT belt drive. 400W 48V quite cut spindle.

Warnke CNC Router

Sep 5, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

A blend of modular aluminum and steel bracketry built to yield fine cuts in hardwood and aluminum. An open table with a shiftable pin-fixture concept will allow the operator to shift longer than Y-travel work-pieces, such as doors, along the Y-axis of the table. This machine has a 44" (X) by 24" (Y) by 8" (Z) travel with water cooled VFD spindle motor, t-slot ext work table, cable carriers, side guards n dual y drives. Total weight (w/base-stand) is about 600lbs.

Kruk 0.1

Nov 27, 2016
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a stool, designed in 18mm wood for a cnc router, it's easily scaleable to different wood-thicknesses, in 18mm wood it takes up 1200*1200mm. It can be assembled without screws, nails or glue and can therefore also be easily disassembled.

Roberta Clementine

Jun 9, 2016
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The Roberta Clementine a proof of concept and progenitor to the series of printers I will be calling the Clementine Sisters. The printer is named after Pittsburgh Pirates baseball player Roberto Clemente. Although it is more accurate to say the printer is named after the school I work for which is named after Clemente the Roberto Clemente Charter School. http://www.myrccs.com Roberta is the first and not really built to last but instead built to test ideas and to produce the parts for successors

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