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KRE CO2 2x4 Laser

Large Format CO2 Laser Cutter

Build Author
jaron kennell
Rezo 1390 100W CO2 Laser

This laser is a beast. Designed by Jonathan Frost, and built with 45x45mm aluminum for ultimate rigidity. It has a 4'x3' bed with a pass through that can be utilized to cut full 8x4' sheets of plywood, and has a motorized bed. Rēzo is not only faster and more capable than lasers like Thunder Lasers Nova 51 and Aeon Nova 10, but the final build costs are 40-60% less than said commercially available machines. Plans can be found at

Build Author
openBuilds FreeBURN-1 V-slot CO2 Laser (60-100w)

DIY Lasercutter: Budget orientated, medium sized (60-100w), safety first, based on Lasersaur software toolchain
Vulcan: 750x1200 V slot 90W Co2 Laser

Tried to get best value and minimal footprint!

Build Author
45W CO2 Laser Build

A co2 laser build that is heavily inspired and based quite a bit off Pedro Fernandez' 50w co2 laser build. This is my first build post so, bare with me.
Y-1200 co2 laser

Y-1200 Build The Y-1200 has a cutting area of 1200 x 600mm and the main chassis has a external size of 1620 x 955 x 450mm. The recommended power output is 60-90W, this can also be increased with the use of an extension box. designed by furtherfabrication ROB CHESNEY FREELANCE INDUSTRIAL DESIGNER.
Budget friendly starter build

DIY CO2 laser build. Budget friendly, 2020 T/V-slot profiles and scalability.
Custom 40W Laser Cutter

So this is my custom 40W build. I wanted to make another laser similar to the one I built but a lot smaller and an all in one system so that if I ever decide to do a farmers market or something similar, I wanted to be able to put the laser on the back of the car and drive to whatever location. I think it's going to work. It will be see-through with lights and screens eveywhere. The lights alone should attract people like flies. That's the plan anyway.

Build Author
K40 ACRO Conversion

A K40 to ACRO Co2 laser cutter build. Designed and built to expand the work area of the K40

Build Author
Ariel Yahni

Modifying the K40 laser cuter stock gantry in favor of OpenBuilds superior and smoother movement. Also will provide me a better level control for easier beam alignment.
Custom build 80w Co2 Laser Cutter

Building a custom made 80W Co2 Laser cutter. Making it from scratch and it's a work in progress but I've learned a lot and I'll be sharing a bit of that knowledge with you guys since I've learned a lot from here.

Build Author
Co2 Laser Cutter/Engraver Rotary Attachment

Vslot rail system at work again, laser cutter/engraver rotary device for cylindrical objects .
The Franken Rotor

Yes another K40 Franken machine dedicated for round objects,,,

Build Author

I have completed some custom build 3d printers (i3 and delta style) and a cnc mill based on v-slot and c-beam. From the beginning the cnc was built to fit/change between router, 5w led laser module and plotter pen. While all three works great, the build is primarily focused on heavy duty milling and brings some disadvantages when it comes to laser - slow because of leadscrew motion system and not as powerful because of “only” led laser. That is why I have started this build of co2 laser machine.

Build Author
Openbuilds Table Top 50w Co2 Laser Cutter/Engraver

DIY build of a Co2 Laser cutter/engraver 12x24 working area.

Progetto di un laser CO2 da 50w Autocostruito, con scheda di controllo MKS Sbase v.1.3 Firmware Smoothieware versione CNC Struttura realizzata con profili T-slot 20x20 e 20x40
(Smaug) 100w 1500x1000mm CNC Laser

Laser CNC made with mostly Openbuilds and amazon sourced components. Lots of 3d printed components as well. The main purpose is to cut EVA foam.
Laser engraving machine

Second better project, high durable mainframe, silent work, non vibration.

Build Author
Beamlazer Laser cutter CO2 100W

Hi everyone, im new to the world of lasercutters but i have been granted access for a Trotec laser for a while with old firmware and only compability trought Windows XP. Then i decided to build my own laser, with some easier workflow and support for Windows 10. Since im still a student i have limited resources, so i will try too use scrap parts as much as possible. I will publish photos and updates during my build continously. Gladly taking advices from others.
Openbuilds Co2 80w Laser Cutter

Co2 80 watt openbuilds laser cutter, 1200mm laser tube, 1500x1000x500mm dimensions. Build frame first and then panels to be added.
Large format laser

Large format laser build for Student use at my school as well as some personal use.
Project Infinity co2 laser

1m x 1.8m 60w co2 laser build.

Build Author
The Franken Forty

This is a K40 machine conversion!!

Build Author
Lumberjack Engineering
SOLAC: Space Optimized LAser Cutter

The Space Optimized LAser Cutter is a 40 watt CO2 laser cutter that supports a maximum part volume of 24" x 16" x 6.25". It consists of a V-slot frame + brackets/mounts designed to be 3D printed on a consumer desktop printer. Total cost of the machine is ~ $1,400 USD.

Build Author
K40 Cube Laser Cutter

The k40 cube is a laser cutter build using mostly stock parts of the chinese k40 laser
80watt Lasercutter, workingarea 105x52[cm], steel frame

I will write a short buildlog here with mostly pictures. I designed this lasercutter in solidworks(not totally finished) for a good overview and such that the steel tubes could be lasercut by a company, the metal frame is based on the lasercutter the KÄSER, which you can find on The mechical parts are designed by myself because I had no mill to my use, so the mechnical parts are lasercut(same company as tube) steelplates welded together.
CO2 Tube life expectancy experiment - Sponsored in part by Openbuilds

Hypothesis - Running CO2 laser tubes at high amperage may shoirten tube life in number of hours, but will be made up for by the increase in actual inches engraved/cut using the higher power. This is a long term experiment, so the build status will remain as "Build in progress" until the experiment has been completed.

Build Author
Anthony Bolgar
L'FOX - Large Format OX deriviative. Designed and built by Revision 13 Prototypes

This build is for a testing rig to use while testing out different controller boards and CAM software for milling and routing. It is in the early stages, planning is complete, parts are ordered. Awaiting parts delivery to start build. Please not the BOM only covers parts from the OpenBuilds part store. I will be posting the other required items very shortly.

Build Author
openBuilds FreeBURN-2-Mini V-slot CO2 Laser (40-50w)

A new mini version of the FreeBurn CO2 Lasercutter
Fun and Functional Laser Build

A very fun and fulfilling build. I can't say enough about the whole Open Builds site and Open Source movement. I strongly believe this is the fastest and most creative way of getting ideas out of the mind, and onto the floor.
CO2 laser cutter

A build which is based on a metal frame and aluminium plate which I salvaged from a skip. The frame is sized to hold 19" rack units so I'll build my control box into a 3U rack unit (also salvaged). The area available for the build is 700x1200mm. I'll sling a 60W CO2 tube under the base, the beam path will be initially upward into the enclosure.
CO2 laser.

Here it is my intention to show what was involved in adding a CO2 laser to my existing CNC machine.