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ME - Laser CNC
Build of a small laser engraver using V-slot profiles and 3d printed parts
80watt Lasercutter, workingarea 105x52[cm], steel frame
I will write a short buildlog here with mostly pictures. I designed this lasercutter in solidworks(not totally finished) for a good overview and such that the steel tubes could be lasercut by a company, the metal frame is based on the lasercutter the KÄSER, which you can find on The mechical parts are designed by myself because I had no mill to my use, so the mechnical parts are lasercut(same company as tube) steelplates welded together.
Build Author zelos Views 18328
ZelosLaser Engraver/Cutter 2.0 : Sturdy & Versatile
Zelos Laser Cutter Version 2.0 GRBL Shield with Nema 17 motors. 2 Watt laser for cutting and fine grayscale pictures built very sturdy and modular
Build Author openhardwarecoza Views 27549
openBuilds FreeBURN-2-Mini V-slot CO2 Laser (40-50w)
A new mini version of the FreeBurn CO2 Lasercutter
Laser cutter project by students
This build is made by students from Fontys Hogescholen Eindhoven, department Engineering. Every quarter a new group continues the work of the previous group. We have been working on the project since september 2015, and as it is a work in progress, a lot will be added later. The first months have mainly been about designing and building an XY-table on which later all the electronic components will be added and the laser.