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zero z mongrel
long overdue overhaul of 1000 x 1000 machine
Build Author EvanH Views 2498
"Hawk" Heavy-duty dual-Z pseudo C-Beam
A compact, strong machine with very high Z clearance, yet can still mill aluminium easily.
Build Author Troy Proffitt Views 25465
Sphinx Upgraded plates / ballscrews and linear rail
Upgraded Sphinx Cbeam using 3/8 aluminum plates and linear rails / ballscrews
LR/BS CNC Router
An easy to source/easy to build, yet quite robust CNC router. This design has not yet be implemented.
Build Author Rob Taylor Views 17275
M4: 1510SS Heavy Mk.I
A 1500x1200mm, 20mm rail and 1610 ballscrew, heavy-duty, four-axis gantry machine. As high speed as spindle power MRR will allow for. Approx 4 x 3 x 1ft travels, intermediate size between benchtop and floor-scale units. Aiming at $10-15k machine in the $3k region.
Build Author Scott Martinez Views 10748
The Growler
This machine is a heavy duty, moving gantry style CNC router. It uses Teknic ClearPath servo motors driving ballscrews and linear rails. The machine has 36" x 48" x 19" of travel with about 7" of clearance below the gantry.
Build Author BeTrue3D Views 20845
BeTrue3D Printer
High Quality CoreXY with focus on quality and optimized printarea versus physical size of the printer.
Build Author evil2002usna Views 10743
Evil Ox
Cheap Ballscrew Ox CNC Router.
Heavy Duty build with 1605 Ballscrew and Linear Rail
Build Author C-CNC Views 13418
Gantry Style CNC from plywood
I am currently 15 years old, from Germany and trying to build a low budged CNC router. I only designed this CNC based on other CNC routers that I have seen and what I am able of. It consists mostly of 2.3cm plywood to keep costs down. The size of the work area is approx. 40 x 80 cm. I would be really glad if you could give me advice's for improvement on the design and everything else ... ( I could really need your help :) ) enjoy :)
Build Author mathom713 Views 8862
27" by 40" CNC
DIY design and build of a roughing 2' by 3.5' CNC router
Build Author Colin Russon Views 3256
Anti-Twist Design, larger lead screws, enhanced M8 wheel sets.
Build Author Yosmany325 Views 1821
Cartesian style CNC with a working area of around 360mm x 360mm x 120 mm (X, Y, Z) using Linear rails and ball screws. The linear rails are (Hiwin?) HGR 20mm x 520mm and the ball screws are SFU1204 (12mm lead 4mm) of around +/- 430 mm. The base structure is made from rectangular aluminum profiles of 70mm x 45mm x 3mm (thickness of walls).
1515 Deluxe
Build features include a double c-beam gantry (bonded & mechanically fastened), linear x rails, custom gantry end plates, a custom linear rail & ballscrew Z axis, and custom lead screw tensioning plates. The primary goal was to remove twist from the 1500mm gantry & stiffen the Z axis.
Build Author HuguesP Views 8430
Yet Another Chinese Linear Rail CNC, my first one, doing this mainly for the fun of building it more than using it.
Build Author Vunnie Views 6065
Workbee CNC on steroids
My First major improvement was changing the controller to a Acorn board. I loved the way a dedicated userinterface was speeding up my workflow. Next project my Y Axis. On Aliexpress I ordered a couple of 16mm ballscrews and some lineair rail. Before I took my gantry off I quickly made some aluminium profiles to fit my carriages. Withouth any doubt these improvements where worth it
ricks workbee build
i had the ox build and wanted to do a more beeffer style so i went with a workbee style machine ..
Build Author TurfnSurf Views 6344
Theoretical Working Area: 360x360x75mm Actual Working Area: 300x300x75mm Will Update Later
Brice's CNC Router Build
I'm building a CNC router for a long time. Here's the result on this long journee. I tried to do my best with the basic tools I have. Don't hesitate to ask if you have questions.
Build Author Michael.M Views 8732
Sphinx Evolution
Let me explain: About a year ago I was planning to build a CNC router of my own design. I started gathering components including the THK linear rails. I soon found out you pretty much need a CNC to build a CNC and this is when I decided to build my Sphinx machine. I've had these rails and some other parts sitting around so it's time I used them! I'm planning to incorporate linear rails and 1605 ballscrews into the Sphinx design. I really like the overall appearance of the Sphinx.
Build Author Colin Russon Views 8551
OX / X3 CNC / Similar Z axis / 1605 Linear Actuator
Z axes 1605 ballscrew, a comparative design proposal.
Build Author Julius Views 24121
OX Balls - 1605 Ballscrew Powered 1000mmx1000mmm OX derivative
1000x1000mm Ballscrew driven OX Derivative. Dewalt 611 spindle and TB6600 Drivers.
Build Author TurfnSurf Views 5513
3-Axis Plywood CNC
Theoretical Working area: 38" x 24" x 6" Actual Working Area: 31" x 23.6" x 4" Positioning Accuracy: about 0.01mm
Ox Stainless with ballscrews
Ox Stainless with ballscrews for motion, nema 23 steppers, LInuxcnc for control software. Using basic parts for frame from Makersupplies, and the rest sourced from ebay. Building a small router hoping it will be able to cut aluminum with decent results.
Linear Rail derivative with ball screw
basic start to design of cnc machine
Build Author evgeny156 Views 6602
3D Printer on Prusa architecture with best parts available
Wanna quet an nice looking device done by my hands
Delta 3D Printer
This is a Delta build using 1610 ballscrews from China