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OpenBuilds ACRO Z Axis
Z-Axis for OpenBuilds ACRO system. It is sturdy enough to carry a small drill.
Automated Media Blaster
Automated Media blaster retrofit.
Build Author jaron kennell Views 6641
Rezo 1390 100W CO2 Laser
This laser is a beast. Designed by Jonathan Frost, and built with 45x45mm aluminum for ultimate rigidity. It has a 4'x3' bed with a pass through that can be utilized to cut full 8x4' sheets of plywood, and has a motorized bed. Rēzo is not only faster and more capable than lasers like Thunder Lasers Nova 51 and Aeon Nova 10, but the final build costs are 40-60% less than said commercially available machines. Plans can be found at
Build Author EvanH Views 2338
"Hawk" Heavy-duty dual-Z pseudo C-Beam
A compact, strong machine with very high Z clearance, yet can still mill aluminium easily.
Lead 1515 tilting table and vertical table accessory
I wanted a CNC machine that was able to do dovetails and other box joints. I also wanted to have it be able to tilt so it would take up less space when I was working on other projects.
HYDRA multi tool CNC , based on ACRO
modifying ACRO
Z Floating Head
It's a Z floating head idea. Works well. Recommend cleaning the inside of your holes well with Q tips, and polishing the 1/4-20 bolts with car wax and you won't need oil as it slides perfectly. Hope this helps
Build Author openhardwarecoza Views 73063
openBuilds FreeBURN-1 V-slot CO2 Laser (60-100w)
DIY Lasercutter: Budget orientated, medium sized (60-100w), safety first, based on Lasersaur software toolchain
Build Author Ryan Lock Views 129537
WorkBee CNC Machine
The WorkBee is our latest CNC Machine and is a culmination of all our experience, feedback, and suggestions from selling the OX CNC Machine over the past 2 years. The WorkBee is capable of accurately cutting foams, woods, plastics or aluminum at depths greater than 25mm to 0.2mm accuracy or greater.
Build Author Ryan Lock Views 131695
Ooznest OX CNC Machine
The Ooznest OX CNC Machine Kit is based on the OX CNC Machine designed by Mark Carew, and it incorporates many upgrades from this community. The plate designs in our kit are based on the originals. However we have added our own touches to increase the performance and design of the machine. To complement Mark's build videos, we have made a complete written instruction manual, with IKEA'eske assembly diagrams.
Build Author Keith Davis Views 33761
OneZ i3
A quiet, 8inx8in build area, Cartesian printer with permanently level bed. This is a compact, solid, inexpensive printer that will reliably print any type filament for thousands of hours while you sleep, fish, or play ball in the park.
Build Author that-jim Views 8462
Z-Axis Upgrade For My Sphinx
Z-Axis Upgrade For My Sphinx
Build Author 2SIsurf Views 5142
Hotwire cnc Surfboards
Xl 2 axis foam cutter Eps Surfboard blanks Simple open concept but high production machine. Shape 3d case with open builds controller
Build Author OpenBuilds Views 3739
Multi Z LEAD Machine Addon
The Multi Z adds multiple Z axis to a LEAD CNC Machine allowing it to cut and carve 2 to 3 times the amount of projects in the tame it takes to make just one
Build Author Ted Moyer Views 4278
OLD Lead 1010 High Z Mod converted to Newest Lead 1515 with High Z mod, slimmer cbeam motor mounts, thrust bearings etc. Extended by original table out and upgraded my 1.5kw VFD and Spindle to 4kw ER20 Spindle and 7.5kw GT VFD
Y table for LEAD Lathe - essentially a High Z Cbeam XL
I built the lathe as a dedicated rotary axis, but I soon realized I could have a back up CNC for very little expense.
Build Author Indieflow Views 111697
Indie i2
A lightweight, portable, accurate 3D Printer that has a good sized print area and small overall footprint that is easy to build, with easy to source components. The design is OpenSource allowing those with the capability to make their own parts get up and running.
New Workbee Z Axis
Hopefully an upgrade of the Z axis of the Workbee.
Ooznest Ox with 3D Printed Gantry Plates
Ooznest Ox with gantry plates and end caps 3D printed in ABS rather than aluminum.
Build Author T4Concepts Views 73893
WorkBee CNC build - My honest opinion, tips and help
My main goal for my build is to have a machine that is capable of profiling and help me in my designs, for the manufacture of custom automotive headlights.
MiniMill Z Axis Upgrade with Offset Motor
Upgrade your Minimill with an off-set Z Axis Motor
Build Author shanehooper Views 13386
SolidCore CoreXY 3D Printer
Modular and Scalable CoreXY Printer with all metal parts.
A cabinet to keep a constant temperature for pizza or bread mother dough to grow.
Z Axis for ACRO
Created a small Z axis for the ACRO motion system. I wanted to more easily adjust the height of the laser to accommodate various thicknesses of material, without having to manually loosen screws to adjust. Also wanted to be able to vary the height for multiple cutting passes on some materials. Try to stick to a similar aesthetic as the original ACRO system and plates.
Build Author Tom Dirriwachter Views 6625
3DS Cube 3 Modular Extruder
How to modularize the 3D Systems Cube 3 extruder nozzle.
Build Author txcomp Views 6032
WorkBee 1010 "Get Rid of the Slop" Build
My goals for this build were to eliminate slop and flex while also allowing easy serviceability.
Build Author evil2002usna Views 10697
Evil Ox
Cheap Ballscrew Ox CNC Router.
Ooznest OX CNC Build
Ooznest OX CNC build
Z-Axis for Laser Diode
Custom Z Axis for OptLaser 6watt and the Acro System
Build Author Jacob Christiansen Views 5748
ACRO 1010 with custom Z axis
This is my build for an ACRO system with a custom z-axis for changing z height for focusing or for adjusting depth when making multiple passes when cutting.
TrueUp Glide
A Cartesian printer using bushings for the Z axis instead of wheels or linear bearings. The design also synchronizes two Z axis screws with a timing belt for a level lift. The ratio of the drive pulley and Z axis pulleys produce .005 lift per full step on a 200 step motor, eliminating layer resolution "drift" caused by microstepping.
Build Author Rob Taylor Views 9420
Grizzly G0758 Benchtop Mill Conversion
A proper CNC mill conversion. But quite small, with my trademark idiosyncracies.
Build Author sebf34 Views 30784
OX Based cnc 3000 x 1500 Double belt
OX Based CNC
YAWBM - Yet another Workbee Modification
Increase Z axis travel by 20-25mm with minimal modifications
Horizontal CNC V-Beem v1
V-Beem horizontal milling machine built on OpenBuilds components. Simple structure, great expansion possibilities, high stiffness.
Build Author Kims3DIY Views 17089
Beamlazer Laser cutter CO2 100W
Hi everyone, im new to the world of lasercutters but i have been granted access for a Trotec laser for a while with old firmware and only compability trought Windows XP. Then i decided to build my own laser, with some easier workflow and support for Windows 10. Since im still a student i have limited resources, so i will try too use scrap parts as much as possible. I will publish photos and updates during my build continously. Gladly taking advices from others.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 103364
V-Slot® NEMA 17 Linear Actuator Bundle (Lead Screw)
Example model of lead screw driven actuators for your next project!
My Ooznest Workbee V2.0 build
I'm new to this whole process, so this is a build by a newbie for newbies.
Build Author Andreas Bockert Views 10880
Sphinx Z-axis upgrade
Upgraded Z-axis for Sphinx-style CNC using ball screws and linear rails.
Workbee Z-axis Upgrade
Z-Axis upgrade with linear rails, SFU1204 Ball Screw and full aluminium construction.
ApiNui - CNC Router ( an oversized workbee )
Based on the WorkBee CNC, this is an oversized router built with a specific use-case in mind, for manufacutring beehives, and beehive components
Build Author David Florian Views 9170
Dual Extruders 3D Printer - Zidex Upgraded
How to build an Independent Dual EXtruder (IDEX) 3D printer from OpenBuilds parts.
Build Author SecretSpy711 Views 20498
Heavily upgrading my 1200x500 Shapeoko 2..., wait, scratch that... Building an all new machine, roughly the same size, that should be more rigid than a Shapeoko 3!
Build Author Keith Davis Views 16683
OneZ gets it's name from it's most unique feature - only motor for the Z axis while maintaining the stability of two bearing guides for the Z axis. Reduction to one Z motor eliminates need for auto bed leveling.
Build Author RobSaunders Views 15885
Laser Cutter/Engraver OptLaser 6W with Z-axis
This was my first attempt for a laser platform. I'm using the OpenBuilds ACRO 20"x40 platform, 6W OptLaser, homemade z height and the xPro driver board.
TrueUp Kit Version
A Cartesian printer using bushings for the Z axis instead of wheels or linear bearings. The design also synchronizes two Z axis screws with a timing belt for a level lift. The ratio of the drive pulley and Z axis pulleys produce .005 lift per full step on a 200 step motor, eliminating layer resolution "drift" caused by microstepping.
Build Author recoush Views 7888
CoreXY 3D build one
an 8020 build with 1010 extrusion (1") Square tubing Rough size is 24x24x36 (600x600x900) The expected usable print area 21.5x21.5X32"roughly (510x510x760) An XY 3D printer with 3 extruders and 3 Z-axis 0.9 degree motors the table (Z-AXIS) will lift up to the XY Carriage on 3 12mm linear rod and 3 8mm Lead screw's Corexy designs complete and Z-axis build is started don’t have a 3D cad system yet so building my prototypes on a pcb layout tool
Build Author Sir Bagels Views 2285
CNC Auto-pipette
Senior Design Project Bennett Robertson, Megan England University of Iowa College of Engineering
Build Author pek Views 78774
Prusa i3 Bear Upgrade V2
Stronger frame for Prusa i3 MK2(s), MK2.5 and MK3 3D printer
Build Author Todd Brous Views 4577
Modified Acro with build plate, Z-axis and OPT Laser
Modified Acro for laser engraving. Extra height and and a sturdy build surface for part fixtures, custom mount plates, OPT Laser, and a Z-Axis.
Build Author Keith Davis Views 18630
PrintAir CoreXY
A CoreXY/Bowden design with a belt driven Z axis. This is a box design without the front end of the box, making the print area and maintenance, like changing a nozzle, easily accessible.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 72063
Original PhlatPrinter
Phlatprinter foam cutting CNC machines are awesome space saving mills that use a rotary axis as a sheet feed.
Build Author Bikes and Beer Views 3990
The Forever Project
Workbee 1010 Lead Screw with water cooled spindle and enclosure
OoozNest WorkBee
A Journey on the WorkBee Build...
Build Author Jacob Lotter Views 4481
CNC ESS Controls System
My Controls box to run my Workbee 1510 That was retrofitted with Lead Screws as well as Lineal Bearings. The stock electrical configuration was not enough, so here are the Measures that I took to not only make this machine Run again, but to have fun with it, and make this system be able to run any CNC I run in the future with the installed microcontroller.
Build Author joetemus Views 5636
Shapeoko 2 Z-Axis Upgrade
This is a major redesign to the Z-axis of an otherwise stock Shapeoko 2.
Build Author David Hartkop Views 2319
Humanitarian Medical Instrument Sterilizer Made from RepRap Parts
Instructions to build an open-source off-grid medical instrument sterilizer that can be used by aid workers in places without reliable electrical power
Build Author Robert E. Nee Views 15261
Large cartesian gantry style 3D printer
This will be a fixed bed, v-slot implemented X,Y,Z axis gantry style 3D printer.
Build Author James Evanko Views 3412
Ball Trajectory Machine
Need to build a machine that accurately positions objects for processing by a computer vision algorithm? Here is an example of a machine that does that for a ball trajectory application. The black anodized V-rails work well for applications in optics and imaging where the machine needs to stay out of the limelight.
Build Author SCYBUCK Views 4516
eTrueUp Glide
A TrueUp Glide modified to use 20x40 V-Slot with a 300x300 bed.
Build Author Carl Siren Views 6730
CNC-machine 650by700
A home-made CNC-machine with a 1.5 kW air cooled spindle motor suitable for milling materials such as wood, plastic and soft metals. The work table is 650 mm wide by 700 mm deep and the maximum movement is set to 560 mm for the x-axis, 480 mm for the y-axis and 105 mm for the z-axis.
Build Author thehans Views 5694
Voxel OX with Helix Gear Z Transmission (single z motor)
This is a modification I made to my Voxel Ox 3D Printer Z axis, which synchronizes the Z leadscrews via a shaft and helical gear transmission. It prevents the two Z leadscrew from getting out of adjustment relative to each other, and uses a single Z motor instead of two. This build is just documenting the specific changes I have made to the Z-axis, since the frame and other axes are still from the original Voxel Ox design.
Build Author Julius Views 24028
OX Balls - 1605 Ballscrew Powered 1000mmx1000mmm OX derivative
1000x1000mm Ballscrew driven OX Derivative. Dewalt 611 spindle and TB6600 Drivers.
Been using the Ox now since 2015, so decided I should move on to C-Beam :-)
DIY anodizing power supply
How to make your own anodizing power supply on a budget
Build Author Keith Davis Views 4683
Torq Xtrdr
Light enough for high speed #3dprinting Strong enough for high speed #3dprinting
OX, of the house Steel
OOZNEST Style OX machine with 3D printed panels
Build Author Hussein Dermay Views 5617
Ooznest WorkBee 1000mm x 1000mm Screw Driven
I have decided to buy and build the ooznest workbee screw driven cnc (1000x1000) and also decided to use some plates and extrusions from the ox cnc. I will never use two machines anyway and hoping to build a strong base for the workbee.
Workbee 1000x1000 mm screw driven Full Kit From Ooznest
A short summary of my Workbee CNC Build. I try to update it where I can
Build Author Axnfell Views 2478
WorkBee 1000x2000 ACME Screw Version
Hoping to build a WorkBee 1000 x 1000 (2000) from parts and not a kit, cannot afford the kit in full so going the long way round...
Build Author TimVukman Views 3640
Unique Z
My original Tevo Tarantula kit was ok..... I had issues with the X gantry staying level. I got rid of the wheels and replaced them with linear block bearings. I still had some issues with the X gantry. I swapped out the plastic parts with aluminum which was much better. Still not what I want yet
Build Author bpatterson42 Views 2636
Inverted Y C-Beam Machine
Similar to C-Beam Machine build, but with inverted Y-axis assembly to shield drive screw. Integrated XZ gantry can be fixed to any solid surface. Build dimensions are 36" x 36" x 6".
Build Author Camvec Views 5609
WorkBee CNC full kit 1500mm x 1500mm
This will be my first build ever! Looking forward to it , just gotta finish the new workshop first then I'm on it!
c-beam XLarge with ZLarge
XLarge with ZLarge
Build Author Bill325 Views 1776
One more life for a cube
Modify a Gen1 Cube printer into a small cnc router to cut pcbs and light (VERY light) milling work. Also easy to swap out the rotary head and mount a laser head for engraving.
Build Author Teflon4 Views 15175
TZ C-Beam Machine Plate Maker
A Modified and augmented Ooznest C-Beam Machine Plate Maker.
Build Author Ronald van Arkel Views 15534
Upgrading the C-Beam machine
So we have new plates, stronger motors, belt drive reduction, but what should we do with them? In this article you might find the answer you were looking for as we took an “old” C-Beam machine and started to upgrade the X/Z body and added more torque and precision to the Z-axis.
Build Author Terone Burgenheim Views 5679
CoreXY - Tower Printer
I wanted to try a different way of operating the Z Axis so I setup a tower using 40x40. In the end it worked excellently and can easily print 60mm/s with 150mm/s travels. The coreXY is a very cool kinematic, and you can get some pretty great speed and accuracy. The main issue is the fact your Steps/mm are doubled, so the lower end motors don't like it at high speeds.
Build Author patdee Views 4096
777 CNC Build
To begin the "Build" I have ordered a few parts from OpenBuilds to get started. They are arriving today; according to "tracking". I cant wait! Praise Jesus! This 85 yr old man is getting a "New " life. Hallelujah and amen. Because I am building this on an existing machine, I have to be careful; so I will order some parts then see what I don't need (such as a base); along with parts that I may need to adapt it to the machine. It should be fun! "Caint wait!"
Build Author zelos Views 18226
ZelosLaser Engraver/Cutter 2.0 : Sturdy & Versatile
Zelos Laser Cutter Version 2.0 GRBL Shield with Nema 17 motors. 2 Watt laser for cutting and fine grayscale pictures built very sturdy and modular
Student OneZ
A simplified version of the TrueUp LZ. Designed for classrooms and students
Genesis XZ
CoreXZ implementation on 3d printer using Openbuild and RobotDigg parts.
Build Author jjcolletta Views 10449
First 3d build
I am building a simple home brewed printer. I have a background in industrial automation so I figured how hard could this be. The mechanical build was pretty smooth as was the electrical side. Now just getting plastic out the hotend is my stopping point.
Build Author Scotty Orr Views 10140
QuorXZ: A String-driven, Core XZ Printer
The QuorXZ doesn't magically appear. It's gestation takes time, careful attention, and requires many parts. However, when it is ready, a magical, mechanical instrument is born....(and when you finally say its name, it sounds a little bit like "corks").
Ooznest OX, Workbench, & Folding Table
An OX based unit with innovation surrounding it -- 9 drawers, workbench, folding CNC table, & portability.
1x1m Ooznest Ox
Building my first router and I choose the ooznest Ox since it looks to be the latest and greatest among routers.
Build Author mirage335 Views 6639
Portable, high-speed, low-cost advanced multi-tool desktop factory derived from LulzBot Taz and TazMega.
Build Author mikev Views 7652
C-Beam Evolution MkII
The C-Beam Evolution is an evolving machine. The MkII is inspired by Kyo's C-Beam Spinx but currently uses my own design of plates made of 8mm acrylic (X-axis ends) and 6mm polycarbonate (Y axis ends). The plates were made on the MkI but I hope to be able to make 6mm aluminium plates on the MkII for the MkIII.
This build is inspired by the Lulzbot Taz printers and makes use of the new OpenBuilds C-Beam
Build Author DistortedDesigns Views 32922
Project Death Star - DistortedDesigns Laser Engraver
2 watt Laser Engraver, Simple, Fairly Low Cost, and Portable
CoreXY Tower
CoreXY Table with Symmetric Lead Screw Z axis, Build volume: 293mm x 290.75mm x 223.83mm
3D printer inspired by the Bukito
I have been working on this project for something like 3 years on and off, sometimes leaving it for a few months. Now I really want to finish it. For me, the mechanical part was the easy (though long) part because I get to use about 17 CNC machines and MasterCAM and I am a machinist. The hard part is the electronics part. Had a few problems getting Windows to communicate to the X5 Mini via the USB cable but found something on the Smoothie forum and got the machine moving.
Build Author Linkreincarnate Views 2491
Amazon Special
I have parts that are apparently not suited to a cnc router or a 3d printer. I am still trying to figure out what to make out of what I have,
Ooznest build - 1500mm x 1000mm
Its the first build for me so its just the story of me attempting to build the kit and hopefully end up with something I can use. Hopefully without destroying anything or anyone.
My first OX build
This is the story of my experience building a 1000 x 750mm OOZNest OX CNC router
Build Author Maxime Favre Views 8722
SmoothiebrainZ CBeam Machine
Modded Plate maker with: Smoothiebrainz board and DQ542MA SN04 Endstops Modded Z axis Aluminium build plate and renforced Y axis Dust shoe
Build Author Tim Pierce Views 12935
Openbuilds V slot Rail extrusion retrofits for Lulzbot 4/5 Taz Printers (X, Y and Z axis)
This project shows how to use Openbuilds Vv slot extrusions and wheels to retrofit a Lulzbot Taz 4 or 5 printer. These modifications improve layer consistency, eliminate nozzle and bed sag, and allow for larger toolhead mounting. Project updates and newer accessory files may be located at
Cheap linear rail set up for z-axis
A easy to do cheap upgrade for the z axis
Build Author Anglesachse Views 8316
Corexy, with possible head change (3d, cnc, laser)