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Ox cnc improvements chain driven
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Just ox cnc experiment
Build Author David Florian Views 9280
Dual Extruders 3D Printer - Zidex Upgraded
Cartesian Style Bots
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How to build an Independent Dual EXtruder (IDEX) 3D printer from OpenBuilds parts.
Build Author THE LINK Views 4427
2020 First build.
H-Bot and Core XY
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Probably cheapest DIY build youl see.
Build Author Tinker Views 7879
Kitchen Space Saver
Furniture Builds
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The frame is made from all open builds parts, add the rubber feet and pads for the glass. The glass is clear 12" x 16" x 1/4" with a polished edge. A light basket slides on the countertop.
Build Author Joey Selzler Views 12414
My JGro CNC becomes an OpenBuild Project
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
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This is the story of my progression from the JGRO cnc router design to using the OpenBuild system. In the process I think I have learned some things about cnc routers and the accuracy required to make a good build.
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