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Workbee CNC 1500
Trying to build a machine of atleast 4x4ft working area. Work is in progress, hope to finish it soon
Build Author Larry_AK Views 9482
Pretty much a straight OPENBUILDS OX that slowly getting some modifications.
Build Author Robert E. Nee Views 15575
Large cartesian gantry style 3D printer
This will be a fixed bed, v-slot implemented X,Y,Z axis gantry style 3D printer.
Build Author Jason Harding Views 3415
Mobile bed cnc machine, first build
Currently i am reworking the frame still with current available parts just going to buy material to make the y and the z axis from openbuilds. The x axis is now going to be mobile similar to a 3d printer style.
Homemade CNC
This started as an attempt to learn to weld and quickly took on a life of its own.
Ez3D - Phoenix 3D Printer Build
This is my 1st submission to and my 1st venture into building a 3D Printer. The Phoenix 3d Printer is a kit from Ez3D, a company based out of Colorado, started and backed by successful Kick-starter and IndieGogo campaigns. The Phoenix 3d Printer kit is currently backlogged 10 to 12 weeks which means quite a wait. I will be chronicling my experience with this kit as I get it done.
Build Author inhan Views 11993
I am very grateful to Mark Carew with passion and imagination. Therefore, the machine is good, but making the website there too daedanhaeseo The end of the same either way to invisible homework. Thank you for allowing openbuilds team submitted to the challenge once again for those with a passion that I feel like in Korea, I want to be a great help.
This build will hopefully be 18x18x24 build space using RAMPS 1.4 with Marlin firmware. Using NEMA 17 motors and belts to drive the X and Y axis, lead screws for the Z axis. The build plate will be heated with a delrin Y carriage for the glass and heatbed. Z axis motors will be top mounted. Possibly and ATX power supply.