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Rotary Axis OX Derivitive
A Rotary Axis CNC router based on the OX CNC Router
Build Author Rob Taylor Views 17290
M4: 1510SS Heavy Mk.I
A 1500x1200mm, 20mm rail and 1610 ballscrew, heavy-duty, four-axis gantry machine. As high speed as spindle power MRR will allow for. Approx 4 x 3 x 1ft travels, intermediate size between benchtop and floor-scale units. Aiming at $10-15k machine in the $3k region.
Build Author Jason @ MCC Views 10675
QueenBee Pro CNC Router and Lathe
A 1000x1500mm QueenBee Pro with a 4th Axis Rotary attachment/Lathe Bed.
Build Author Serge E. Views 59561
myOX : a 4' x 2' OX CNC with potential
This is the story of me building myOX - my version of the "ideal" OX. I want a machine which can route/mill at least 4' wide and as long as I can feed through (don't be shy, think "infinity") as well as going deep on multiple faces - manual 4th axis. I have loads of ideas to take myOX towards that goal and way beyond. Time will tell. Just follow along through this build and possibly a few others along the way ... Check out my OXCalculator : let your computer figure out your BoM
What I'm doing is pretty self explanatory. I've put a few pictures up
C Beam Rotary
I've used the good work of Openbuilds & expanded it to suit.
Rotary CNC
I'm building a machine specifically for doing 4th axis work on woodwind instruments.
Build Author Blyn3D Views 5543
Fourth Axis Mill Prototype
I really like the 4th axis I purchased a few years back, but when I went looking for it again the suppliers who once carried it no longer do. Anyone know who makes it? Center hole receives collets. I own a ShopSmith so I am using a 5/8th rod and can mount it's chucks onto this machine. Also I like the use of the skateboard wheels, they are adjustable and one could use more sets over a longer axis. The Sherline z-axis is not my first choice, I just had a spare.