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Much4 - LaserV printed version
By following the way of Robert Hummel, I drew a version of its exellent Laser V to use NEMA17 and easily printable parts.
Build Author Leonard Cross Views 35500
Workbee CNC Router/Laser/Plotter
A CNC machine with an expansive 30x30" work area, supporing a router, laser, simple plotting and work monitoring camera. Control includes a tethered control box, game controller style jog control, and relay controlled AC outlets for all appliances. Accessories include a 3D printed dust shoe, a complete spoilboard and hold down system, an XYZ touch probe and multiple vacuum retention boards to support full profile routing.
Build Author HPB Views 42368
A simple XY laser engraver/cutter
A simple low-cost XY plane laser engraver/cutter inspired by the Much 4 laser build, with minimal parts and assembly time. Uses standard off the shelf components in almost 90% of the build with the exception of the axes motor and wheel mounts which need to be 3D printed.
Build Author viktop Views 22216
Simple Cnc System (arduino Grbl)
Arduino powered simple CNC system using GRBL firmware. Designed to give the most function using the very least number of parts at the lowest price.
A Rolling Plotter
To build a simple plotter that rolls along the length of large paper, foam core or other flat objects.
Build Author Anglesachse Views 27140
Pot Plotter
My version of the Mug Plotter designed by Teed . Also used the Eibotboard from the original eggbot from evilmadscientists A huge thanks to Hexitex for his brilliant Four jaw chuck
SB Plotter
Large floor or wall mounted plotter design.
Build Author David E. Flores E. Views 1732
DaveWare DrawBot
Turning my prototypes into real objects, it will be required a great amount of drawings, A LOT. Therefore, against the ink costs raise price push me to think in a way to draw models, blueprints, etc. at very, VERY low cost. This is where my DrawBot was born
Build Author mjenkins5720 Views 2224
Modified LEAD machine
At the moment this build is in progress, I will be updating the files as I finish the remainder of the machine. This machine is intended to be a multipurpose CNC, but a bit bigger than a desktop unit. The machine is scalable in the X and Y axis.
Pen Plotter
All metal A3 CoreXY pen plotter
Pneumatic cnc cutter with festo drive
CNC Glass cutter