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Build Author Sir Bagels Views 2344
CNC Auto-pipette
Senior Design Project Bennett Robertson, Megan England University of Iowa College of Engineering
YAWBM - Yet another Workbee Modification
Increase Z axis travel by 20-25mm with minimal modifications
Build Author David Florian Views 9268
Dual Extruders 3D Printer - Zidex Upgraded
How to build an Independent Dual EXtruder (IDEX) 3D printer from OpenBuilds parts.
Build Author txcomp Views 6084
WorkBee 1010 "Get Rid of the Slop" Build
My goals for this build were to eliminate slop and flex while also allowing easy serviceability.
Z Axis for ACRO
Created a small Z axis for the ACRO motion system. I wanted to more easily adjust the height of the laser to accommodate various thicknesses of material, without having to manually loosen screws to adjust. Also wanted to be able to vary the height for multiple cutting passes on some materials. Try to stick to a similar aesthetic as the original ACRO system and plates.
Workbee Z-axis Upgrade
Z-Axis upgrade with linear rails, SFU1204 Ball Screw and full aluminium construction.
Build Author shanehooper Views 13558
SolidCore CoreXY 3D Printer
Modular and Scalable CoreXY Printer with all metal parts.
ApiNui - CNC Router ( an oversized workbee )
Based on the WorkBee CNC, this is an oversized router built with a specific use-case in mind, for manufacutring beehives, and beehive components
Build Author 2SIsurf Views 5238
Hotwire cnc Surfboards
Xl 2 axis foam cutter Eps Surfboard blanks Simple open concept but high production machine. Shape 3d case with open builds controller
HYDRA multi tool CNC , based on ACRO
modifying ACRO
Build Author Jacob Christiansen Views 5836
ACRO 1010 with custom Z axis
This is my build for an ACRO system with a custom z-axis for changing z height for focusing or for adjusting depth when making multiple passes when cutting.
A cabinet to keep a constant temperature for pizza or bread mother dough to grow.
New Workbee Z Axis
Hopefully an upgrade of the Z axis of the Workbee.
Y table for LEAD Lathe - essentially a High Z Cbeam XL
I built the lathe as a dedicated rotary axis, but I soon realized I could have a back up CNC for very little expense.
Build Author Ted Moyer Views 4353
OLD Lead 1010 High Z Mod converted to Newest Lead 1515 with High Z mod, slimmer cbeam motor mounts, thrust bearings etc. Extended by original table out and upgraded my 1.5kw VFD and Spindle to 4kw ER20 Spindle and 7.5kw GT VFD
Build Author OpenBuilds Views 3807
Multi Z LEAD Machine Addon
The Multi Z adds multiple Z axis to a LEAD CNC Machine allowing it to cut and carve 2 to 3 times the amount of projects in the tame it takes to make just one
Z Floating Head
It's a Z floating head idea. Works well. Recommend cleaning the inside of your holes well with Q tips, and polishing the 1/4-20 bolts with car wax and you won't need oil as it slides perfectly. Hope this helps
Automated Media Blaster
Automated Media blaster retrofit.