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Rotary Axis OX Derivitive
A Rotary Axis CNC router based on the OX CNC Router
Laser Rotary Tool / Attachment
Rotary attachment to engrave cylindrical objects on laser machines
Dedicated Compact Rotary Axis Laser Engraver
Compact Dedicated Rotary Axis Laser Engraver
Build Author boutrous Views 8126
Laser Rotary Attachment
Build Summary updated after parts list completed
Rotary CNC
I'm building a machine specifically for doing 4th axis work on woodwind instruments.
Build Author Jason @ MCC Views 10960
QueenBee Pro CNC Router and Lathe
A 1000x1500mm QueenBee Pro with a 4th Axis Rotary attachment/Lathe Bed.
Build Author Beam Views 10030
DIY Flywheel Camera Slider
My take on a non affordable slider.
Build Author Jovian Views 27865
Proteus is the Greek God of change. Besides the numerous aspect of 3D printing that this could relate to this machine like the god can change. The Build allows for an interchanging head that will allow different functionality to be quickly and easily adapted. So you could print clay, silicon, plastic, cut with a laser cutter or even attach a rotary tool
T-slot, v-slot, aluminum angle make up the majority of the structure.
Vacuum laser table
Large 10’x6’ vacuum table made from steel tubing and 1/4 inch steel plate
Build Author James Evanko Views 6190
Laser Displacement Golf Ball Scanner
Getting an accurate scan of a golf ball can be difficult with general-purpose 3D scanners. This purpose-built golf ball scanner uses a very accurate Keyence LK-081 laser displacement sensor with an Open Builds linear actuator for the vertical axis and a Sherline CNC rotary table for the turntable. Scan detail is determined by the sample step size and can be set arbitrarily based on desired scan time.
Rotary Axis for Laser Engraver/Cutter
This is a fully adjustable, low profile rotary axis for your Laser Cutter. Many OpenBuilds components are used, plus a handful of 3D printed parts.
Rotary axis for Workbee
Adding a rotary axis to the Workbee 1010. Including height modifications to the Workbee.
Build Author Ted Moyer Views 4489
OLD Lead 1010 High Z Mod converted to Newest Lead 1515 with High Z mod, slimmer cbeam motor mounts, thrust bearings etc. Extended by original table out and upgraded my 1.5kw VFD and Spindle to 4kw ER20 Spindle and 7.5kw GT VFD