Build Author jpjoshua Views 11405
Arduino Grbl Laser CNC
Arduino powered Laser CNC using GRBl firmware.
Plasma CNC, 4'6" × 8'8" v0318
A plasma table able to cut 4'6" x 8'8" sheet. Low cost as possible.
Laser engraver
Just a little light duty laser engraver.
ORCA Laser Build
This is my take on the Acro Laser system made from mostly salvaged, scrap, or leftover parts. I modified the plates in an attempt to maximize the cutting area and I wanted a lightweight adjustable Z axis.
Build Author pedrofernandez Views 7069
ACRO 20x20
The Acro Laser Machine Build
Silverchris's Laser Cutter
Work in Progress of a laser cutter design. Based on the CoreXY build from
Big CNC plasma cutter
more later
ACRO 150 X 150 CM
Openbuilds ACRO
New 2 watt laser platform
Acro based 2 watt laser platform
Build Author brw_racing Views 15016
3d printed 2.5' X 2.5' cnc plasma cutting machine
Improvements to a cnc plasma cutter i designed a while back. Not that it really needs it to work but i think it could be an improvement.
Build Author cory stafford Views 4172
Home built laser cutter
This is a laser cutter built with intent to use arduino as controller for a co2 cutting laser.
My 80w Laser build (1000x1000 cutting area)
This is a 80w laser which I am building (picture of the case) the frame is constructed with normal square tubing with plastic corners. this laser needs to live outside
80watt Lasercutter, workingarea 105x52[cm], steel frame
I will write a short buildlog here with mostly pictures. I designed this lasercutter in solidworks(not totally finished) for a good overview and such that the steel tubes could be lasercut by a company, the metal frame is based on the lasercutter the KÄSER, which you can find on The mechical parts are designed by myself because I had no mill to my use, so the mechnical parts are lasercut(same company as tube) steelplates welded together.
Laser Mount
This is a mount I wanted to build for a laser project using OpenBuilds part router mount.
Build Author zelos Views 18355
ZelosLaser Engraver/Cutter 2.0 : Sturdy & Versatile
Zelos Laser Cutter Version 2.0 GRBL Shield with Nema 17 motors. 2 Watt laser for cutting and fine grayscale pictures built very sturdy and modular
Build Author Karan Singh Sisodia Views 8105
CNC Laser
CoreXY based CNC Laser machine.
C-Beam XXLarge "Laser "Tank""
A re-imagining of Dollarz81's XXL Tank in Laser form
4' by 2' Lasercutter
4foot by 2 foot, 10W El-Cheapo blue laser
DIY LED acrylic lamp
This is a simple lamp using only 2 LEDs & 2 AAA batteries.
60W CNC Laser build
Laser CNC, 60W, didn't have one yet... have to :) This build is a retrofit of a surgical laser into a CNC.
CO2 Tube life expectancy experiment - Sponsored in part by Openbuilds
Hypothesis - Running CO2 laser tubes at high amperage may shoirten tube life in number of hours, but will be made up for by the increase in actual inches engraved/cut using the higher power. This is a long term experiment, so the build status will remain as "Build in progress" until the experiment has been completed.
Build Author COMsulting Views 9154
1x1 Meter Laser Engraver
Building of a big open frame laser engraver.
The Laserbox
A low cost and easy to build laser cutter based on 2.8w laser diode .
Build Author Anthony Bolgar Views 10940
L'FOX - Large Format OX deriviative. Designed and built by Revision 13 Prototypes
This build is for a testing rig to use while testing out different controller boards and CAM software for milling and routing. It is in the early stages, planning is complete, parts are ordered. Awaiting parts delivery to start build. Please not the BOM only covers parts from the OpenBuilds part store. I will be posting the other required items very shortly.
Build Author DistortedDesigns Views 33073
Project Death Star - DistortedDesigns Laser Engraver
2 watt Laser Engraver, Simple, Fairly Low Cost, and Portable
plasma cnc
Homemade plasma cnc
Build Author openhardwarecoza Views 27578
openBuilds FreeBURN-2-Mini V-slot CO2 Laser (40-50w)
A new mini version of the FreeBurn CO2 Lasercutter
Build Author Hytech2k Views 32945
Triple Shot R-P-M Area 51 CNC Parts
We wanted to create a rapid prototyping machine with excellent 3D printing, laser cutting and engraving, and light CNC router work capabilities.
laser gantry use mini v end block my own design
i always make laser cutting machine, but when i see openbuilds, this can make more cheap gantry for make laser cutting.
Small Laser Engraver Concept
Low cost Laser Engraver build using all off-the-shelf components.
Fun and Functional Laser Build
A very fun and fulfilling build. I can't say enough about the whole Open Builds site and Open Source movement. I strongly believe this is the fastest and most creative way of getting ideas out of the mind, and onto the floor.
Build Author Dave420 Views 13544
10 x 5 ft plazma table build
Attaching V Slot or mutable V Slot end on end to a larger steel frame table.
CO2 laser cutter
A build which is based on a metal frame and aluminium plate which I salvaged from a skip. The frame is sized to hold 19" rack units so I'll build my control box into a 3U rack unit (also salvaged). The area available for the build is 700x1200mm. I'll sling a 60W CO2 tube under the base, the beam path will be initially upward into the enclosure.
Update for my 3D Printer - Big Size
I like combo machines, so I upgrade my 3D Printer with a Laser. It is a double head combination. The Laser is easy removable.
laser add-on for C-Beam machine
3.8 W laser add-on for C-Beam machine. Can easily be swapped with the router.
Powder coated multi CNC Z Axis plasma adapter with Prox.
Powder coated multi CNC Z Axis plasma adapter with Proximity sensor. . It can also hold a 80mm Router head/Spindle as seen in my router build.
Laser cutter
In the expo projects during the second year of engineering students. the project group who made this rapport made a laser cutter for the students of Fontys Hogeschool Engineering to use this machine for creating parts for their projects. The goal of Project Laser Cutter is to build a laser cutter, which is safe and can be used within the school. Also it has to be able to cut through 10 millimetres thick acrylic material or 10 millimetres thick plywood. This project will follow the V-model. This
Laseroko Laser Engraver Build
After expanding a Shapeoko 2 with the rails and motors left over, make yourself a laser engraver.
Large Laser cut table build
Large 6 x 10 foot laser table build. New to building CNC
CO2 laser.
Here it is my intention to show what was involved in adding a CO2 laser to my existing CNC machine.
Laser cutter project by students
This build is made by students from Fontys Hogescholen Eindhoven, department Engineering. Every quarter a new group continues the work of the previous group. We have been working on the project since september 2015, and as it is a work in progress, a lot will be added later. The first months have mainly been about designing and building an XY-table on which later all the electronic components will be added and the laser.
core xy smoothie
i had som left over parts and i dit like to test the corexy control so this is wat i came up with. sorry bad englich.
Build Author Mohammed Iskandarani Views 20657
Large 1500x1000 Laser V
I am building a Laser cutter based off Robert Hummel's Laser V design.