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RiNo Route

Jan 5, 2017
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Build Complete!

A CNC router designed to handle a 4'x8' sheet, for as close to $2000 as possible. The price barrier resulted in my choice to use timing belts rather than leadscrews or rack&pinion. Build List still being updated

Need a catchy name - enlarging CNC

Mar 27, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

The aim of this build is to have a CNC that can cut a FULL sheet of wood when I need it to, but also shrink down and cut smaller sheets the rest of the time. The prototype is based on an OX cnc but soon it will be completely custom using Openbuilds Parts


May 16, 2016
Cartesian Style Bots
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Build in Progress...

ELECTRONICS - ARDUINO Mega 2560 + RAMPS 1.4 + power supply 12V - Leadshine DM 5042 external driver + Power supply 36V + NEMA 23 stepper motor SOFTWARE - Repetier Host to communicate with the Ramps - ARDUINO to upload the firmware (Marlin) MECANIC - V-Slots rails 40x40 + home-made plates - everything goes fine on the side of the build

3D printer inspired by the Bukito

Aug 22, 2016
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Build in Progress...

I have been working on this project for something like 3 years on and off, sometimes leaving it for a few months. Now I really want to finish it. For me, the mechanical part was the easy (though long) part because I get to use about 17 CNC machines and MasterCAM and I am a machinist. The hard part is the electronics part. Had a few problems getting Windows to communicate to the X5 Mini via the USB cable but found something on the Smoothie forum and got the machine moving.

1500mmx500mm Kossel Delta

Feb 3, 2017
Delta Bots
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Build in Progress...

Please, look over my build and make any recommendations you can think of! I haven't figured out how long my arms need to be yet. Nor have I done any shopping around to find better prices...

Budget 1500mm OpenBuilds V-Slot Deltabot Build

Jan 24, 2017
Delta Bots
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Build in Progress...

This 1500mm tall Delta is a work in progress. The triangle corners are water jetted from 1" 6061 Aluminum, and are welded to 1" square tubing. The 1500mm OpenBuilds 20x20 V-Slot extrusions are held into the corner brackets by two stainless steel set screws per bracket. This printer will need to be reinforced with wall brackets due to the combination of height/materials.

Openbuilds V slot Rail extrusion retrofits for Lulzbot 4/5 Taz Printers (X, Y and Z axis)

Jun 20, 2016
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This project shows how to use Openbuilds Vv slot extrusions and wheels to retrofit a Lulzbot Taz 4 or 5 printer. These modifications improve layer consistency, eliminate nozzle and bed sag, and allow for larger toolhead mounting. Project updates and newer accessory files may be located at http://www.thingiverse.com/piercet/designs

The Bull Dog, A RoverCNC OX based 1500mm x 1500mm CNC - Tutorial build

Jan 20, 2016
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I have based this build on the OX build so I will not be going into too much detail of specefic assembly modules as they asre so well covered by Mark Carew already, but will go through the complete build on video. I will be addig additional tutorials on steppers and the other electronic parts as needed though as this project is sponsored by RS Components in the form of most of the Electronics and this is also the key focus of my YouTube channel www.youtube.com/c/thebreadboardca.

pain in my ox

Mar 21, 2015
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
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Build in Progress...

build is in process the machine went together perfectly no issues at all but the software is another issue I have been trying to get the thing dialed in it is driving me nuts I'm still in the process will update if I ever get it figured out

Pretty Standard + Slave X Axis

Sep 12, 2015
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Build in Progress...

Planning my build, just looking for design input at the moment. I definitely want a slave X axis. I am potentially going to go with one of the 1500W Chinese water cooled spindles.

openbuilds rovo 1000mmx1000mm(rovo x)(korea)

Jun 28, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

Open build rovo 1000mm * 1000mm. (Rovo x ver) 20.06.2015 now in progress. rovo kit is the 10th product. 8th rovo 750,9 th rovo1000, 10th rovo x ver progress at the same time. 10th item is an aspect of 1000. It changes the size and z-axis has been up.

Little Big OX

Jun 5, 2014
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A complete CNC newbie is tackling a mighty challenge, Not only is he making a CNC router, He's going to try and upsize it.

PROTODERA 5-axis CNC machine

Jan 17, 2015
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

We are a team representing private industry and public university all concerned about community. In the place i'm from we face problems related to prototyping industry, there's no accesibility to it, not because there is not machines to work with but the costs are really high if i want to make a single piece of any idea in order to develop a concept, our students get their degree but never were able to try any of the Hass or 3d systems machines available as it seems they need a PhD.

Aluminum Ox

Mar 15, 2014
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I have been looking for a good solid kit to build off of for some time and when I saw the Ox buildlog I knew I had to have one. Ordered most of the pieces from Open Builds and started planning. Had a nice gentleman named Chris cut the required plates from 6061 aluminum for me (he sells them on eBay now if you're interested) and got to work.

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