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My Workbee 1010

Feb 2, 2019
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a workbee 1010 build using the mechanical parts from Open Builds. The electrical and electronic parts were from a prior build of a Root 3 CNC by Sailor Pete.

Mushu - Large Scale CoreXY

May 6, 2019
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

20x26x28 inch Build Volume CoreXY. Unlike many builds, I've decoupled the XY movements from the Z-Axis lead screws to help prevent Wobble, will be using linear guide rails, and mains powered bed heater, and a bed that is Allowed to thermally grow. This build is JUST narrow enough to fit through a standard sized doorway.

Laser Displacement Golf Ball Scanner

Jul 26, 2019
Turntable 3D Scanner
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Getting an accurate scan of a golf ball can be difficult with general-purpose 3D scanners. This purpose-built golf ball scanner uses a very accurate Keyence LK-081 laser displacement sensor with an Open Builds linear actuator for the vertical axis and a Sherline CNC rotary table for the turntable. Scan detail is determined by the sample step size and can be set arbitrarily based on desired scan time.

Plywood Built CNC Router

Apr 10, 2020
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is my first build attempt, a large form (4x4ft.) 3 axis 4-motor CNC router table, . The build components are Baltic birch plywood, stepper motors, SBR linear bearings, and ball screws, LinuxCNC, Mesa controller.

Rotary Axis for Laser Engraver/Cutter

Oct 9, 2019
Laser Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a fully adjustable, low profile rotary axis for your Laser Cutter. Many OpenBuilds components are used, plus a handful of 3D printed parts.

Rack and Pinion Cartesian Mill

Mar 30, 2020
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a rework of a previous build I did on here, a mostly printed cartesian CNC. Initially intended to just be an update to that, but so many things changed including the linear motion and every single part has been modified significantly that I felt as though it deserved a whole new build.

Plasma CNC machine

Jan 17, 2020
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The plasma CNC that I have built has a water table that measures 1350mm x 650mm. The water is flooded onto the cut area while cutting and recycled around with a pump. This is to reduce smoke, cool the metal being cut to reduce distortion and also to keep sparks to a minimum. Most of the machine has been made from aluminium , the frame and table from steel, the water table, stainless steel.

Lead 1010 Build - Anything but stock.

Feb 24, 2020
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is a lead 1010 build that I wanted to have a little fun with. I purchased the whole Lead 1010 kit, and felt like studying a few shortcomings of the original to see if I can improve it or just have some fun with it.

Sphinx Derived Router

Jul 6, 2020
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I Like the Sphinx design thought I would attempt my first build. I wanted to build this and use Arduino controller with GRBL to be able to learn and understand my machine.

Raspberry Pi CNC Software

Mar 17, 2020
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The main objective is to build a software which can completely run on a single board computer, Rasbperry Pi, to reduce the complete cost of building a cnc machine. The software is extensively tested and can be run on any raspberry pi 2/3 boards. With no G-Code dependency, you can do complex 3D relief carving to simple tasks with simple GUI based project development environment. Please go through the YouTube channel for more details https://youtu.be/8KOXqLpvscg

Microwave Filter Tuner

Apr 8, 2020
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The Microwave Filter Tuner (MFT) combined with the University of Regina’s tuning algorithm automatically tunes microwave filters by using a custom CNC machine with a computer vision system for identifying, mapping, and tuning each filter element, providing improved consistency, flexibility, and accuracy compared to traditional methods. The MFT is low cost and is capable of tuning multiple filter configurations with minimal preparation.

Mighty Chihuahua

Oct 26, 2020
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The idea was to use materials from previuos failed projects into a succesful one. I have build this tiny but powerfull CNC machine mainly using the universal gantry plates for the X and Y axis. Also another innovative part is the fact that I assembled the Z gantry with 2 aluminum sections of 20X40 and one aluminum seccion of the 20X20. I used NEMA 17 stepper motors with GT2 pulleys. This was designed on Fusion360

750x750 Plasma cutter table

Dec 15, 2020
Plasma Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

It startet in May with some leftovers from a cnc router build. Now in the middle of December its 99% finish. Everything is lowcost, spend about 1600$ so far.

The dwarf

Jan 20, 2021
Other Style CNC Mills
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is a build for those of us that want to work fairly large but are in a tight space and budget

Corexy laser

Jul 26, 2021
Laser Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I have tested my Opt Lasers laser module on a "open" frame for some time. Decided that I want to test a corexy setup and combine it with a boxed/enclosed design - my goal is to get high precision + a safe setup with protection from the laser light + a fan to extract the smoke/exhaust..

ME - Cloner 3d printer

Feb 17, 2022
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I decided to start designing this printer, this will be my solution for a more rugged printer that you can use as workhorses...

M10CUBE PICO CNC. A Universal Controller

May 12, 2022
Circuit - Software Project
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

An attempt is to be a Unified Modular Controller based on M10CUBE platform. For GRBLHAL and MARLINHAL applications. HAL porting is under way 1 - WIZnet Pico Clone W5100S-EVB-Pico 2 v- 6 X StepStick. Not sure about the sixth driver, (Pico pins limitation) . External connectors for larger drivers 3 - Opto - isolated spindle PWM. 4 - HMI 5 - I/O on diferent modules and Ethernet 10MBPS communication. Patches will be written to GRBLHAL for Ethernet I/Os (Interrupted).

3D printer for printing Clay/Paste

Aug 10, 2022
X/Y Table Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I designed this 3D printer from scratch for my mechanical engineering capstone project. It's made for printing clay but should be able to print any paste material. The clay extruder system could be easily modified to work with almost any 3D printer. The printer is approximately the same size as an Ender 3.


Nov 18, 2022
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

OLD Lead 1010 High Z Mod converted to Newest Lead 1515 with High Z mod, slimmer cbeam motor mounts, thrust bearings etc. Extended by original table out and upgraded my 1.5kw VFD and Spindle to 4kw ER20 Spindle and 7.5kw GT VFD

Gauthali V2.0 DIY 3D printer

Aug 23, 2023
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is based on core XY kinematics. First of all, we designed a CAD model. Most of the required parts are designed by us in solidworks software, and some parts are downloaded from a web platform ‘grabcad’. After that we assembled those parts and inspected them in solidworks. The designed CAD models are frame of 470mmX392mmX545mm SBR linear guide rod, linear guide holder, lead screw, motor mounts, pulley, bed mount, idler block, timing belt clamper.

Small Desktop CNC Router/Mill

May 28, 2024
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

I designed and made this from scratch. The frame is welded steel filled with sand, and most of the other parts are aluminium. It's controlled with a DIY ESP32 controller running GRBL_ESP32

ACRO System w/Laser 80W

Aug 29, 2024
Laser Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is my version of the OpenBuilds ACRO System CNC, a 1010 version (1000mm x 1000mm). I need this machine to build PCB prototypes within 2-days at maximum. I will try to build PCBs using drill and laser methods...

Arduino Mega to EMC2 (LinuxCNC) Plasma Table Conversion

Jul 29, 2024
Plasma Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a story about a guy who started with a $25 set of plans, and through 4 iterations/ rebuilds, ended up with a professional quality CNC plasma table capable of cutting anything steel up to 2 inches thick.

DaveWare DrawBot

Sep 8, 2024
Other Style DrawBot
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Turning my prototypes into real objects, it will be required a great amount of drawings, A LOT. Therefore, against the ink costs raise price push me to think in a way to draw models, blueprints, etc. at very, VERY low cost. This is where my DrawBot was born

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