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Build Author Mogens Kusk Views 4718
Belt driven 1200mm x 700mm x170mm axis
CNC router
OX 1000mm Y Axis Upgrade
Expands y-axis to 1000mm. 1/2 day build.
Polar Bot
Polar Bot which used to depress buttons
The Ox That Wood
This is my story about my need for a CNC router on a budget that wound up in the $5K range !!! but I have a good belt drive Ox
Build Author Neptunes Guitars Views 7736
Neptunes Ox
First build of CNC OX for the purpose of using it for Guitar building to take a lot of the muscle work out so I can concentrate on the finer details.
Build Author Steve Marsh Views 5096
Dust Shoe for Colt router and OxCarve
A simple 3D printed dust shoe for the cnc router. 2 parts held together with magnets for easy bit changes.
C-Beam Machine Bundle
Short description of my assembly and use of the C-Beam bundle from the Open Builds Part Store.
I'm starting my first own build cnc machine which is inspired by routy and the ox. Were my goal was not to use the ox plates but use the standard plates available in the parts store for the design.
eeYZee Router
The first criteria was portability, the second was cutting out a sheet of ply, the third was the ability to shape a foam surfboard blank, but the main criteria was a small budget.
Build Author zann68 Views 8063
OX CNC 4'x4'
Out with the Old in with the New. Trying to build a nice clean setup that myself and my sons can use and enjoy.
Build Author Gary Bonard Views 5490
This is my second Ox with a working area of 14" x 14" x 5" I wanted to build a small sturdy potable CNC router and this OxZilla has the nice upgrades !
Tower Printer
Tower Printer H-Belt type printer Prototype
The MULE (an OX inspired 3-axis CNC)
The Mule is a 3-axis CNC inspired by the OX CNC by Mark Carew. This machine borrows the OX's sturdy frame and upgrades the X and Y linear actuators through the use of three 500mm lead screws (as opposed to the belt system of the OX). The result is an inexpensive, sturdy, and powerful design built for cutting tough materials such as aluminum.
Build Author UltiBots Views 13048
Metal MagBall Carriage
UltiBots LLC designs and packages DeltaBot 3D printers using quality components. Our kits are V-Slot based. Print results are impressive. The Metal MagBall Carriage was designed to be ridged, compact, and simple.
Ooznest OX CNC Build
Ooznest OX CNC build
Build Author David Arroyo Views 13873
PiDuinoCNC Controller
Using a Raspberry Pi, Arduino and a Protoneer CNC Shield to create an Open Source CNC router controller. It will be equipped with a touch screen to control the on board processor. The touch screen will run a user interface that has buttons for added functionality. There will be a camera for monitoring progress from inside my office. The control box will also feature a way to power the vacuum and spindle/router . I will also be able to monitor room temp as well as Pi CPU temps and averages.
Build Author Nwrgordon Views 14925
RepRap Intro
An easy Epic Win for novice engineers new to the RepRap project
Build Author Julius Views 7608
The "Hand" CNC (or OXCarve)
more to come, please follow along the journey!
Desktop CNC
This unit is made with openbuild v-rail and c-beam. using direct drive with lead screws. Nema23 motors
C-Beam for lithophanes
First venture into cnc machining I decided on the C-Beam .
C-Beam Plate Machine
My first openbuilds submission, plain old c-beam machine. Seems like I've spent more time fighting the forum here redirecting in circles than actually building the machine. I'll try to add more pics if I ever find a path out of this corn maze...
Murphy OX-CNC Dreamin
I am in the design phase of my CNC. I would like to thank everyone who has placed resources on the site. I am using it to the up most! I will update as I continue the design and share my progress.
Builder Bob's CNC
Here is the consolidation of my woodworking shop, a CNC Router!
Build Author Cbrown330 Views 4775
Big 3d Printer, Big Brown
This is a big 609 x 609 x 914 3d pritner with exchangable hot ends and extruders.
Build Author Colin Russon Views 8602
OX / X3 CNC / Similar Z axis / 1605 Linear Actuator
Z axes 1605 ballscrew, a comparative design proposal.
Eddie's Build of Niko's (gianakop) Egg Painter
This is my build of Niko's (gianakop) Egg Painter. Egg decorating is something many Christians do for Easter Sunday and the Easter (Paschal) Season that follows. This will be my initial use for the build, but also with minimal modification to be able to write/paint on other round objects like Christmas ornaments, coffee mugs, etc. Many people also decorate eggs for purely secular reasons.
After seeing different egg bots designs, I decided to incorporate my own design.
Build Author evil2002usna Views 10834
Evil Ox
Cheap Ballscrew Ox CNC Router.
1500 x 1500 mm OpenBuild CNC
1500 x 1500 mm OpenBuild CNC
Ooznest build - 1500mm x 1000mm
Its the first build for me so its just the story of me attempting to build the kit and hopefully end up with something I can use. Hopefully without destroying anything or anyone.
Build Author Builder+Bob Views 3270
Portable C-Beam
C-Beam Plate maker for My OX!
Expanded Routy using 290 build instructions
Using the Routy290 build and an awful lot of help from puntoMX, this machine has been expanded in the X and Y axis. My first build, I'm learning a lot about all of this. I've had to disassemble parts of this thing many times due to forgetfulness, but that's ok. Also, I've forgotten to take constant pictures throughout the build.
20x60 to Dewalt 611 Mount (a.k.a the Rook)
Dewalt 611 Router mount for mounting onto 20x60 v-slot
Laseroko Laser Engraver Build
After expanding a Shapeoko 2 with the rails and motors left over, make yourself a laser engraver.
Build Author Sonny Lowe Views 5390
MakerSL MSL-7 Laser Cut Tape Dispenser
An easy simple Tape Dispenser, spawned out of necessity, and shared for the fun of it...
Build Author Paruk Views 21241
A 3D Scanning Station
Build Author Charles Roseberry Views 4467
C-Beam 1000mmx1000mm
C-Beam basic package doubled in size.
New Custom CNC with C-Beam Rails
Hello all, wanted to share my custom build that I planed to do. My idea was to drill foam blocks to make molds for my projects. The CNC will be 1500-1500mm with a higher Z-Axis. So I redesigned the Gantry Plates that will be cut out at some other place. I hope you can share your opinion on my project.
OX Super "C" - Cpmpleted 11/02/16
This CNC utilizes the C-BEAM extruded aluminum for the "X", "Y", and "Z" axis. The gantry will move similar to the OX along with the "Z" except I am incorporating the C-BEAM instead of the 20x60 V-RAIL. To make the system as strong as possible I am using two C-BEAM rails back to back. The "Y" axis will encompass two sets of roller on both side of the C-BEAM extruded rails for added strength. All of the plates for this were created using the C-BEAM machine I completed several month ago.
Build Author cbordeleau Views 5499
Slider Levelling Platform
3d printed V-Slot Gantry Plate leveler.
Build Author Rob Taylor Views 17409
Portable Diode Laser Cutter
Integrating custom machined components and off-the-shelf CNC components to create a portable diode laser etcher with air assist and reasonably substantial z-axis travel.
Idea for any axis support and Drive
Just an idea right now but will attempt a prototype in the near future. Not sure if this has been tried before or not.....
Gargoile reproduction C-Beam™ Machine - Plate Maker
A stock C-Beam with a CNC shield with DRV8825's
Large OX
A larger version of the OX.
Build Author Keteland Views 10117
ELECTRONICS - ARDUINO Mega 2560 + RAMPS 1.4 + power supply 12V - Leadshine DM 5042 external driver + Power supply 36V + NEMA 23 stepper motor SOFTWARE - Repetier Host to communicate with the Ramps - ARDUINO to upload the firmware (Marlin) MECANIC - V-Slots rails 40x40 + home-made plates - everything goes fine on the side of the build
Build Author cbordeleau Views 12126
OpenBuilds C-Beam Double Slider
This slider uses an 500mm OpenBuilds C-beam and the design is such that the effective length of the slider is slightly less then twice the length of the C-Beam. It can be used both motorized or not.
My First CNC Machine
This will be a step by step record charting my successes and failures in my voyage of discovery while building a CNC router. Please excuse my English-English which may lose something in translation to American-English. I would be grateful for any advice during the build
My 5' by 5'
I have constructed frame out of 1 1/2" square tubing. Have my Y aces mounted. and awaiting parts.
Build Author Matt Nelson Views 11564
Matt's Ox
I'm building an OX CNC router. It will be the larger size of 750x 1000mm. This should give me a working area of about 22"x30".
Build Author Anthony Bolgar Views 10988
L'FOX - Large Format OX deriviative. Designed and built by Revision 13 Prototypes
This build is for a testing rig to use while testing out different controller boards and CAM software for milling and routing. It is in the early stages, planning is complete, parts are ordered. Awaiting parts delivery to start build. Please not the BOM only covers parts from the OpenBuilds part store. I will be posting the other required items very shortly.
Ooznest OX CNC for Architecture Modell
While i achieved the desired taler Z axis this was very notable of the cost of the stiffness of the Y axis - the Y axis is now quite wobbly. i do not recommend such a big Z axis on a OX CNC machine where the requirement is a good precision.
TAZ C-Beam CnC Router by RC-CnC
C-Beam inspired CnC Router (1000x750) Approx 90mm of Z travel
XDrive 3d Printer
XDrive 3d printer, high quality large build volume.
Build Author UltiBots Views 9898
Machined Aluminum MagBall Carriages
Machined Aluminum MagBall Carriages
My first build: a other OX CNC
I love to build things. I decided to build a CNC machine to help me build more things! I had a lot of fun and I learn a lot of thing in the process of building this machine. p.s. my primary language is french not english. Forgive me if I made some mistake.
Core XY My-BOT 500 x 500 x 1000
My first construction after many years buys ready devices.
Build Author eddyg Views 4411
OX with a Custom Electronics Case
Embarking on my first build and trying to start with a clean setup by creating an enclosure box for my controllers and power supply.
1x1m Ooznest Ox
Building my first router and I choose the ooznest Ox since it looks to be the latest and greatest among routers.
laser add-on for C-Beam machine
3.8 W laser add-on for C-Beam machine. Can easily be swapped with the router.
C-Beam Big Mouth
My first build was with the basic C-Beam Build. I soon found the z clearance a little constricting So I added 2 500 mm actuators to support the x axis rail . I also left off the front and back y axis support rails for easy cleaning. I mounted the base of the machine to 1/2" mdf with 10/32 screws and blind nuts.
C-Beam CNC (1st cnc build!)
1st build CBeam Machine w/ raspberry pi-protoneer hat controller
Build Author Metalguru Views 13462
C-Beam Machine Too
C-Beam Machine upgrade using linear rails to increase machining size by 2.5 times and increase rigidity
Build Author Rwetzler Views 8507
C-Beam Prototype
This is a variant of a typical OX (Mark Carew inspiration) router using C-Beams/8mm Acme rods to drive all three axis. I went with a 1000mm x 1000mm frame size. Useable space is 28" (711mm) X 26" (660mm) with a Z axis work travel of approx. 3.25" (82.5mm). A TinyG is used as a controller along with Fusion 360/Chilipper as the software for generating and running gcode files.
Build Author griso Views 8484
3d nika
Over 840 parts. Of whom around 450 are screws and nuts, more than 100 parts are printed on a 3D printer, the frame consists of about 60 components. There is nearly 40 electrical components connected with tens of meters of wires, most of them sleeved.
Build Author boubouexpress Views 10670
3D Drucker sparkcube V1.1XL V-Slot™ Mini V Linear Actuator Bundle
sparkcube V1.1XL edit V-slot mini v linear
Promoveo Study Builds
Promoteo Build
4-axis C-Beam Hot Wire Wing cutter
4-axis CNC Hot wire foam wing cutter
CO2 laser cutter
A build which is based on a metal frame and aluminium plate which I salvaged from a skip. The frame is sized to hold 19" rack units so I'll build my control box into a 3U rack unit (also salvaged). The area available for the build is 700x1200mm. I'll sling a 60W CO2 tube under the base, the beam path will be initially upward into the enclosure.
CoreXY Cubish
A dual extrusion CoreXY printer with a 290 X 290mm build volume built entirely out of 2020 aluminum extrusion and using openbuilds mini-carriages for motion.
My C-Beam 3D Printer
Larger format FDM printer using C-Beam linear stages
Build Author William Niedermeyer Views 17856
Structured Light Turntable Scanner
3d Structured Light Scanner with Arduino Controlled Turntable
Jim's C-Beam Machine Build
This machine is fantastic. Teamed up with Fusion 360, Inkscape, and GrblPanel, I'm well on my way towards making at least one Christmas gift this year. I had some frustrating times during the build, mainly with getting everything to go together square, but overall it was fun. I can see that I'm going to need to be a bit creative in order to max out the work area for this machine so that I can produce the product I bought it for, but it will be able to do so much more for me as well.
Brewery tank supports
Trying to design modular and evolutive supports for my brewery tanks.
D-Bot CoreXY printer
A CoreXY D-Bot 3d printer using gantries as wheel-carriages.
Build Author mytechno3d Views 5959
DSLR ( video ) motorized slider
In order to make some nice traveling video you need a slider .
3D printer inspired by the Bukito
I have been working on this project for something like 3 years on and off, sometimes leaving it for a few months. Now I really want to finish it. For me, the mechanical part was the easy (though long) part because I get to use about 17 CNC machines and MasterCAM and I am a machinist. The hard part is the electronics part. Had a few problems getting Windows to communicate to the X5 Mini via the USB cable but found something on the Smoothie forum and got the machine moving.
I'm Brandoneous; hence, the BrandoneOuX, a cartesian CNC build. Large format (1000mm x 1000mm) but beefed-up to solidly augment the ability to cut Aluminum in addition to wood and other solid materials. As I am currently living in a rented apartment for an out-of-state job, my secondary challenge is to build a sound dampening enclosure that will function as a torsion box base, a sound dampening enclosure, and a dust containment system. Easy, right? Well, we'll see... Join my journey
CNC machine 700x1200mm
I love to build things. I want a large cnc machine can do with little money. use Aduino .
CrOX Carbon Reinforced OX
Modified OX with carbon fiber reinforced X and Z axes. 1500mm Y, 1000mm X and 120mm Z clearence
Zen3D Atlantis 3D printer, H-Bot mechanics
H-Bot mechanics 3D printer. Build volume - 300x300x300mm dimensions: 560x500x500mm
OX based lead screw Machine
Initial design for my CNC mill\router based around C beams
Custom Ox
Custom black and red Big Ox
Build Author Dave420 Views 13628
10 x 5 ft plazma table build
Attaching V Slot or mutable V Slot end on end to a larger steel frame table.
Fun and Functional Laser Build
A very fun and fulfilling build. I can't say enough about the whole Open Builds site and Open Source movement. I strongly believe this is the fastest and most creative way of getting ideas out of the mind, and onto the floor.
Watercooled 3D printer : Maximus Evo Rev 2
Watercooled 3D printer
Build Author Jose A. Molina Views 6313
Remote Controlled Robot Spider(Teaching Tool)
This Project is meant to teach introductory robotics and arduino styled micro-controllers to HS and MS students.
Build Author Simon Rafferty Views 6897
Rigid Delta
A Rigid Delta Printer using C-Beam screw actuators
Schematix OX metal build
OX metal build from an noob
Big Ox Heavy Duty
A Heavy Duty version of the standard Big Ox build.
This is going to be a more or less detailed how to build BetterBot. Pictures and more (decent) text are to be added.
Build Author Krishnakumar Views 7698
Hobby OX CNC
This "hobby OX" CNC is built for multiple purposes such as cutting and engraving various materials, laser etching and cutting, etc... Its a great platform for hobby enthusiasts like me where this machine can be used for so many different purposes effectively and efficiently!
Build Author Jose A. Molina Views 6412
Alice Clementine
Roberta Clementine's first daughter printer Alice Clementine!
Build Author AK-Creation Views 13859
Reference sensor for CNC Tools
For the x and y Axis you set the zero point with a limit switch, but how can you get the zero position for the z Axis? You have different thickness of material to mill and when you change the tool, you have also a other z Axis positon. With the Sensor, you can define the zero position of the piece automaticly.
Spindle cooling setup
Cooling system for water cooled spindle.
Fast, Large build area, CoreXY design
Build Author crystaldragon141 Views 5852
Rostock TETRA V0
This is an experiment to build a Linear Delta Printer using four towers instead of three. Primary reasons: 1. Build area is roughly cubic vs roughly cylindrical 2. Greater speed and precision from additional control provided by fourth tower. 3. Symmetric kinematics from even number of towers.
Build Author beardyblair Views 24553
Sphinx XL
My build log of an adapted Sphinx design with additional height and a larger X and Y axis.
C-Beam Machine XL
Overview of my experience building the C-Beam Machine XL from OpenBuilds, along with updates as I move along and get it going. My application is for creating plates needed for lab functions, 19 rack bay covers, and whatever else arises.
Cartesian CNC router
This project has been a steep learning curve in an unfamiliar area for me. It has been a very rewarding experience and has opened up so many more possibilities to pursue in the future.