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Build Author OpenBuilds Views 24950
BlackBox X32
The next level of CNC motion control solutions. Packed with advanced new features and built on the reliability of the proven BlackBox system
Build Author David E. Flores E. Views 1767
DaveWare DrawBot
Turning my prototypes into real objects, it will be required a great amount of drawings, A LOT. Therefore, against the ink costs raise price push me to think in a way to draw models, blueprints, etc. at very, VERY low cost. This is where my DrawBot was born
Edge Carve MK1
I have created a video showing the Edger Carve features
Build Author nicklogan Views 15752
MDF Delta
A Rostock style delta bot with the parts which are typically 3D printed made from medium density fiberboard (MDF). It uses a home made hot end.
Build Author John J Talavera Views 11310
CNC FOR EVERYONE TITAN CNC ROUTER TITAN CNC ROUTER is the perfect PCB milling machine or for smaller projects. Don't be fooled by its small size it is capable of routing with the big boys...!
Router / Plasma Prototype Build
this is my first attempt at a CNC Table
TABLE OX Router/3D-Printer
OX MultiMachine
Build Author Pendragon Views 9746
A bigger OX. As this build is nothing new I will detail my build process, I am not an experienced builder, this will maybe help someone else. The size of the bOX will be 100cmx75cm. I will use aluminium plates, a tinyG, and most probably only open source / free software.
ROUX - A Routy-OX Hybrid
ROUX is a 2'x4' CNC that can be easily handbuilt without an existing mill and removes the need to buy generic plates for the Routy. A simpler, more refined machine.
Build Author Bear Views 10214
ANOTHER OX!~ Huge Thanks to Marc Carew and Open Builds. The primary reason I am building this CNC mill is to aid in my homemade snowboard creation. I am going to try and document as much of everything as I can and post it here to help others going a similar route. I know from past projects that taking the time to document each step can be tedious when you want to charge ahead but I will try! I hoping to get feedback on my design choices and set up as I am a complete newbie to CNC.
Build Author UltiBots Views 20479
Kossel 250 V-Slot
This build is very straight forward. The design is simple. There is a great support community for Delta 3D printers.
Yet Another Ox Build
This build log will chronicle the construction of my oversize (1000mm X 1500mm) OX router.
This is the adult version of the QU-BD juvenile known as their OneUp. It not only uses extrusion framing instead of press board MDF, it is a full sized 8x8 build area w/ABS-Nylon capability. Only the OneUp's single Z axis driver concept is similar. I'm tempted to call it OneUpAdult for marketing.
Open Rail Build
This will be a chronicle. It's my first CNC build so, I will be making many changes as I learn from my mistakes. I will pass on any tips or tricks i learn along the way. This build is an OX Hybrid. I decided to use the open rail with the V wheels and not to go with the V Slot. (I'll let you know how it works out.)
1500x1000 (4x2) Router - OX derivative
OX build with 1.5m gantry the 1m deep table.
Sketchup Design of a PVC CNC I Intend to build.
Build Start to begin Feb 1st.
Simple cartesian style CNC. Uses ACME screws for all 3 axes, 20x40 v-slots and should have 50cm x 50cm x 50cm work volume.
cnc plasma table
ive got most of the wire harness made up too im using Chinese electronics for now I will upgrade later when this thing makes me some cash lol im using a ibm think center to case to hold my electronics ive got a 25' parallel cable to put some distance between the table and the computer
Custom Ski and Snowboard CNC for a High School Woodwhop
A Custom size CNC to make custom skis and snowboards
Build Author KBill Views 12640
MIY OLY Delta Printer
Mag arm deltabot with laser cut carriages and connectors.
Easy to build and robust 3D printer framework
Lord willing I will be showing you how build a robust and easy to build 3D printer framework using V-Slot rails and rollers. It's a little bulky, but it has all spring tensioned rollers on all axes, and can be built entirely without custom machining on any parts. You will need digital calipers, a drill press, a carbide toothed miter saw for cutting aluminum extrusions, and lots of little screws!
Build Author Bruno Rivard Views 6380
OB Heavy duty Prusa i3 "Lunar Injection"
Hell Yeah
Build Author openhardwarecoza Views 6605
Pocket Ox (Sheetmetal)
Small CNC - made with some custom lasercut+bent sheetmetal parts + Openbuilds V Slot
Vic Aussie Ox
Dove in and ordered the kit from Makerstore in Melbourne. While awaiting for the order watched videos and sourced steppers and controllers from China. Had some fun with the 4 axis TB6600 controller board. Ran into a few problems with the build, but after stripping and restarting looks like I am on track.
LYNX - Huge 3D printer
I'm basically building a larger version of my crappy wanhao 3d printer. My work was recycling some aluminium extrusion and it broke my heart to see such nice pieces of aluminium engineering being sent to a furnace. Mega 3d printer was born!
V Rail 3D printer
My version a Cartesian style 3d printer, an attempt to eliminate frame vibration and movement and to use up materials left over from other projects.
Build Author Skoobs Views 4452
Pretty Standard + Slave X Axis
Planning my build, just looking for design input at the moment. I definitely want a slave X axis. I am potentially going to go with one of the 1500W Chinese water cooled spindles.
Build Author Kaarbble Views 9723
Kaarbble Nylon Bot
We plan experiment on nylon 3 D printing;
Build Author Mark Carew Views 8507
Work Bench Stand
Here is a nice little simple build that will help to free up some extra space on your work bench. If your like me you need all the room on your work station you can use, so this is great to have.
Zebu ( OX clone with Brasil materials)
An OX clone with alternative parts.
Mega-sized Taz machine. Supports many tools (extrusion, laser, mill, etc) simultaneously.
Square OX
Square shaped OX for doing general purpose engraving and cutting into wood, acrylic, and aluminum.
XYZ Factory Bot
Very large format build platform designed really for printing multiple items in one session ether all the same or different. Longer term I would like to have multiple X axis on the Y axis rail. bit of a slicer challenge though.
Polar Bot
Polar Bot which used to depress buttons
The MULE (an OX inspired 3-axis CNC)
The Mule is a 3-axis CNC inspired by the OX CNC by Mark Carew. This machine borrows the OX's sturdy frame and upgrades the X and Y linear actuators through the use of three 500mm lead screws (as opposed to the belt system of the OX). The result is an inexpensive, sturdy, and powerful design built for cutting tough materials such as aluminum.
Ooznest OX CNC Build
Ooznest OX CNC build
Build Author David Arroyo Views 13873
PiDuinoCNC Controller
Using a Raspberry Pi, Arduino and a Protoneer CNC Shield to create an Open Source CNC router controller. It will be equipped with a touch screen to control the on board processor. The touch screen will run a user interface that has buttons for added functionality. There will be a camera for monitoring progress from inside my office. The control box will also feature a way to power the vacuum and spindle/router . I will also be able to monitor room temp as well as Pi CPU temps and averages.
Build Author Nwrgordon Views 14927
RepRap Intro
An easy Epic Win for novice engineers new to the RepRap project
C-Beam Plate Machine
My first openbuilds submission, plain old c-beam machine. Seems like I've spent more time fighting the forum here redirecting in circles than actually building the machine. I'll try to add more pics if I ever find a path out of this corn maze...
Arctic Ox CNC Router
This is a cartesian CNC Router build that is based off the OX CNC build by Mark Carew. I am using Spark Concepts CNC xPro controller board and their 400w spindle kit.
Build Author evil2002usna Views 10834
Evil Ox
Cheap Ballscrew Ox CNC Router.
Build Author Sonny Lowe Views 5390
MakerSL MSL-7 Laser Cut Tape Dispenser
An easy simple Tape Dispenser, spawned out of necessity, and shared for the fun of it...
Build Author Paruk Views 21241
A 3D Scanning Station
Build Author Dave420 Views 5544
Dave's Z axis and powder coated.
I just did my first Powder coat paint job on a Z Axis with 9inchs of travel for the DIY CNC Plasma Cutter, Mill Head, Router, Engraver, Laser Head, Water Jet Cutter Machine. 2 different Z Axis ride plates and a 80mm Router/Mill Head/Spindle clamp. Baked on finish in a old oven i had.
Powder coated multi CNC Z Axis plasma adapter with Prox.
Powder coated multi CNC Z Axis plasma adapter with Proximity sensor. . It can also hold a 80mm Router head/Spindle as seen in my router build.
This is a design for a desktop CNC machine. It may be a router or laser. I am undecided as to the final design.
Core XY My-BOT 500 x 500 x 1000
My first construction after many years buys ready devices.
Build Author eddyg Views 4411
OX with a Custom Electronics Case
Embarking on my first build and trying to start with a clean setup by creating an enclosure box for my controllers and power supply.
Zen3D Atlantis 3D printer, H-Bot mechanics
H-Bot mechanics 3D printer. Build volume - 300x300x300mm dimensions: 560x500x500mm
Build Author Dave420 Views 13628
10 x 5 ft plazma table build
Attaching V Slot or mutable V Slot end on end to a larger steel frame table.
Openbuilds D-Bot
A humble first time attempt at building a 3d printer from scratch
Build Author dodgenet Views 5778
Budget 1500mm OpenBuilds V-Slot Deltabot Build
This 1500mm tall Delta is a work in progress. The triangle corners are water jetted from 1" 6061 Aluminum, and are welded to 1" square tubing. The 1500mm OpenBuilds 20x20 V-Slot extrusions are held into the corner brackets by two stainless steel set screws per bracket. This printer will need to be reinforced with wall brackets due to the combination of height/materials.
Build Author COMsulting Views 9193
1x1 Meter Laser Engraver
Building of a big open frame laser engraver.
Epoxy dispenser, to apply non-conductive epoxy to electronic board.
Epoxy dispenser, 2nd one, first one works great. Uses HMI to allow for operator to pull up files for different jobs. 9 prox sensors, Eot and home on all 3 axis. High quality nema23 motors with intergrated drives from applied motion. Uses programmable router for drives.
My 2nd cnc build
My new build to upgrade from my worn out shapeoko
Build Author Makerparts Views 7109
DIY Multi Row Nodal Point Spherical Panorama Head
DIY Pano Head
Build Author Dmknerr Views 4572
Server Rack Printer
My first project build. Concept build to use an existing 7.5 ft tall server rack as the frame. This ptoject may never be completed.
Double trolley X and Z belt training
Total belt drive GT2
The Artist Formerly Known as Prints
Work in progress large volume CoreXY printer
Build Author 3D Meister Views 4506
Camera slider with rotation prototype
I made a cam slider prototype with adjustable rotation to get experience for my CNC milled slider in planing.
Build Author recoush Views 8088
CoreXY 3D build one
an 8020 build with 1010 extrusion (1") Square tubing Rough size is 24x24x36 (600x600x900) The expected usable print area 21.5x21.5X32"roughly (510x510x760) An XY 3D printer with 3 extruders and 3 Z-axis 0.9 degree motors the table (Z-AXIS) will lift up to the XY Carriage on 3 12mm linear rod and 3 8mm Lead screw's Corexy designs complete and Z-axis build is started don’t have a 3D cad system yet so building my prototypes on a pcb layout tool
Build Author Jonathon Duerig Views 6537
Chrysalis: An Enclosure for TAZ 6 3d Printers
Aluminum-framed enclosure for TAZ 6 3d Printer made with Makerlink.
A Large CoreXY build that can just barely get in through a doorway, aiming for under $1000. Build Volume approximately 18in x 24in x 26in.
Build Author Tomas F Uribe Views 4698
2 1/2 axis CNC chassis. Convertible to plasma, 3D printer and welder. Currently used as router. Plotting table dim: X axis 620 mm, Y 650 mm, Z 100 mm. Created for teaching purposes, open source license, currently used for engraving ukiyo-e wood plates and printmaking
MiniMill - A must have machine :)
The new MiniMill from Mark and Sonny is a great little machine.
Build Author Karan Singh Sisodia Views 5587
My Home made CNC
Home Made CNC Router from Scrape
Sphinx 1000 x 500
Building a Sphinx based CNC based on Kyo's plans. Going with a 1000 x 500 table size.
Stock CNC Router
This is my first CNC router, so be kind on the criticism. I'm still learning. Not an engineer, and not a machinist so I am having to research and learn aspect from both of those areas of study!
Build Author Jason Harding Views 3431
Mobile bed cnc machine, first build
Currently i am reworking the frame still with current available parts just going to buy material to make the y and the z axis from openbuilds. The x axis is now going to be mobile similar to a 3d printer style.
OB Minimill with bottom frame PSU+Drivers
All-in-one OB Minimill
Build Author Jeremiah Guinn Views 5284
OX CNC SMW3d 1500x1500
A small business idea led us here, lets see where it will go.
Ancient Roland Table top Mill
The parts are now very reasonable.
Dust Shoe for Kyo's Sphinx
Dust Shoe design for a CNC router. Attaches to Chris Laidlaw's Mount design, with the DeWalt D26200 (which I think is the DWP 611 in the US).
Build Author ZacharyB Views 4891
Arizona OpenBuilds MiniMill CNC
I ordered the OpenBuilds MiniMill from the OpenBuilds Parts Store They were out of Motors and Electronics when I ordered so I had to source these items elsewhere. But it turned out well doing it this way.
Build Author Terone Burgenheim Views 2276
This build is my version of the CBeam machine. I opted to NOT use the Gussets, and instead went for the 40, and 60 mil angle brackets to cut the price back a little further. I started with the smoothieboard but decided it was still "too new" and very much experimental. This build took me a few (2-3) days to complete. The CBeams and Lead-Screws really make building things faster since you don't have to clamor over belts.
Build Author Terone Burgenheim Views 5760
CoreXY - Tower Printer
I wanted to try a different way of operating the Z Axis so I setup a tower using 40x40. In the end it worked excellently and can easily print 60mm/s with 150mm/s travels. The coreXY is a very cool kinematic, and you can get some pretty great speed and accuracy. The main issue is the fact your Steps/mm are doubled, so the lower end motors don't like it at high speeds.
Build Author Bill325 Views 1825
One more life for a cube
Modify a Gen1 Cube printer into a small cnc router to cut pcbs and light (VERY light) milling work. Also easy to swap out the rotary head and mount a laser head for engraving.
Build Author JAC_101 Views 5288
Small PCB, Engraving and Delrin CNC Mill
This is my first attempt at building a spindle based CNC machine. The intention is to mill PCB boards and mill delrin blocks. The device was built with an Emergency Stop that actually cuts power to the spindle and motors. This is a post build write-up and consists of finished photo compilation and CAD renderings.
Build Author Liam Dahler Views 5755
Affordable Cartesian Printer (Initial Design)
This specific build page is a collection of screenshots sampling some of my initial SolidWorks design and pictures showing physical construction of the initial design. I will be creating individual build articles as I redesign, test, and implement new aspects of the printer.
Generic 6 Axis Controller
Generic 6 Axis (Stepper) Controller
Plasma CNC, 4'6" × 8'8" v0318
A plasma table able to cut 4'6" x 8'8" sheet. Low cost as possible.
Silverchris's Laser Cutter
Work in Progress of a laser cutter design. Based on the CoreXY build from
Build Author Limine3D Views 3726
Shapeoko 1 upgrades
Replaced the original Z-axis for a shapeoko with a c-beam upgrade. This upgrade required a nema 17 mount and a quiet spindle mount I printed with a 3D printer.
Desktop CNC
Approximately 910mm x 955mm x 82mm. There is 250mm available in the Z, but the gantry is only 82mm from the bed surface.
Voxel Evolution
This is a remix of Marshal Peck's Voxel OX, with some design tweaks inspired by Makerparts and jjcolletta. It has a build area of 300mm X 300mm X 480mm, but is easily configured for just about any build area up to 500mm X 500mm X 750mm. I have used some laser cut acrylic plates and a couple of 3D printed parts in its construction, however it can be assembled using nothing but OpenBuilds parts with the exception of the heated bed and the Y axis carrier for the heated bed.
Repurposed Steel Table 4 x 8 Build
Repurposed Steel Table for CNC Router Build.
Build Author Hussein Dermay Views 5707
Ooznest WorkBee 1000mm x 1000mm Screw Driven
I have decided to buy and build the ooznest workbee screw driven cnc (1000x1000) and also decided to use some plates and extrusions from the ox cnc. I will never use two machines anyway and hoping to build a strong base for the workbee.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 15352
C-Beam XLarge X/Y Table
This OpenBuilds C-Beam XLarge X/Y Table is a great display of how easy it is to modify and create awesome configurations with the OpenBuilds system!
Build Author Mark Carew Views 14954
NEMA 17 Belt and Pinion Actuator
This Belt and Pinion actuator is a great example of how easy it is to convert your machine into a belt drive system.
3d printable galvos
Design and Performance Evaluation of A Large FDM 3D Printer
This build includes the design of a large FDM 3D printer. This machine has a 796mm by 796mm by 900mm (LxWxH) build volume. Motion is controlled by servo motors and the printer runs on python-based marlin firmware.
Build Author SCYBUCK Views 4582
Build Author Jones Views 3275
The Domino - 1.5m x 1m
DIY scratch build consisting of gas pipe, skate bearings, 12mm birch, 3/4 maple v-core ply, Nema 23's, and arduino and CNC shield with DRV8825's.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 5426
OpenCase Mounting Kit
The OpenCase Mounting Kit makes wire management quick and easy!
Build Author Mark Carew Views 22458
V-Slot™ Nema 23 Linear Actuator (Belt Driven)
This example build shows how easy it is to make a linear actuator using a few OpenBuilds Parts.
Build Author RobFromLDMS Views 4430
Lithgow Mens Shed CNC build
The tale of how we put together our CNC Router, and some of the difficulties encountered. It is now ready for final testing and commissioning.
Small Slot Cutter
A build to cut .008 inch slots into JB Weld.
My new wood mill
First and foremost, I want to create accurate parts for my model aircraft. In second line I am interested in the control and electronics of the milling machine. If you are interested in drawings and the parts list, feel free to contact me.
Build Author Vin1027 Views 6499
C-Beam Sphinx
This is the original C-Beam Sphinx with the 16 wheel X gantry plates. I'm using the Ethernet Smoothstepper, Gecko G540 stepper driver and Mach 4 for motion control.
Pick and place
Pick and place based on the Openbuilds ACRO 20x20