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Build Author Mark Carew Views 25800
OpenBuilds Workbee 1050 (40" x 20")
The OpenBuilds WorkBee 1050 - 1000x500 Lead Screw Driven CNC Machine
Shawn's Workbee 1510
Shawn's adventure in assembling and customizing the Openbuild's version of the 1500x1000 Workbee.
Build Author Todd Brous Views 4726
Modified Acro with build plate, Z-axis and OPT Laser
Modified Acro for laser engraving. Extra height and and a sturdy build surface for part fixtures, custom mount plates, OPT Laser, and a Z-Axis.
Build Author Rat Rig Views 29684
Rat Rig V-Core 3D Printer ( Core XY )
Fully OpenBuilds based Core XY printer design by Rat Rig. CAD files, build manual, build videos available!
Inpired by the OpenBuilds OX and PrintrBot Crawlbot. This is the LimpyCNC. It's still a work-in-progress. But it provides a 120x120cm work space without using up 150x150cm of garage space.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 22906
C-Beam® XLarge Linear Actuator
This OpenBuilds C-Beam XL actuator is the backbone of a lot of the awesome builds put together by the OpenBuilds community
Build Author reef Views 10934
CNC Cyclone PCB Factory, my way, step by step.
I'd like to renew my cnc for PCB so I decide to create new one from an existing project named Cyclone PCB Factory.
Build Author JerwanDavis Views 5317
Coined by my family as the: Davomatic
Build Notes: Here are all the parts necessary to re-produce this design. Please note, all of the parts are either sourced through openbuilds or have been selected and printed from thingiverse.
HandCrafted WorkBee - HCWB
This will be a slow build as I collect parts and materials as funds permit for 1000mm x 1000mm Workbee. I call it the "Hand Crafted WorkBee" because I will be hand making the plates and as much of the build as possible using a drill press and hand tools.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 15352
C-Beam XLarge X/Y Table
This OpenBuilds C-Beam XLarge X/Y Table is a great display of how easy it is to modify and create awesome configurations with the OpenBuilds system!
Build Author Mark Carew Views 14955
NEMA 17 Belt and Pinion Actuator
This Belt and Pinion actuator is a great example of how easy it is to convert your machine into a belt drive system.
Ultra MegaMax Dominator CoreXY Printer
My self-designed and built, tall-format coreXY printer with 300 x 300 x695 mm print capacity.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 16323
Nema 23 Belt and Pinion Actuator
This easy to build and effective system can take your builds to the next level! This design is strong and accurate and could be the solution/upgrade that you've been looking for!
Butterfly 3DP V 1.0
tronxy x3 like
C-Beam unit with 400W Spindle
Standard (If there is one) C-Beam with plnth
Build Author stepper Views 3696
Touch screen macro imaging
This is a brief overview of the build of my macro imaging slide.
From plywood and linear rail to c-beam. I probably should have bought a kit.
3d printable galvos
Build Author Hilleke Views 6987
Acro System cable management and enclosure
wooden parts of the enclosure can be removed easily used the existing extraction of my glass bead burners
Stinger-Panting Images in the Air
Stinger displays images in the air by using a single column of LEDs. Special computer code converts graphics to pixels; then, the pixels are send to the strings of LEDs, which with the help of of the motor's fast movement the most colorful are displayed on thin air.
Build Author mytechno3d Views 14051
Z FLoating head for Plasma cutting (OX CNC compatible)
How to convert your OX CNC to a plasma cutter at low cost
Design and Performance Evaluation of A Large FDM 3D Printer
This build includes the design of a large FDM 3D printer. This machine has a 796mm by 796mm by 900mm (LxWxH) build volume. Motion is controlled by servo motors and the printer runs on python-based marlin firmware.
Build Author SCYBUCK Views 4582
Build Author Jones Views 3275
The Domino - 1.5m x 1m
DIY scratch build consisting of gas pipe, skate bearings, 12mm birch, 3/4 maple v-core ply, Nema 23's, and arduino and CNC shield with DRV8825's.
CNC Lathe Upgrade
So, not much here, as I'm still building, but I'm putting in the work.
Portable Sphinx 1050
Sphinx 1050 kit mounted to a Husky 46" x 24.5" mobile workbench.
My Little Mashup
A mixed drive, PI Controlled machine
Build Author Luke Cunningham Views 5291
Tronxy X1 extension
Video on youtube:
Build Author Rob Taylor Views 9658
Grizzly G0758 Benchtop Mill Conversion
A proper CNC mill conversion. But quite small, with my trademark idiosyncracies.
Router for speargun hobby
First router build for speargun fabrication
Build Author C-CNC Views 13795
Gantry Style CNC from plywood
I am currently 15 years old, from Germany and trying to build a low budged CNC router. I only designed this CNC based on other CNC routers that I have seen and what I am able of. It consists mostly of 2.3cm plywood to keep costs down. The size of the work area is approx. 40 x 80 cm. I would be really glad if you could give me advice's for improvement on the design and everything else ... ( I could really need your help :) ) enjoy :)
WorkBee 1510 - First CNC Build
This build will go through the construction of a WorkBee 1510 kit from the OpenBuilds Part Store, all mechanical and electrical components were purchased from the store in late October 2018.
Build Author Bob Darrow Views 8008
A slightly more than one half cubic meter 3D Printer using V Rails, V Rollers, "C" Rail, mounting plates, and a bunch of 3D printed brackets to provide strength and stability to the frame. Rigidity was the goal and precision and accuracy the result. The software is a whole other topic, many weeks spent dialing that in to make the printer print.
Build Author MrMojoRisin Views 6884
IIOT WiFi Portable CNC Plasma Cutter
IIOT WiFi Plasma CNC.
The Spice Must Flow: a coreXY Sand Table
A 1.9 x 1 m table that uses a magnet to move a steel ball and draw geometric patterns in sand. The magnet is moved using a corexy mechanism driven by 3D printer controller board reading the patterns in the form of gcode files.
Build Author pedrofernandez Views 9149
K40 Cube Laser Cutter
The k40 cube is a laser cutter build using mostly stock parts of the chinese k40 laser
Starting my build 2.8mx1.4m
Starting my cnc router, laser and plasma using aluminium 80x80
Build Author Mark Carew Views 5426
OpenCase Mounting Kit
The OpenCase Mounting Kit makes wire management quick and easy!
Build Author Mark Carew Views 22460
V-Slot™ Nema 23 Linear Actuator (Belt Driven)
This example build shows how easy it is to make a linear actuator using a few OpenBuilds Parts.
Build Author Kyo Views 36646
Sphinx 1050
This is going to be a Sphinx 1050 build. Starting off as a stock kit build using industrial electronics and opensource control software. Mods and upgrades to follow.
Workbee 1015 (50" wide by 30")
A Workbee able to cut 48"x24" material, built to continuously feed material so one can cut full sheets of ply.
Sphinx 1050
Openbuilds 1050 Sphinx. Thank you to Mark Carew for trading me a set of plates for a spindle and PSU I was not using. Mark is a champ!
Build Author Mark Carew Views 7459
OpenBuilds PowerCase
A simple to assemble, super clean and safe PSU case solution that fits into the OpenBuilds wire management ecosystem
Kraken Core-XY Printer
Core-XY build witha quad nozzle
Build Author deltajegga Views 8898
THE delta
probably as big as you'd want it...
Workbee CNC 1500
Trying to build a machine of atleast 4x4ft working area. Work is in progress, hope to finish it soon
Build Author RobFromLDMS Views 4430
Lithgow Mens Shed CNC build
The tale of how we put together our CNC Router, and some of the difficulties encountered. It is now ready for final testing and commissioning.
Build Author James Evanko Views 3609
Ball Trajectory Machine
Need to build a machine that accurately positions objects for processing by a computer vision algorithm? Here is an example of a machine that does that for a ball trajectory application. The black anodized V-rails work well for applications in optics and imaging where the machine needs to stay out of the limelight.
300x300 belt drive laser etching/cutting platform. The design was borrowed from another's blog and customized to fit materials on-hand. Was a very fun project to assemble.
Open Builds C-Beam K-cup holder
Making use of c-beam I have had left over from projects.
Sphinx 55 with 3D Printed Addons
This is a build log of the Openbuilds Sphinx 55 with some 3D printed parts for the electronics and probably other parts as they come up.
Black out Edition Workbee 1010
Thanks to all the Open Build elves that meticulously package and wrap all the little tiny parts and pieces. I have put in a request to get you people a raise..
Build Author thinman Views 7813
A 250x250 mm Delta Printer utilizing a Duet Wifi controller and a Titan Aero direct drive extruder.
Small Slot Cutter
A build to cut .008 inch slots into JB Weld.
Build Author joetemus Views 5820
Shapeoko 2 Z-Axis Upgrade
This is a major redesign to the Z-axis of an otherwise stock Shapeoko 2.
My new wood mill
First and foremost, I want to create accurate parts for my model aircraft. In second line I am interested in the control and electronics of the milling machine. If you are interested in drawings and the parts list, feel free to contact me.
Build Author Craig Hollabaugh Views 4066
Hyatt and My Journey to Tonehenge
I'm conducing guitar loudspeaker cabinet fabrication technique research (material type/thickness, mechanical joints, adhesives, etc) and how these relate to cabinet/speaker coupling and enclosure resonance with respect to psycho-acoustics. Basically, does one speaker cab sound better than another and why?
Build Author Vin1027 Views 6500
C-Beam Sphinx
This is the original C-Beam Sphinx with the 16 wheel X gantry plates. I'm using the Ethernet Smoothstepper, Gecko G540 stepper driver and Mach 4 for motion control.
Build Author Vegard Humlen Views 4254
CNC Coating Machine
The purpose of this machine is to mix two parts of conformal coating with different viscosity in exactly 1:1 ratio and distribute the fluid on to PCB to seal and make it waterproof.
Phil's Workbee
Wanted a nice project to work and learn on... now have a big CNC to play with A 1500x1000mm Workbee
Rigidbot Big with glass bed
Started with a Rigidbot Big Added a single flat glass bed Used a Smoothieboard clone driving DRV8825
Build Author Bikes and Beer Views 4098
The Forever Project
Workbee 1010 Lead Screw with water cooled spindle and enclosure
SMD Pick and place machine - Smoothieboard/OpenPnp
A dual head PNP machine that uses Openbuilds hardware, a Smoothieboard controller, dual camera vision, automatic/drag feeders, and OpenPnp.
Build Author Spark Concepts Views 14751
Take your build to the next level with the CNC xPRO V4!
Large 3D Printer 5ft by 5ft print bed
New ultra large 3D Printer design. I'm calling it the AutoCrafter
Gluing frame for guitar tops and backs
I have built four of these frames. The first pictured I have been using for maybe a year or two and bought the clamps. The last three I have made I have built my own clamps with openbuild parts. I am still working on the design. At present I use wedges to apply pressure to the side of the wood and block. I am working on a cam system to apply pressure. I just bought 8mm screws with Knobs for quicker adjustment. I will update the build when I make these improvements.
Pick and place
Pick and place based on the Openbuilds ACRO 20x20
Build Author CoreCube3D Views 19728
CoreCube3D - A CoreXY 3D Printer
Building a CoreXY based 3D printer using primarily parts from China on eBay. Large 500mm frame.
Build Author Christian James Views 8210
Workbee "style" 1010 cnc
This build is based on the Workbee 1010 CNC. It is not a kit build and is much the same as the original but with some significant changes made here and there as the build progresses.
Shapeoko 2 - my first CNC
This was my first foray into CNC. I chose to go with a reliable kit build since my knowledge of GCode, controllers, and steppers was pretty rudimentary.
Build Author Jay Almers Views 6970
FlashPoint CNC v1: 500mm x 1000mm 3-Axis CNC Router
My build is based on many different builds but pieced together into a unit specifically to suit my needs. The footprint, without motors, is around 500mm x 1000mm with a gantry height of around 250mm. I used a combination of C-Beam, for the linear transmission, and V-Slot for the base and gantry supports. Forged angle connectors were used for attachment and I utilized the C-Beam gantry cart kits with anti-backlash blocks for both Y axes, the X axis, and Z axis.
Build Author Cortellini Views 4911
the Feedback Fractal project
The Story of the Scecina Memorial High School 1510 BUILD will unfold through a series of 10 minute Episodes. Each episode will consist of video showing how to assemble some aspect of the 1510 overlaid with a discussion about Technology, Art, Philosophy... and Life the Universe and Everything. Episode two is soon to follow. If sufficient interest ensues, the episodes may continue beyond the building of the 1510 to relate its use in the making of the Art.
"Stung by the Bee" OB Workbee 1010 Build
This will be a build Log for my Open Builds Workbee 1010 Build. I will keep a full descriptive log of the build and make any notes in the hope that it will help other builders that decide they would like to build this machine.
Project Infinity co2 laser
1m x 1.8m 60w co2 laser build.
Build Author Doug Rowley Views 3741
My Workbee 1010
This is a workbee 1010 build using the mechanical parts from Open Builds. The electrical and electronic parts were from a prior build of a Root 3 CNC by Sailor Pete.
W|W plasma/drag knife 1500x1500 (floating head & z-axis)
Step by step designing and implementing of my plasma approach
Build Author patnap71 Views 6072
All metal frame 500mm bed Delta 3D printer
Build Author msdosfx Views 5412
Workbee 1510 Screw Driven
Workbee 1510 screw driven build by MsDosFX.
OX (Large) CNC
Building a Large OX CNC Open Build on a fold down table.
OoozNest WorkBee
A Journey on the WorkBee Build...
Build Author Stan Howe Views 2631
Bee the Boss
The frame of the CNC is going to to Bee a basic Work Bee with maybe 1 modification to the spoil board attachment. This will be located on a custom bench housing the electronics and vacuum. I plan to install Stepper online steppers, drivers, power supplies, and break out board. I will add a 1.5 KW water cooled spindle, with a radiator. The fans from the radiator will pull air from a filtered enclosure for all the electronics.
Build Author holographic Views 7166
Laser DIY
How i construct and create my DIY Co2 Laser cutter and engraving mashine. details will follow
The machine is a stock Lead CNC, with the Black Box controller and StepperOnline 269oz NEMA 23 motors. I'll be using the DeWalt 611 from Openbuilds, as well.
Build Author Hidro669 Views 3005
My custom world of tanks gaming desk built by Ragged Edge Eaming Solutions
summary huh... If it doesnt fit MAKE IT!
My Workbee build
Workbee, 1000mmX750mm , from China
Indoor Drumline Props
Triangular Towers
MiniMill build
A table top OpenBuilds MiniMill build. 48V 52mm spindle with ER11 collets.
Build Author HuguesP Views 6303
Peristaltic pumps, Automatic Cocktail mixer
This is an automatic cocktail mixer made with 8 small peristaltic pumps. this is driven with the touch screen or over wifi. the controller used is a raspberry pi with a Apache webserver
My build
I am satisfied with my build and next one will be even better.
Dirt cheap build.
Hevavy duty 1300mm x 1300mm laser cutter Ceramic tube Servo motors
Starting the next Laser build, Plan to complete within 60 days.
Mushu - Large Scale CoreXY
20x26x28 inch Build Volume CoreXY. Unlike many builds, I've decoupled the XY movements from the Z-Axis lead screws to help prevent Wobble, will be using linear guide rails, and mains powered bed heater, and a bed that is Allowed to thermally grow. This build is JUST narrow enough to fit through a standard sized doorway.
Build Author Cortellini Views 3694
The Feedback Fractal Project (Project) - building "A Monument For Our Time." As its intent is to build a monumental sculpture, the Project will produce an object d'art. Yet, once begun, the Project has evolved a life and character of its own. I continue to follow the thread woven by the materials, the processes, and the people that come to it and in the end the work will not only be a faithful rendition of an image and a concept, it will also be a tapestry of the story of its making.
Build Author RV6APilot Views 3616
South Carolina Workbee 1000X1000
This is about my build of a Workbee 1000X1000 being built here in Trenton, SC. My goal is to use it to help cut the new panel for my RV6A airplane.
Taller couch legs
A simple but elegent couch legs
ricks workbee build
i had the ox build and wanted to do a more beeffer style so i went with a workbee style machine ..
Cnc od grinder and thread grinder
This is a totally original build of an od id grinder and thread grinder, I hope.
Build Author KronBjorn Views 3912
WorkBee Lead 1010, Reduced Footprint, Nema17
This is a WorkBee 1000x1000mm with lead screws and Nema17's. It has a reduced footprint, with the geared Nema's inside the frame.
Vacuum laser table
Large 10’x6’ vacuum table made from steel tubing and 1/4 inch steel plate
EOX v2
Upgrading my CNC router to run on ball screws. Me and the belts where not getting along.