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Build Author Martin Bogomolni Views 11138
Delta-Six ( Jerry426 variant )
Building a Delta-6 variant, using recycled parts from a WolfStock Delta printer.
c-beam hello world
My first ever build. Straight C-beam with tinyg controller a few do-dads and some make do choices. Non-metric length lead screws to save long lead time. Jog knobs to cover the extra length and also practical. My old Bosch Colt never had it so good. Build out work remains, wire dressing, drag chain, vacuum, permanent base, etc.
Build Author TouchPadKing Views 4518
1500mmx500mm Kossel Delta
Please, look over my build and make any recommendations you can think of! I haven't figured out how long my arms need to be yet. Nor have I done any shopping around to find better prices...
Old Faithful...FDM/CNC machine
I've owned some pretty unreliable printers, and I'll leave it at that... This design comes from the need to have a 3D printer that is reliable, period. I didn't have the money for a several thousand dollar 3d printer with an equivalent build area so that was out of the question. Plus as a fledgling Engineer, I really wanted to blood myself on a project. And that's how Old Faithful came to be. A simple, reliable, rigid, durable machine. Made by me :) Also, it'll be tough enough for light CNC.
Build Author taratata2016 Views 7396
Panther 3D printer
After use of the i3 Prusa 200x200x180, the volume increases to 300x300x450 on the V-Slot and driven by a Megatronics V3
Build Author Chetan PM Views 3275
Gantry style rigid build
Build Author McAdam Views 3199
Need a catchy name - enlarging CNC
The aim of this build is to have a CNC that can cut a FULL sheet of wood when I need it to, but also shrink down and cut smaller sheets the rest of the time. The prototype is based on an OX cnc but soon it will be completely custom using Openbuilds Parts
Build Author Robert Huxford Views 3161
High Intensity Dive Light
Long duration , high intensity SCUBA dive light using Li-Po 18650 batteries and advanced circuitry.
Build Author Matt Barile Views 6540
Fixed Gantry Welded Steel Router
Fully welded, fixed gantry CNC router, with chinese linear motion parts, in progress
3D Printer based upon 3d printed parts and open builds componets
Build Author nschreiber0813 Views 4921
Schreibotics Fabricator MkII
It all started after my prusa i3 build inspired me to experiment with resin 3D printers because I want to learn if they are worth it and if I can design my own printer.
Build Author Jens Grabner Views 3670
This calculator work inside with a spezail count format - Fraction as Mantisse + Dezimal exponent .. in summ 9 Byte.
Build Author islahcnc Views 4039
I will post soon some more details.
First CoreXY Build
First CoreXY. Simple Square build, hopes for faster movements.
Heavy duty C Beam
a 1000mm x 1500mm CBeam build with hgr20 hiwin rails 600w er16 spindle
Build Author Anthony Castelluci Views 2746
Simple Camera Lofted Camera Slider
Build a manual camera slider.
Vertical Mill
This will be a CNC milling machine. My goal is to make this mill for the minimum cost I can while not sacrificing quality. In hope of staring an educational YouTube channel on CNC milling and 3D Printing. Along with when to use both.
Build Author bpatterson42 Views 2770
Inverted Y C-Beam Machine
Similar to C-Beam Machine build, but with inverted Y-axis assembly to shield drive screw. Integrated XZ gantry can be fixed to any solid surface. Build dimensions are 36" x 36" x 6".
Build Author hbtousa Views 2626
Quack Ball
Quack Ball is a game in which the objective is to knock down moving ducks. The ducks are protected by a barricade that moves at a very fast speed. The game can be played individually or by two or more players. Each round consists of a total of ten targets to shoot and each player will have four balls to shoot. Prior to beginning play, a player selects how many ducks, maximum four, the player will knock down continuously. If player fails games is over for that player.
Build Author Sprags Views 2128
C-Beam Kyo Sphinx 10060
More stuff here.
Build Author Bucky Wootmaster Views 2464
Bucky CNC
CNC machine using extrusions with linear rails and ball screws on all axes - no plates
Build Author Mark Carew Views 25797
OpenBuilds Workbee 1050 (40" x 20")
The OpenBuilds WorkBee 1050 - 1000x500 Lead Screw Driven CNC Machine
Build Author Mark Carew Views 22899
C-Beam® XLarge Linear Actuator
This OpenBuilds C-Beam XL actuator is the backbone of a lot of the awesome builds put together by the OpenBuilds community
Butterfly 3DP V 1.0
tronxy x3 like
Build Author MrMojoRisin Views 6884
IIOT WiFi Portable CNC Plasma Cutter
IIOT WiFi Plasma CNC.
Build Author Cortellini Views 4911
the Feedback Fractal project
The Story of the Scecina Memorial High School 1510 BUILD will unfold through a series of 10 minute Episodes. Each episode will consist of video showing how to assemble some aspect of the 1510 overlaid with a discussion about Technology, Art, Philosophy... and Life the Universe and Everything. Episode two is soon to follow. If sufficient interest ensues, the episodes may continue beyond the building of the 1510 to relate its use in the making of the Art.
Build Author Lasersc Views 4295
The D & R TigerPaw Trilogy
Hopefully this will be a quick guide to one way that you can add a laser to an existing CNC router.
Build Author Keith Davis Views 3387
Vulcan Bot
A 200mm x 300mm x 200mm workhorse that never needs leveling due to Posi-Drive Leveling design.
Build Author Sir Bagels Views 2384
CNC Auto-pipette
Senior Design Project Bennett Robertson, Megan England University of Iowa College of Engineering
Build Author mjenkins5720 Views 2225
Modified LEAD machine
At the moment this build is in progress, I will be updating the files as I finish the remainder of the machine. This machine is intended to be a multipurpose CNC, but a bit bigger than a desktop unit. The machine is scalable in the X and Y axis.
Building a Phlat based CNC for MDF processing. Capacity of 48" x unlimited length.
Acro 1010 with 10 watt Laser
Built a 32"x40" ACRO Kit for my 10watt Endurance Laser. Put it in a stand alone clamshell cabinet, added a 340cfm 6" fan and variable speed switch for the fan. Using LIght Burn for my primary software. It seems to be work well.
Build Author Corey Corbin Views 4202
Sphinx Derived Router
I Like the Sphinx design thought I would attempt my first build. I wanted to build this and use Arduino controller with GRBL to be able to learn and understand my machine.
Build Author Daniel Stewart Views 1404
Ultra sun cutter
A sun cutter only using mirror and glass balls with x and y table movement
Build Author Crazzy French Dude Views 4282
PeeNaPle_V1.4b is a BoB controller board for 3D Printers, CnC and cartesian machine, using the latest Teensy_4.1
Build Author OpenBuilds Views 3939
Interface magnetic mount
A simple build that helps you to mount the OpenBuilds Interface to the front of your machine.
Keeping thing quiet with a custom C Beam XL
A small form factor machine in a soundproof enclosure
The dwarf
This is a build for those of us that want to work fairly large but are in a tight space and budget
Progetto di un laser CO2 da 50w Autocostruito, con scheda di controllo MKS Sbase v.1.3 Firmware Smoothieware versione CNC Struttura realizzata con profili T-slot 20x20 e 20x40
Build Author Steve Hall Views 3545
Cartesian Style Build UK
Another Cartesian style build with parts from the UK, US & China.
Build Author tarekhassan2030 Views 4463
Home build from A to Z
I made this from A to Z at home by myself with reading and watching tones of videos. 50 cm X 50 cm but I get 40cm x 35 cm as a real workread
Build Author Ted Moyer Views 4508
OLD Lead 1010 High Z Mod converted to Newest Lead 1515 with High Z mod, slimmer cbeam motor mounts, thrust bearings etc. Extended by original table out and upgraded my 1.5kw VFD and Spindle to 4kw ER20 Spindle and 7.5kw GT VFD
Build Author Cam Garrett Views 3059
Sturdy Motorized Photographic Copy Stand
i would like to build a sturdy motorized photographic copy stand. i have hobbled together a hand crank version using a used umbrella pole but it is not suitable as it is awkward and wobbly.
Build Author Suhmanda Views 3316
Build Author CONUCON Views 4621
3DTwinX Gantry CNC System
Belt driven 3-axis linear system for high precision and low costs. > Threading and linear real cutting needed
My Lead 1010
This is a fully loaded Lead 1010 and located in a shed measuring 3 by 2.50 meters. Here i build my guiyats by hand and the help of my Openbuilds friend! Pure for hobby.
Build Author David E. Flores E. Views 3896
ACRO System w/Laser 80W
This is my version of the OpenBuilds ACRO System CNC, a 1010 version (1000mm x 1000mm). I need this machine to build PCB prototypes within 2-days at maximum. I will try to build PCBs using drill and laser methods...
Monster Delta
As a 3rd year mechatronic engineer with a plan to print my 4th year thesis project and with no elegant backup plan, I ran into a problem, I'm gonna need a bigger printer. Loving the DeltaPrintr kickstarter, but needing it before the end of next year I have resolved to make my own.
Build Author Josh Mascote Views 6744
Z3D Delta Printer
Berrybot inspired delta 3d printer with a few other tweaks and modifications.
Build Author Leon Style Views 4190
Easy build cnc router with t slot profile and nylon machined part
Ez3D - Phoenix 3D Printer Build
This is my 1st submission to and my 1st venture into building a 3D Printer. The Phoenix 3d Printer is a kit from Ez3D, a company based out of Colorado, started and backed by successful Kick-starter and IndieGogo campaigns. The Phoenix 3d Printer kit is currently backlogged 10 to 12 weeks which means quite a wait. I will be chronicling my experience with this kit as I get it done.
Build Author Mohsen Abbasi Views 8095
Foldable Rainwater Collector
Realisation of my idea about a foldable collector for rainwater, which is light and easy to make. People around the world need water and can collect rain water with this collector. I made it for syria and all too.
For all other builders and robotic technies!
Build Author Zootalaws Views 5945
This is a 1500 x 1500 Ox build
HardKnot OX 4x4
I've been working on commercial woodworking CNC's for year's under shop owner's that didn't want me to progress any further at a certain point. This is a project I've wanting to build for about 10 years now. I can't wait for the freedom to build what I know is possible without any negative input.
12.5" x 12" Assembled Heated Build Plate
Custom build plate for 300mm x 300mm (12"x12"). The hole pattern is for the 20x60 V Slot
Hybrid OX (Ball Screw, Linear Guides, Ect.)
Planning my first build. Hope to achieve a larger format yet rigid design.
large format printer
I am hoping to post a detailed build of my printer it is a large format using the RepRap RAMPS 1.4 & Mega 2560 & DRV8825 Driver + optical end stop +LCD 12864 -C 0.4mm Far-end Distal Dual-Head Nozzle Extruder Double Nozzle
Build Author CWidt Views 7992
OpenBuilds CAndC - CNC Machine
A new derivative of the famous OX CNC, with increases strength, rigidity, and accuracy.
Build Author Anglesachse Views 8412
Corexy, with possible head change (3d, cnc, laser)
Bandicoot v1
My first custom build, using vslot rails for Z and Y and 8mm rails for X. Currently printing parts for this using my Prusa I3. The build volume will be roughly 300mm^3, X and Y are belt driven with 8mm acme lead screws for Z. Will be uploading more info shortly as i continue to build the printer.
Build Author Views 5995
3D Printer Leveler Made with Maker Rail
Leveling Platform / Stand 3D Printers
C-Beam Router, 48"x48"
C-Beam Router using 1500mm lengths, 48x48" build area, and rack and pinion movement.
HAPP Printer
This 3D Printer is made to provide the most accurate results with the least amount of investment. This Printer is being designed to allow the common user to own a very accurate piece of machinery.
Kossel Mini Delta
This is a Chinese kit I got on ebay from someone in CA.
3D Printed Solid - Large Format Printer
I need a large build plate without spending 10-20k for a "store" built printer.
Delta 3D Printer
This is a Delta build using 1610 ballscrews from China
Build Author zann68 Views 8063
OX CNC 4'x4'
Out with the Old in with the New. Trying to build a nice clean setup that myself and my sons can use and enjoy.
Build Author Gary Bonard Views 5490
This is my second Ox with a working area of 14" x 14" x 5" I wanted to build a small sturdy potable CNC router and this OxZilla has the nice upgrades !
Build Author Julius Views 7608
The "Hand" CNC (or OXCarve)
more to come, please follow along the journey!
This build will hopefully be 18x18x24 build space using RAMPS 1.4 with Marlin firmware. Using NEMA 17 motors and belts to drive the X and Y axis, lead screws for the Z axis. The build plate will be heated with a delrin Y carriage for the glass and heatbed. Z axis motors will be top mounted. Possibly and ATX power supply.
Build Author Cbrown330 Views 4774
Big 3d Printer, Big Brown
This is a big 609 x 609 x 914 3d pritner with exchangable hot ends and extruders.
Build Author boubouexpress Views 10670
3D Drucker sparkcube V1.1XL V-Slot™ Mini V Linear Actuator Bundle
sparkcube V1.1XL edit V-slot mini v linear
Infinite Z Delta Printer
Currently completely imaginary
Build Author Joe Garritano Views 10397
X-carve upgrade
Using criticall OpenBuilds components to upgrade the rigidity and reliability of an X-Carve 1000mm build.
Build Author Jose A. Molina Views 6313
Remote Controlled Robot Spider(Teaching Tool)
This Project is meant to teach introductory robotics and arduino styled micro-controllers to HS and MS students.
Build Author Power Playground Views 4231
This is my own modified version of the D-Bot printer. I wanted to spec this printer to be able to print exotic materials at high accuracy with little to no compromises and maximum reliability.
delta 3d printer kit
HE3D K200 kit build
Build Author Ken376 Views 3083
Welded project cnc first try
Kind of hard to see in this pic now lining up drive s and finishing framework
Build Author Linkreincarnate Views 2569
Amazon Special
I have parts that are apparently not suited to a cnc router or a 3d printer. I am still trying to figure out what to make out of what I have,
Large 3D printer 12"x12"x12" with heated bed
I want to have a printer to support senior projects. Also working on supporting 3D printing needs in the local community.
My 3D Printer
A DIY 3D printer. At beginning made from aluminium profiles, aluminium sheet and wood :)
CNC 1000x1000mm C-beam
inspired by
Build Author JerryD Views 4774
1500x1000mm Adjustable Height
I have the demand to cut/etch tall pieces of material. For this reason, I have designed a machine with 500mm uprights with adjustable gantry height. This way I can raise/lower the sled and z-axis as needed. I've also chosen to use a linear C-channel assembly for the Z axis with the plate mounted to the gantry instead of the other way around. This will allow for maximum range of the z-axis. The parts list/BOM does not include motors/belts/pulleys or electronics.
Toying around a concept. Inputs are welcome on whether to use lead screw or belt drive. My lead screw will be single start 500 mm lenght, 2 mm pitch and 2 mm lead. Nema 17 motors will be used. All veterans, suggestions please.
Build Author TimVukman Views 3714
Unique Z
My original Tevo Tarantula kit was ok..... I had issues with the X gantry staying level. I got rid of the wheels and replaced them with linear block bearings. I still had some issues with the X gantry. I swapped out the plastic parts with aluminum which was much better. Still not what I want yet
Core XY
Just now in the planning phase of my build. Waiting for some parts to come in to see what I am going to build off of. Print area going to be close to 300x300x350. Trying to decide if I want it enclosed. I do want to print ABS... so probably so.
Build Author MidnightQuads Views 3368
MQTitan printer
Components- RAMPS, running marlin, Nema 17, All metal extruder, 600mm lead screws, 600mm 2020 aluminum extrusions, 12v 30a power supply, 12v LED strip, Typical endstops, 600mm 8mm linear rods, Bearing block for 8mm bearings, Openbuilds plates, wheels, and bearings, 500x500mm borosilicate glass plate
Noob 1000Sphinx
A complete noob stumbling thru his first cnc build in winter.. and trying to find the time with 2 toddlers..
Build Author Blyn3D Views 5620
Fourth Axis Mill Prototype
I really like the 4th axis I purchased a few years back, but when I went looking for it again the suppliers who once carried it no longer do. Anyone know who makes it? Center hole receives collets. I own a ShopSmith so I am using a 5/8th rod and can mount it's chucks onto this machine. Also I like the use of the skateboard wheels, they are adjustable and one could use more sets over a longer axis. The Sherline z-axis is not my first choice, I just had a spare.
Build Author h3rb Views 3057
TEVO Little Monster Marine Vinyl Removable Enclosure
Make a vinyl burrito ENCLOSURE for your TEVO LITTLE MONSTER for < $30 (<$20 if you don't have your vinyl shipped!)
Build Author h3rb Views 4816
TEVO Little Monster Direct Mount Extruder
Cheap, experimental Modification to Tevo Little Monster's bowden system for the extruder
Build Author Mark Carew Views 16320
Nema 23 Belt and Pinion Actuator
This easy to build and effective system can take your builds to the next level! This design is strong and accurate and could be the solution/upgrade that you've been looking for!
26 x 26 x 45 3D Printer/Mill
Super tall 3D printer. All lead screw design.
300x300 belt drive laser etching/cutting platform. The design was borrowed from another's blog and customized to fit materials on-hand. Was a very fun project to assemble.
Build Author joetemus Views 5820
Shapeoko 2 Z-Axis Upgrade
This is a major redesign to the Z-axis of an otherwise stock Shapeoko 2.
Build Author Darren Dickson Views 3551
3D printed CNC Machine
So I thought I would make the Leon van den Beukel version three 3D printed CNC Machine, it is the third incarnation so you would expect a relatively bug-free CNC Machine with a strong foundation.
Angle grinder converted into electric drill
How to convert an angle grinder into an electric drill? Remove the angle grinder, leaving only one main motor, and then find a suitable intermediate roller with a point drill to assemble it.
Build Author jeff johnson Views 5134
workbee 1510
Getting more height out of the !510
Build Author Tristen Poliseno Views 2963
Back and forth rail mechanism
I have the whole description and all the details in the "Body" section!