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Build Author Kyo Views 141025
C-beam Sphinx
A strong desktop cnc router that will enable you to make larger aluminium plates without taking up to much room. Simple, strong and opensource ! Build one today..
Build Author Michael.M Views 63906
This machine has been in the works for quite a while. Most of the plates were cut with my Shpinx machine. I have a lot more photos and information to share soon.
Build Author blterry1 Views 17318
The Beeline CNC
Here are the instructions to build the Beeline custom CNC router table.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 258559
C-Beam® Machine - Plate Maker
This C-beam Machine is an in affordable CNC plate maker and 3D carving machine!
Build Author roadss Views 23549
Rawcnc 1.5 Desktop Edition
This will showcase the build of my Rawcnc 1.5. A rigid cnc router from the Swedish company Rawcnc, featuring a rather cool linear motion system, rack & pinion and steel reinforced X-axis capable of milling aluminum.
Build Author Janis93 Views 14199
1000x1000 Two version of router Belt and Screw
Cheap sheet metal gantry solutions, for diy belt driven cnc and screw driven cnc.
Build Author ahayden Views 25799
C-Beam Prefab Untitled
The C-Beam Prefab Untitled is designed as the cartesian compliment to the C-Beam XL. With the exception of requiring a couple more 1000mm C-Beams and lead screws, the build requires a minimum of additional parts. The primary intention of the build is to maximize the cutting envelope while still staying within the sweet spot for C-beam rigidity. This design can easily be modified and allows for further custom structural components to be cut with the initial build platform.
Build Author Michael.M Views 39516
7050 Sphinx
This is a Kyo Sphinx CNC Router build. Working Area: 350mm X 500mm Link to original design:
The Frog: CNC Router
Frog CNC Router. Inspired by OX and "Routy". 24"x36" active working area, approx. 3" usable Z motion.
The RAT. A form ply and aluminium hybrid.
A hybrid of form ply and aluminium. 835x1260x100mm working envelope.
Build Author Robert Bailey Views 28381
FRANKINATOR -- My CNC Router Built Around The C-Beam Rail
I started this build about 2 weeks after the c-beam hit the store. I purchased a single bundle and ordered a TinyG to run it. where I work I have Hardware, Software and Mechanical engineers and they all got sucked into my project. they want one to do prototyping at the office, once they see mine...
Salmon Sphinx 1.0
A tribute build based on Kyo's wonderful CBeam Sphinx. My hope is to improve on that build slightly, but to be honest, I'll probably just screw it up. I'll use this build to publicly document my failures.
Design of a multifunctional CNC machine.
Another (Mostly) Stock OX
For my first Openbuilds project, I decided to put together an OX CNC Router.
Build Author CharlieShimota Views 14667
Vox Solid State
I never thought owning a CNC machine was possible until I stumbled upon the Openbuilds site. After viewing numerous builds I was drawn to the Ox by Mark Carew but ultimately decided on a build of similar design, Halloumi by Savvas. It's a C-beam design driven by Nema 23 steppers with Acme lead screws. Like Savvas I will be fabricating temporary plates to get up and running then use the machine to mill the final plates. The material I'm using for the temp plates is solid surface (Avonite).
Build Author Gooshpoo Views 8338
Gooshpoo's H style cnc machine
A cool project about my cnc machines unique style.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 72248
Original PhlatPrinter
Phlatprinter foam cutting CNC machines are awesome space saving mills that use a rotary axis as a sheet feed.
Build Author winand Views 17160
YAOR (Yet Another Openbuilds Router)
Yet Another Openbuilds Router, my version :-)
Small Red OX
A small router for thin plate stock
Building a larger C-BEAM CNC Machine with no previous experience.
Build Author Julius Views 24125
OX Balls - 1605 Ballscrew Powered 1000mmx1000mmm OX derivative
1000x1000mm Ballscrew driven OX Derivative. Dewalt 611 spindle and TB6600 Drivers.
Build Author Jacob Lotter Views 23844
1510 Workbee Modified
Some of the things that I have done to my 1510 Workbee Installed Linear rails and bearing blocks with drawings. Installed Ops console Made conversion plates for extruded aluminum to casters Extended z axis travel by a couple inches with steel plates. As of now in the process of installing Lead screws across the 1500mm length.
Build Author richthorn Views 7685
Aluminum Ox
I have been looking for a good solid kit to build off of for some time and when I saw the Ox buildlog I knew I had to have one. Ordered most of the pieces from Open Builds and started planning. Had a nice gentleman named Chris cut the required plates from 6061 aluminum for me (he sells them on eBay now if you're interested) and got to work.
Build Author Serge E. Views 59558
myOX : a 4' x 2' OX CNC with potential
This is the story of me building myOX - my version of the "ideal" OX. I want a machine which can route/mill at least 4' wide and as long as I can feed through (don't be shy, think "infinity") as well as going deep on multiple faces - manual 4th axis. I have loads of ideas to take myOX towards that goal and way beyond. Time will tell. Just follow along through this build and possibly a few others along the way ... Check out my OXCalculator : let your computer figure out your BoM
cnc plasma table
ive got most of the wire harness made up too im using Chinese electronics for now I will upgrade later when this thing makes me some cash lol im using a ibm think center to case to hold my electronics ive got a 25' parallel cable to put some distance between the table and the computer
OX Tale
1000mm x 750mm OX with some planned enhancements. My first venture into CNC.
Build Author Rakmup Views 40112
CNC Router Lathe
Steel square tube frame with dual feed gantry and indexing lathe section. Will have 36" x 30" x 6" travel. Has a Harmonic Drive on the 4th Axis.
Build Author Hytech2k Views 32909
Triple Shot R-P-M Area 51 CNC Parts
We wanted to create a rapid prototyping machine with excellent 3D printing, laser cutting and engraving, and light CNC router work capabilities.
GrOX (OX based router)
1000mm x 1500mm OX router using Openbuilds parts and plates by Chris Laidlaw
Black Rabbit 1500
This is a router that I designed that is loosely based on the Openbuilds Ox, but designed to be heavy duty, rigid, and yet quick and agile.
Adjustable Router Guide Template
This project is an adjustable router guide template made with 20x60 V-slot. It was meant as a less expensive and more user friendly alternative to commercially available units.
Build Author Rick Holder Views 14333
Gantry Type CNC with Makita Router
The machine has met and exceeded my expectations on repeatability and accuracy. Cost was approx £600 including the Windows tablet.
Build Author JWhitten Views 13181
Build #2 - Bigger & Stronger
Large format CNC router with a 1500mm x 3000mm cutting envelope (5 x 10 ft) strong enough to cut wood and aluminum constructed from 20-series and 40-series aluminum extrusions. Complete Project Log w/ Pictures:
Build Author Joerharris Views 5981
Joe Harris's all metal CNC Router build
I'm building a CNC router in my garage (almost finished!) and I'm keeping a video build log of the process in the hope it may be useful to others wanting to do the same. I don't have much in the way of fancy tools so expect a bit of innovation on the way!
Build Author ShockingTops Views 3784
Opening into doors
Construction of a CNC table for a specific project that could cut an area larger than a door (>8'x4'). Much thought went into how to avoid the weight of the gantry bending the (long) Y axis, whilst still keeping down the complexity and cost.
Build Author Michael.M Views 8732
Sphinx Evolution
Let me explain: About a year ago I was planning to build a CNC router of my own design. I started gathering components including the THK linear rails. I soon found out you pretty much need a CNC to build a CNC and this is when I decided to build my Sphinx machine. I've had these rails and some other parts sitting around so it's time I used them! I'm planning to incorporate linear rails and 1605 ballscrews into the Sphinx design. I really like the overall appearance of the Sphinx.
Build Author that-jim Views 44127
LINEAR RAIL SPHINX 55 (Blue OX plates)
Machine based on Sphinx 55 built with linear rails.
OpenBuilds LEAD CNC Machine 1515 (60" x 60")
It began with creating an extremely rigid axis that incorporates a multi C-Beam Linear Rail system as well as precision lead screws coupled with a tension system for the absolute maximum in performance.
Fixed Gantry CNC Router
A fixed gantry router using OpenBuilds control and electronics.
Build Author Rick 2.0 Views 15940
C-Beam Mini Mite
A small system with a big bite. Design achieves a good balance between machine size vs. build area, rigidity and ease of construction all while keeping build cost as low as possible.
Cheetah 1.1 CNC Router
I hope to have a working prototype built soon.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 14030
Phlatprinter MKII
Phlatprinter MKII Foam Cutting Machine
Router / Plasma Prototype Build
this is my first attempt at a CNC Table
An OX build - little large than specs and plates 3D printed
Build Author d0rk1e Views 7093
OXford (OX fortified)
150x75 cm OX with additional Y axis supports and hopefully a working double belt system
The Buffalo
OX 1500 x 1000 mm
Build Author SlyClockWerkz Views 16002
1000mm X 1500mm OX CNC -- Fiber/Garolite
Building the full size OX.
Sketchup Design of a PVC CNC I Intend to build.
Build Start to begin Feb 1st.
Build Author inhan Views 11973
I am very grateful to Mark Carew with passion and imagination. Therefore, the machine is good, but making the website there too daedanhaeseo The end of the same either way to invisible homework. Thank you for allowing openbuilds team submitted to the challenge once again for those with a passion that I feel like in Korea, I want to be a great help.
My Ox
What I want to build is a unit to: rout wood, plastic and occasional aluminium . to be able to swap cutters. i.e. drragknife, laser, router, drill
Routy GT2 300 BSX CNC Router
This is the first project that I would like to share with you. I know the build looks familiar and it is; it’s based on kram242´s Routy. Work area is 300*500*55 mm and is NEMA17/GT2 belt driven.
Build Author Laurence Carroll Views 10373
C-Beam Double X
Per the special notes its a variant of the C-Beam, Machine.... I have noticed that alot of people build a CNC router to cut parts for other larger CNC machines.. eg Delta Printers this will enable me to cut parts for model RC plans UAV's etc...
My build of the OX kit from
Build Author Jesse Jenkins Views 8924
Hedron's build with Ooznest kit and Xylotex motors
A 3-axis flying gantry (4'x4') mechanical kit is assembled. A 3D printer is used to make cable chain for tidy and cheap wire management. A BeagleBone Black development platform with Machinekit software (LinuxCNC) is configured to control a Xylotex motor driver box connected to an Openbuilds Ox direct-drive pulley and belt motion system. A vacuum dust-collection system is designed, CNC-routed and installed. A steel table is made to mount the table onto.
Arctic Ox CNC Router
This is a cartesian CNC Router build that is based off the OX CNC build by Mark Carew. I am using Spark Concepts CNC xPro controller board and their 400w spindle kit.
Powder coated multi CNC Z Axis plasma adapter with Prox.
Powder coated multi CNC Z Axis plasma adapter with Proximity sensor. . It can also hold a 80mm Router head/Spindle as seen in my router build.
This is a design for a desktop CNC machine. It may be a router or laser. I am undecided as to the final design.
Build Author Joe Garritano Views 10226
X-carve upgrade
Using criticall OpenBuilds components to upgrade the rigidity and reliability of an X-Carve 1000mm build.
My first OX build
This is the story of my experience building a 1000 x 750mm OOZNest OX CNC router
RSW's C-Beam Build
I built a CNC Router using 3/4 MDF, 1/8 aluminum angle for bearing races and various other odds and ends. I learned a lot about how not to build a CNC router. I found and decided to build a C-Beam for my first build. The long term idea is to use this machine to build custom plates for and OX type machine and a 3d printer.
OX CNC Router
Ca fait 2 ans que je rêve d'une Fraiseuse CNC. Ni trop grande ni trop petite, sans avoir le budget pour en acheter une toute faite. Je suis artisan menuisier ébéniste et j'ai finalement décidé de la construire. Le projet OX m'a séduit, alors je me lance.
Build Author chenderson Views 11592
CRH C-BEAM Router, steel capable
C-beam based CNC router using mostly openbuilds parts.
Openbuilds C-beam
This is a build supported by Ooznest by a team of girls in Year 8 (12/13 years old) to machine model F1 cars for the F1 in Schools competition.
Solid basics CNC router
This build focuses on the basics to provide a good foundation to further enhance the ability to achieve tight tolerances
Build Author Mark Carew Views 33468
PhlatPrinter MK 3
The Phlatprinter 3 was designed to be used in a small shop with the ability to cut large sheets of foam for RC airplane projects. The idea was that you could save all of your aircraft as models and tweak to perfection after every flight.
Robo Morten
A horizontal-router CNC using openbuilds parts geared toward routing out mortise and tenon joinery; or any other end grain work on wood.
C-Beam Sphinx Vacuum
A modified 1000x1000 Sphinx, with a built in vaccum table.
Build Author Ryan Lock Views 130622
WorkBee CNC Machine
The WorkBee is our latest CNC Machine and is a culmination of all our experience, feedback, and suggestions from selling the OX CNC Machine over the past 2 years. The WorkBee is capable of accurately cutting foams, woods, plastics or aluminum at depths greater than 25mm to 0.2mm accuracy or greater.
Router Box
This box is made from tough aluminum with plastic boards, helps hold WiFi Routers, Modems, or/ Ethernet Switches! The aluminum can resist the heat produced by these electronics, and the weight of the electronics, also being light itself. This box is the thing you need to hold your electronic devices!
Build Author jtaggard Views 33624
Modular DIY CNC Machine
This modular CNC machine is based on the OpenBuilds ACRO System, however I wanted something that did more than just laser engrave. So I designed my machine using the same style as the ACRO but with some upgrades such as an actual Z-axis and the ability for multiple tool attachments.
Build Author Carl Siren Views 6793
CNC-machine 650by700
A home-made CNC-machine with a 1.5 kW air cooled spindle motor suitable for milling materials such as wood, plastic and soft metals. The work table is 650 mm wide by 700 mm deep and the maximum movement is set to 560 mm for the x-axis, 480 mm for the y-axis and 105 mm for the z-axis.
Build Author Weldsmith Views 7030
I am building a multi tool CNC. I plan to have a quick change tooling system that will accept Routers, oxy acetylene torch, Plasma torch. etc. there will be a water bed under the convertible router table / work bench. The inspiration to build this machine is from having a small garage and not a shop.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 79221
OpenBuilds Workbee 1510 (60" x 40")
The OpenBuilds WorkBee 1510 - 1500x1000 Belt Driven CNC Machine
Build Author Mark Carew Views 49999
OpenBuilds Sphinx 55 (20" x 20")
The OpenBuilds Sphinx 55 - 500x500 Lead Screw Machine
Sphinx 7575
Sphinx CNC modified to 750mm x 750mm c-beams. Parts not readily available in South Africa, so i have to make some modifications...
Build Author Scott Martinez Views 10750
The Growler
This machine is a heavy duty, moving gantry style CNC router. It uses Teknic ClearPath servo motors driving ballscrews and linear rails. The machine has 36" x 48" x 19" of travel with about 7" of clearance below the gantry.
Build Author Cosmosteel Views 3896
Clear Acrylic Dust Shoe
Attaches router with screw clamping. Clear Skirt is 2" long or can be made longer if requested. Works well keeping dust within the chamber. It can be made to fit shapeoko, ox cnc, workbee, xcarve, 6040, laguna,piranha, millright etc. with similar setup including Bosh, Makita , dewalt 611 routers or spindles.
Build Author viktop Views 16635
Simple CNC Router (Nema17, V-slot 2040, Arduino, GRBL)
An OX-inspired mini desktop mill.
LR/BS CNC Router
An easy to source/easy to build, yet quite robust CNC router. This design has not yet be implemented.
Build Author Damian V-SLOT Poland Views 11852
Router Sled V1.1 V-SLOT
We want to present you the new design of the device which is Router Sled. The whole structure is made of aluminum elements and ensures good quality of the device. We used V-SLOT aluminum profiles and OpenBuilds accessories for the construction. The instructional video can be found on our YouTube channel (subtitles in English soon)
Build Author Stokrotka74 Views 6039
Racoon CNC
This is a Sphinx variation, aimed to minimize footprint and maximize workarea. Work in progress.
Build Author Kyo Views 24490
Sphinx 55
A Sphinx build to inspire and encourage all those who want to get started with cnc to check out Opensbuilds line of machine bundles and hardware.
Build Author theracermark Views 3326
Reviving the Origonal PhlatPrinter with BlackBox
Reworked PhlatPrinter Gen1 Adding dual nema 17s to all 3 axis Supprot for carriage to insure even dept cuts Lighting for view of cutting area
Build Author Paul Amelang Views 4116
4x8 CNC Router for Composites
Router for making plugs for composite part production, and for cutting CFRP.
Build Author that-jim Views 8644
Z-Axis Upgrade For My Sphinx
Z-Axis Upgrade For My Sphinx
ROUTY CNC Router (V-Slot Belt & Pinion)
A cool little CNC router build that uses the V-Slot belt & pinion drive and stock parts.
DIY CNC Machine
In this project, I show you how I built my DIY CNC machine. All moving parts of the DIY CNC router are running on ball bearings while the structural parts are made with natural materials, namely birch plywood and solid beech wood.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 1177769
OpenBuilds OX CNC Machine
OpenBuilds OX CNC Machine. A strong easy to build shop CNC router that can be sized to suit your needs. Many new features have been incorporated into the OX to make it a great router that is sure to inspire!
Build Author Schematix Views 154057
OX-Metal CNC Router Mill
The OX-Metal is based on the original OX CNC mill But with a few modifications and add-ons
Build Author Ronald van Arkel Views 32681
Routy GT2 290 BSX CNC Router, Low Cost and Good!
The Routy GT2 300 BSX CNC Router is a Low Cost CNC build. It performs the same as the larger Routy's from OpenBuilds but doesn't break the bank!
Build Author Leonard Cross Views 35168
Workbee CNC Router/Laser/Plotter
A CNC machine with an expansive 30x30" work area, supporing a router, laser, simple plotting and work monitoring camera. Control includes a tethered control box, game controller style jog control, and relay controlled AC outlets for all appliances. Accessories include a 3D printed dust shoe, a complete spoilboard and hold down system, an XYZ touch probe and multiple vacuum retention boards to support full profile routing.
Build Author Dave420 Views 5515
Dave's Z axis and powder coated.
I just did my first Powder coat paint job on a Z Axis with 9inchs of travel for the DIY CNC Plasma Cutter, Mill Head, Router, Engraver, Laser Head, Water Jet Cutter Machine. 2 different Z Axis ride plates and a 80mm Router/Mill Head/Spindle clamp. Baked on finish in a old oven i had.
Build Author Rob Taylor Views 17280
M4: 1510SS Heavy Mk.I
A 1500x1200mm, 20mm rail and 1610 ballscrew, heavy-duty, four-axis gantry machine. As high speed as spindle power MRR will allow for. Approx 4 x 3 x 1ft travels, intermediate size between benchtop and floor-scale units. Aiming at $10-15k machine in the $3k region.
Build Author John J Talavera Views 17707
This build was very complex due to the fact I wanted to create a low cost larger than normal CNC. I did not want a MDF or plastic body. I wanted it to be able to do more than most CNC routers this size on the market.
Charging Ox CNC Machine
A heavily modified Ox CNC build to replace SO2.
Build Author John J Talavera Views 7734
CNC FOR EVERYONE, THE DUCK! the Duck is something that i think would be helpful in my shop since we already do cold casting.
Steel Frame CNC Router
A scratch built steel frame CNC Router.
C-beam Router rack and pinion
I want build a frame that is as sturdy as possibility while at the same time keeping it as compact as possible. working area will be approx 1200mm x 600mm
Build Author Jason @ MCC Views 10660
QueenBee Pro CNC Router and Lathe
A 1000x1500mm QueenBee Pro with a 4th Axis Rotary attachment/Lathe Bed.
Build Author Jovian Views 27658
Proteus is the Greek God of change. Besides the numerous aspect of 3D printing that this could relate to this machine like the god can change. The Build allows for an interchanging head that will allow different functionality to be quickly and easily adapted. So you could print clay, silicon, plastic, cut with a laser cutter or even attach a rotary tool