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Rawcnc 1.5 Desktop Edition

Jul 11, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This will showcase the build of my Rawcnc 1.5. A rigid cnc router from the Swedish company Rawcnc, featuring a rather cool linear motion system, rack & pinion and steel reinforced X-axis capable of milling aluminum.

KeePrint Monster

Jun 22, 2019
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Large 2 foot x 3 foot x 4.5 foot build volume Core XY printer build in process at this point. I am designing everything from scratch and using typincal parts bought from amazon for the build.

Mushu - Large Scale CoreXY

May 6, 2019
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

20x26x28 inch Build Volume CoreXY. Unlike many builds, I've decoupled the XY movements from the Z-Axis lead screws to help prevent Wobble, will be using linear guide rails, and mains powered bed heater, and a bed that is Allowed to thermally grow. This build is JUST narrow enough to fit through a standard sized doorway.

South Carolina Workbee 1000X1000

Jun 8, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is about my build of a Workbee 1000X1000 being built here in Trenton, SC. My goal is to use it to help cut the new panel for my RV6A airplane.

PrintAir CoreXY

Oct 3, 2015
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A CoreXY/Bowden design with a belt driven Z axis. This is a box design without the front end of the box, making the print area and maintenance, like changing a nozzle, easily accessible.


Oct 28, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

From where Mark left off from the Ox build I am going to film the whole process of customizing the Ox.


Mar 26, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The machine is a stock Lead CNC, with the Black Box controller and StepperOnline 269oz NEMA 23 motors. I'll be using the DeWalt 611 from Openbuilds, as well.

CNC Coating Machine

Dec 1, 2018
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The purpose of this machine is to mix two parts of conformal coating with different viscosity in exactly 1:1 ratio and distribute the fluid on to PCB to seal and make it waterproof.

Black Rabbit 1500

Sep 2, 2016
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a router that I designed that is loosely based on the Openbuilds Ox, but designed to be heavy duty, rigid, and yet quick and agile.

Workbee "style" 1010 cnc

Feb 12, 2019
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This build is based on the Workbee 1010 CNC. It is not a kit build and is much the same as the original but with some significant changes made here and there as the build progresses.

Desktop 4-Axis Nema 23

Apr 6, 2018
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This build is specific to a furniture design I am trying to bring to market. My first attempt to build a machine. I have looked at other build submissions to help me figure out where I would like to start. The workable volume should 36" W x 6" D x 6" T. The goal is to become more comfortable with the electronics side of machines I enjoy using and also lower the cost of my product by reducing man hours in the manufacturing process. Yay!

SOLAC: Space Optimized LAser Cutter

Mar 9, 2017
Laser Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The Space Optimized LAser Cutter is a 40 watt CO2 laser cutter that supports a maximum part volume of 24" x 16" x 6.25". It consists of a V-slot frame + brackets/mounts designed to be 3D printed on a consumer desktop printer. Total cost of the machine is ~ $1,400 USD.

Sphinx 7575

Dec 27, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Sphinx CNC modified to 750mm x 750mm c-beams. Parts not readily available in South Africa, so i have to make some modifications...

CNC Control Box with VFD etc etc

Jan 6, 2019
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I'm currently working on the CNC control box, before doing any future work on the CNC Mountain Machine. I want the controller to be future proof and as professional as I can manage. I am planning to use stepper drivers, PSU's, a motor contactor unit to turn everything on, as well as a VFD and proximity limits switches. Each video will document the process and steps involved in researching, designing, planning and assembling a controller. I am not a natural electrician so learning as I go.

Rob's C-Beam Machine XLarge

Feb 28, 2018
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is my first CNC router build, so I started with the OpenBuilds C-Beam Machine XLarge mechanical bundle, including four high torque stepper motors. I took my time with the mechanical build, sought and found some great help for my control system, and designed and built a custom cabinet to house everything.

Sphinx 1050

Dec 4, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Openbuilds 1050 Sphinx. Thank you to Mark Carew for trading me a set of plates for a spindle and PSU I was not using. Mark is a champ!

Brice's CNC Router Build

Dec 1, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

I'm building a CNC router for a long time. Here's the result on this long journee. I tried to do my best with the basic tools I have. Don't hesitate to ask if you have questions.

Rock n Roll

Nov 27, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The Rock n Roll is built on granite, is solid as a rock, and gathers no moss. This build provides a high degree of accuracy and repeatability. Built to be strong, use redundancy, and use long lever arms to average out imperfections in the equipment. Built to go fast and light. We will use a high speed spindle, large high voltage stepper motors and small cutting heads to overwhelm the forces produced at the cutting head.

Non OX CNC Router

Jan 19, 2015
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This CNC Router is to 95% made of standard parts and almost all of them from the http://openbuildspartstore.com/.

Another OX CNC Router

Nov 24, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

An OX CNC router using Blue OX Solutions gantry plates, a Bosch Colt router, and most of the remaining parts coming from Openbuilds parts store. Table has about 22"x55" cutting capacity and I am planning on a combination T-Slot and vacuum hold down system.

Ball Trajectory Machine

Nov 23, 2018
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Need to build a machine that accurately positions objects for processing by a computer vision algorithm? Here is an example of a machine that does that for a ball trajectory application. The black anodized V-rails work well for applications in optics and imaging where the machine needs to stay out of the limelight.

MMXL - A MiniMill Conversion

Oct 29, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Using most of the parts of the MiniMill, and adding a few other parts (cost < $200), transforms the MiniMill into a very capable machine. Final build area as shown is 10.25" x 16". With a custom Y-plate, I will take it to 10.25" x 20-24".

1075 Sphinx

Jul 2, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

My first attempt at building a CNC. I chose the Sphinx due to ease of build and extensive documentation provided by Kyo.

Sphinx Evolution

Mar 3, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Let me explain: About a year ago I was planning to build a CNC router of my own design. I started gathering components including the THK linear rails. I soon found out you pretty much need a CNC to build a CNC and this is when I decided to build my Sphinx machine. I've had these rails and some other parts sitting around so it's time I used them! I'm planning to incorporate linear rails and 1605 ballscrews into the Sphinx design. I really like the overall appearance of the Sphinx.

Cousin CNC OX Router

Nov 1, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A lower profiled machine. Built all out of aluminum. Removable control panel/PC unit. Option for vacuum table and cooling pump for a spindle.

Stinger-Panting Images in the Air

Sep 20, 2018
Circuit - Software Project
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Stinger displays images in the air by using a single column of LEDs. Special computer code converts graphics to pixels; then, the pixels are send to the strings of LEDs, which with the help of of the motor's fast movement the most colorful are displayed on thin air.

CNC/3DPrint/Laser/Mill (formerly CNC-inator3000)

Mar 5, 2018
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Ultimately - the design is based on the highly successful Ultimaker concept, for which a regular size costs in the thousands, and one of this size would be edging into the 10's of thousands. Expected Build cost - <$800 It is a X/Y Cartesian printer with Raising/Lowering Z axis (Hotbed.) - Overall size is 610mm x 610mm x 750mm - with build volume of around 450mmx450mmx450mm - and will also have the ability to change work tools - such as for CNC Routing, Lazer etching, 3d Scanning, etc.

CNC-machine 650by700

Feb 4, 2018
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A home-made CNC-machine with a 1.5 kW air cooled spindle motor suitable for milling materials such as wood, plastic and soft metals. The work table is 650 mm wide by 700 mm deep and the maximum movement is set to 560 mm for the x-axis, 480 mm for the y-axis and 105 mm for the z-axis.

Voxel OX with Helix Gear Z Transmission (single z motor)

Jun 4, 2018
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a modification I made to my Voxel Ox 3D Printer Z axis, which synchronizes the Z leadscrews via a shaft and helical gear transmission. It prevents the two Z leadscrew from getting out of adjustment relative to each other, and uses a single Z motor instead of two. This build is just documenting the specific changes I have made to the Z-axis, since the frame and other axes are still from the original Voxel Ox design.

"The Moagie Mill" My C-Beam XLarge

Feb 18, 2018
Build Progress
Build Complete!

My Experiences building the C-Beam X Large. Maybe you can pick up a few pointers from my ramblings and experiences if you are considering building this machine.

BinaryConstruct V3

Mar 2, 2018
X/Y Table Style Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This printer is a design that has evolved over three years. The original goals of this project were to design a rigid printer that had a large print volume, 300mm^3, with easily sources parts and a minimum of complicated printed parts.

The Archon R2

Mar 19, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The Archon "In the style of Cartesian movement." A brief overview, guide and summary of my highly experimental build. and some insight into the challenges of building such a large format/belted machine.

Ooznest WorkBee 1000mm x 1000mm Screw Driven

Apr 23, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I have decided to buy and build the ooznest workbee screw driven cnc (1000x1000) and also decided to use some plates and extrusions from the ox cnc. I will never use two machines anyway and hoping to build a strong base for the workbee.


Mar 9, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I am building a multi tool CNC. I plan to have a quick change tooling system that will accept Routers, oxy acetylene torch, Plasma torch. etc. there will be a water bed under the convertible router table / work bench. The inspiration to build this machine is from having a small garage and not a shop.

Unique Z

Nov 21, 2017
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

My original Tevo Tarantula kit was ok..... I had issues with the X gantry staying level. I got rid of the wheels and replaced them with linear block bearings. I still had some issues with the X gantry. I swapped out the plastic parts with aluminum which was much better. Still not what I want yet


Mar 12, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Open builds style wood CNC router. Usable work aria 1000mm x 1250mm x 150MM (X x Y x Z). 80x40 C bleam for the Y axis , two 60x20 beams for X axis and a 60x20 fo Z. Interlocking GT3 belts for X and Y. Looking to change over to a rack and pinion system in the future. 8x8Tr Lead screw for the Z. Leadshine HBS507 close loop drivers and 3-phase servo motor 573HBM20-EC-1000 motors driving the Y and X axis. Would recommend them to anyone looking for servo like performance at a affordable price.

Fourth Axis Mill Prototype

Mar 6, 2018
Other Lathe Build
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I really like the 4th axis I purchased a few years back, but when I went looking for it again the suppliers who once carried it no longer do. Anyone know who makes it? Center hole receives collets. I own a ShopSmith so I am using a 5/8th rod and can mount it's chucks onto this machine. Also I like the use of the skateboard wheels, they are adjustable and one could use more sets over a longer axis. The Sherline z-axis is not my first choice, I just had a spare.

C-Beam Upgrade to Larger C-Beam

Feb 28, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

My goal was to be able to enlarge my C-Beam with as many original parts as possible. I was able to recycle almost all of them with a only the two 500 mm rails left over. I used 1000 mm rails for the X Axis and I added another complete Y Axis assembly. I chose to keep it simple and I am very happy with the result!

Beefed-up and customized OX build

Sep 13, 2016
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build Complete!

My Machine is based on the OX CNC designed by Mark Carew as well as the ooznest kit, and it incorporates a bunch of my own details and revisions to increase performance and robustness. It has become way more beastly than I originally planned!

C-Beam - Sphinx 1000x1000mm inspired by Kyo

Feb 23, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A stable CNC Router that allows me to cut and carve bigger Parts. The Machine is an original Build from Kyo's Sphinx CNC Machine. Thanks for the great Work and the Effort Kyo. Your Files and Lists helped me a lot to build that Sphinx 1x1m.

All metal Ox hybrid CNC Router Table

Feb 19, 2018
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is my second CNC build, but the first one that I design from the ground up. The base is all metal because I want to add Plasma facility later on. I used the Ox model for the gantry plates and made a few changes to adapt to my design. Since I wanted to use parts from my first CNC to save as much as possible, I kept the 5/8 Hi-Lead Screw I had from Roton for the Y and Z axis. I will also add a downdraft table to keep all parts tight on the table for cutting.

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