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Gantry CNC - Decisions made only to change over and over.

Jan 11, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is my first CNC build. As per the norm, I went in with months of research, planning, and resource gathering tied neatly together with a solid plan. As the path went on, the plan continued to change to accommodate issues I hadn't counted on. But, at the end of the road, the project reached completion, and I learned a ton along the way!

C Beam Served

Jan 23, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

C Beam Machine built in a server cab. Hopefully this keeps every thing enclosed , clean and quite ?

Modular DIY CNC Machine

Jan 21, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This modular CNC machine is based on the OpenBuilds ACRO System, however I wanted something that did more than just laser engrave. So I designed my machine using the same style as the ACRO but with some upgrades such as an actual Z-axis and the ability for multiple tool attachments.

Router Box

Dec 21, 2017
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This box is made from tough aluminum with plastic boards, helps hold WiFi Routers, Modems, or/ Ethernet Switches! The aluminum can resist the heat produced by these electronics, and the weight of the electronics, also being light itself. This box is the thing you need to hold your electronic devices!

Upgrading the C-Beam machine

Jan 20, 2017
Other Style CNC Mills
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

So we have new plates, stronger motors, belt drive reduction, but what should we do with them? In this article you might find the answer you were looking for as we took an “old” C-Beam machine and started to upgrade the X/Z body and added more torque and precision to the Z-axis.

C-Beam Elexa

Sep 4, 2017
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This build will be based on the C-Beam Plate Maker, with additional changes based on other builds and ideas.

Build #2 - Bigger & Stronger

Jan 11, 2018
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Large format CNC router with a 1500mm x 3000mm cutting envelope (5 x 10 ft) strong enough to cut wood and aluminum constructed from 20-series and 40-series aluminum extrusions. Complete Project Log w/ Pictures: https://goo.gl/photos/Co81AvGwVijE2zow9

MQTitan printer

Jan 9, 2018
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Components- RAMPS, running marlin, Nema 17, All metal extruder, 600mm lead screws, 600mm 2020 aluminum extrusions, 12v 30a power supply, 12v LED strip, Typical endstops, 600mm 8mm linear rods, Bearing block for 8mm bearings, Openbuilds plates, wheels, and bearings, 500x500mm borosilicate glass plate

First build - small scale

Jan 9, 2018
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Using basic standard components, beams, motors, belt drive on x and y, z is a screw. Using Grbl Panel on Windows 10. Really basic router, had trouble getting the controller to turn on the router and set speeds so it is currently wired to a power bar switch so it runs full speed and I just use the switch to turn it on and off. Just getting x, y and z control working properly for now and likely going to switch the router to my dremel 4000 using a 3d printed mounting bracket I got from thingiverse

CoreXY - Tower Printer

Jan 5, 2018
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build Complete!

I wanted to try a different way of operating the Z Axis so I setup a tower using 40x40. In the end it worked excellently and can easily print 60mm/s with 150mm/s travels. The coreXY is a very cool kinematic, and you can get some pretty great speed and accuracy. The main issue is the fact your Steps/mm are doubled, so the lower end motors don't like it at high speeds.


Jan 5, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This build is my version of the CBeam machine. I opted to NOT use the Gussets, and instead went for the 40, and 60 mil angle brackets to cut the price back a little further. I started with the smoothieboard but decided it was still "too new" and very much experimental. This build took me a few (2-3) days to complete. The CBeams and Lead-Screws really make building things faster since you don't have to clamor over belts.

Arizona OpenBuilds MiniMill CNC

Jan 1, 2018
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build Complete!

I ordered the OpenBuilds MiniMill from the OpenBuilds Parts Store http://openbuildspartstore.com/ They were out of Motors and Electronics when I ordered so I had to source these items elsewhere. But it turned out well doing it this way.

777 CNC Build

Nov 29, 2017
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

To begin the "Build" I have ordered a few parts from OpenBuilds to get started. They are arriving today; according to "tracking". I cant wait! Praise Jesus! This 85 yr old man is getting a "New " life. Hallelujah and amen. Because I am building this on an existing machine, I have to be careful; so I will order some parts then see what I don't need (such as a base); along with parts that I may need to adapt it to the machine. It should be fun! "Caint wait!"

80watt Lasercutter, workingarea 105x52[cm], steel frame

Dec 13, 2017
Laser Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I will write a short buildlog here with mostly pictures. I designed this lasercutter in solidworks(not totally finished) for a good overview and such that the steel tubes could be lasercut by a company, the metal frame is based on the lasercutter the KÄSER, which you can find on cnczone.nl. The mechical parts are designed by myself because I had no mill to my use, so the mechnical parts are lasercut(same company as tube) steelplates welded together.

Small Portable PCB CNC Machine (CoreXY)

Jun 24, 2015
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is a small CNC mill/router specifically for manufacture PCBs. This is based on the corexy gantry setup. The plan is to have a small, light self-contained machine that can be used and easily but away when it's job is done.

Vertical Mill

Nov 22, 2017
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This will be a CNC milling machine. My goal is to make this mill for the minimum cost I can while not sacrificing quality. In hope of staring an educational YouTube channel on CNC milling and 3D Printing. Along with when to use both.

CubeSpawn Ultimaker 3D Printer Module

Sep 15, 2015
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This 3D printer is an implementation of the Ultimaker 3D printer Using the Modular approach, many of the parts from the CubeSpawn 3 axis mill translate straight across into this design, so adding new concepts should go quicker

DIY Ultimaker

Nov 4, 2017
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This design should give the same performance as the high speed Ultimaker since it uses a similar ultra-light X/Y concept which eliminates any movement of both the X and Y motors to achieve X/Y travel.

UltiFaker 2 Go

Mar 21, 2016
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a breakdown of how I designed the UltiFaker 2 Go as well as how I machined and assembled it. I'll include a complete BOM and all of the drawings and prices.

Time Lapse Camera Rail

Nov 6, 2014
Camera Sliders - Rigs
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is my first go at building a simple Time lapse camera rail system using as much pre-existing hardware and software as I could.

Stargeezer Vertimill

Sep 3, 2017
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Next up will be the electronics package. My parts bins are overflowing with boards so this may be the hardest decision to make of the entire build.

Mobile bed cnc machine, first build

Sep 12, 2017
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Currently i am reworking the frame still with current available parts just going to buy material to make the y and the z axis from openbuilds. The x axis is now going to be mobile similar to a 3d printer style.


May 12, 2016
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is a design for a desktop CNC machine. It may be a router or laser. I am undecided as to the final design.

FFF 3D printer 2x2x2m

Apr 24, 2017
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The 3D printer will be able to print 2x2x2m components and not just in PLA or ABS. It's not just a DIY printer but I'm trying to apply engineering formulas to make it. I'm going to apply the state of art for 3D printing and scannering existing.

C beam Larger and Stronger

Sep 3, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

My first build based on the original C beam Sphinx. I’m not sure at this point what the final size will be. I have the parts from the c beam Sphinx and extra beams and lead screws to build up to 1000mm x 1000mm.

First 3d build

Dec 16, 2014
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

I am building a simple home brewed printer. I have a background in industrial automation so I figured how hard could this be. The mechanical build was pretty smooth as was the electrical side. Now just getting plastic out the hotend is my stopping point.

QuorXZ: A String-driven, Core XZ Printer

Aug 31, 2017
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The QuorXZ doesn't magically appear. It's gestation takes time, careful attention, and requires many parts. However, when it is ready, a magical, mechanical instrument is born....(and when you finally say its name, it sounds a little bit like "corks").

C Beam CNC+Laser

Aug 19, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

You will be following the assembly of the mechanical kit and how i integrate the electronics into the final build.

Stock CNC Router

Aug 11, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is my first CNC router, so be kind on the criticism. I'm still learning. Not an engineer, and not a machinist so I am having to research and learn aspect from both of those areas of study!


May 31, 2017
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A Large CoreXY build that can just barely get in through a doorway, aiming for under $1000. Build Volume approximately 18in x 24in x 26in.

C-Beam Machine XL

Feb 9, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Overview of my experience building the C-Beam Machine XL from OpenBuilds, along with updates as I move along and get it going. My application is for creating plates needed for lab functions, 19 rack bay covers, and whatever else arises.

Sandy3D wall mounted 1000 mm x 1000 mm C Beam Mill

Jun 7, 2017
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I am attempting to mount The C-Beam Machine XLarge on the wall and have it look like a piece of art and be totally functional as this will be in our livingroom.

1500x1000mm Adjustable Height

Jul 9, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I have the demand to cut/etch tall pieces of material. For this reason, I have designed a machine with 500mm uprights with adjustable gantry height. This way I can raise/lower the sled and z-axis as needed. I've also chosen to use a linear C-channel assembly for the Z axis with the plate mounted to the gantry instead of the other way around. This will allow for maximum range of the z-axis. The parts list/BOM does not include motors/belts/pulleys or electronics.

C-Beam Machine upgrade to 1000mm x 1000mm

Mar 29, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This built is to convert an existing 500x500 C-Beam Machine into 1000x1000. Inspired by several builds including C-Beam Machine : (http://www.openbuilds.com/builds/c-beam%E2%84%A2-machine-plate-maker.2020/) and Gino's build : (http://www.openbuilds.com/builds/c-beam-gtc.3250/)

The Hoss

Apr 9, 2015
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The purpose of this build is to create a simple, strong modular build that is rugged enough to cut out some of the softer metals along with wood and plastics. Using basic parts like the universal plates, t-nuts and v- wheels coupled with the strength of C-Beam I am sure this will deliever the desired results!!

FRANKINATOR -- My CNC Router Built Around The C-Beam Rail

Feb 2, 2016
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I started this build about 2 weeks after the c-beam hit the store. I purchased a single bundle and ordered a TinyG to run it. where I work I have Hardware, Software and Mechanical engineers and they all got sucked into my project. they want one to do prototyping at the office, once they see mine...

SHRED-Buddy3D UPcycler - Open Source Multi Material Cutter&Pelletizer

Jan 2, 2017
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The whole system is powered by 12V / DC power. Process it into Pellets or Granules to use it with your 3D Printer or Filament Extruder. Our self-developed steppermotor Controls allows you to optimally adjust Feedrate for your Situation. Forward, Backward and Stop is integrated for easy operation. The Speed can be continuously regulated via rotary switch.

CORE XY 3D Printer

Aug 24, 2016
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is an inexpensive build, large volume 2225 cubic inch, CORE XY 3D printer providing decent speed with precise and repeatable precision with expandable features.

1x1m Ooznest Ox

Jul 12, 2016
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Building my first router and I choose the ooznest Ox since it looks to be the latest and greatest among routers.

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