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Build Author Keith Davis Views 8959
Upgrading Your 3D Printer With Synchronous Leveling
Upgrading printers for Synchronous Leveling
Build Author Jesse Jenkins Views 8954
Hedron's build with Ooznest kit and Xylotex motors
A 3-axis flying gantry (4'x4') mechanical kit is assembled. A 3D printer is used to make cable chain for tidy and cheap wire management. A BeagleBone Black development platform with Machinekit software (LinuxCNC) is configured to control a Xylotex motor driver box connected to an Openbuilds Ox direct-drive pulley and belt motion system. A vacuum dust-collection system is designed, CNC-routed and installed. A steel table is made to mount the table onto.
Dedicated Compact Rotary Axis Laser Engraver
Compact Dedicated Rotary Axis Laser Engraver
The Budget Build
An affordable large CNC machine, that so far has been easy to assemble
Build Author deltajegga Views 8898
THE delta
probably as big as you'd want it...
ACRO 150 X 150 CM
Openbuilds ACRO
Build Author Maxime Favre Views 8855
SmoothiebrainZ CBeam Machine
Modded Plate maker with: Smoothiebrainz board and DQ542MA SN04 Endstops Modded Z axis Aluminium build plate and renforced Y axis Dust shoe
Gargoile reproduction C-Beam™ Machine - Plate Maker
A stock C-Beam with a CNC shield with DRV8825's
Build Author Michael.M Views 8812
Sphinx Evolution
Let me explain: About a year ago I was planning to build a CNC router of my own design. I started gathering components including the THK linear rails. I soon found out you pretty much need a CNC to build a CNC and this is when I decided to build my Sphinx machine. I've had these rails and some other parts sitting around so it's time I used them! I'm planning to incorporate linear rails and 1605 ballscrews into the Sphinx design. I really like the overall appearance of the Sphinx.
Build Author lekey Views 8811
Modular Desktop Vacuum Former
This is a small desktop vacuum former that can be connected to a shop-vac and an electric heat source (like a grill for instance). You can control the time each appliance stays turned on, and the vacuum is automatically turned on when the tray is placed on top of the model. The vacuum table is 20x20cm wide, and I've tested it mostly with 1mm thick PET sheets.
Build Author Christer Langley Views 8802
CNC-Solutions Build
My first Build with V-slot
Core XY My-BOT 500 x 500 x 1000
My first construction after many years buys ready devices.
High Power DC MOSFET
Build Author Robert Mech Views 8692
LayerFused X301 - CoreXY Large Volume Printer
The X301 is a CoreXY 3D Printer that has a small footprint and a large 300x300x330 build area. The open style of this printer breaks the "Cube" mold of many other printers in this class but still retails rigidity and great performance.
Beaver's OX 1500
OX 1500mm x 1500mm w/1.5Kw Water Cooled Spindle & VFD ran by a Gecko G540 & Mach3
Live D-bot build at MRRF 2017 (Mar 25-26)
I will be attending the 2017 Midwest RepRap Festival (MRRF) with a small team of printer enthusiasts with a goal to fully assemble a Core-XY D-bot onsite during the event. This is our first attempt at building a D-bot and we will be learning things as we go. Our hope is to have the entire machine assembled, wired, and functional (at least to the setup and testing phase) before the end of the show. Please attend and watch us in person or visit our feed channel during/after the event.
Build Author Mike Andrews Views 8662
Monster - a multiple material 3D printer with 20"(X) X 14"(Y) X ~20"(Z)
A Laut3k derivative that goes for volume and large number of print materials at the same time. Using OpenBuild linear motion systems to get away from belt drives.
LayerFused C201 - DIY 3D Printer Build, i3 Style
My DIY 3D Printer build which is similar to an i3 style printer. This is a fully documented step-by-step build with videos.
New 2 watt laser platform
Acro based 2 watt laser platform
Jim's C-Beam Machine Build
This machine is fantastic. Teamed up with Fusion 360, Inkscape, and GrblPanel, I'm well on my way towards making at least one Christmas gift this year. I had some frustrating times during the build, mainly with getting everything to go together square, but overall it was fun. I can see that I'm going to need to be a bit creative in order to max out the work area for this machine so that I can produce the product I bought it for, but it will be able to do so much more for me as well.
Fun and Functional Laser Build
A very fun and fulfilling build. I can't say enough about the whole Open Builds site and Open Source movement. I strongly believe this is the fastest and most creative way of getting ideas out of the mind, and onto the floor.
Workbee 1015 (50" wide by 30")
A Workbee able to cut 48"x24" material, built to continuously feed material so one can cut full sheets of ply.
Build Author Colin Russon Views 8602
OX / X3 CNC / Similar Z axis / 1605 Linear Actuator
Z axes 1605 ballscrew, a comparative design proposal.
Laser cutter project by students
This build is made by students from Fontys Hogescholen Eindhoven, department Engineering. Every quarter a new group continues the work of the previous group. We have been working on the project since september 2015, and as it is a work in progress, a lot will be added later. The first months have mainly been about designing and building an XY-table on which later all the electronic components will be added and the laser.
RSW's 3D Printer Build
I recently completed my C-Beam Plate Maker build ( ) and quickly got the build bug. I was looking for something to make with the new C-Beam and decided its time to venture into the 3D printer world. I can honestly say I have never been in the same room with a 3D printer, so this is going to be a learning experience. I spent some time browsing the 3D printer builds and finally decided to copy the Talos3D by AlexLee.
Build Author Nicademus Views 8565
CNC/3DPrint/Laser/Mill (formerly CNC-inator3000)
Ultimately - the design is based on the highly successful Ultimaker concept, for which a regular size costs in the thousands, and one of this size would be edging into the 10's of thousands. Expected Build cost - <$800 It is a X/Y Cartesian printer with Raising/Lowering Z axis (Hotbed.) - Overall size is 610mm x 610mm x 750mm - with build volume of around 450mmx450mmx450mm - and will also have the ability to change work tools - such as for CNC Routing, Lazer etching, 3d Scanning, etc.
Build Author openhardwarecoza Views 8559
3D Printer 320x220x200
Someone donated a E3D Volcano to me ( and with a super hotend like that, it feels like a waste to stick it into a small 3D printer. So I decided I want a 320x220mm (XY) machine, 200mm Z is plenty for me
Build Author J-Wahl Dezign Views 8531
1.4 meter tall build height, 300x410mm build plate cartesian
The original plan was to build a 3d printer with a 1200x1200 build platform with a 600mm build height. I was having issues getting ahold of a large enough borosilicate glass plate for the build so I decided to go for build height. I plan on using a smoothieboard for the controller. The build has currently slowed down. I was removing a broken drillbit from the linear rail mount, and it shattered and took out my eye. I am doing what I can when I can focus my eyes long enough for the build.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 8507
Work Bench Stand
Here is a nice little simple build that will help to free up some extra space on your work bench. If your like me you need all the room on your work station you can use, so this is great to have.
Build Author Rwetzler Views 8507
C-Beam Prototype
This is a variant of a typical OX (Mark Carew inspiration) router using C-Beams/8mm Acme rods to drive all three axis. I went with a 1000mm x 1000mm frame size. Useable space is 28" (711mm) X 26" (660mm) with a Z axis work travel of approx. 3.25" (82.5mm). A TinyG is used as a controller along with Fusion 360/Chilipper as the software for generating and running gcode files.
PnP 4 axis small/fast machine
You need some mechanical and electronic experience. This is NOT a novice undertaking! a familiarity with linux a plus (but not necessary). Basic woodworking and metal fabrication a big plus as well.
Build Author motopreserve Views 8489
Persnickety Plate Maker
My very first attempt at a CNC build. Based on the OpenBuilds C-Beam Machine, small tweaks will be made to tailor it for my goals: machining G10, aluminum & some carbon fiber for use with multirotor and motorcycle parts. I am looking forward to the day when I am comfortable enough to bring the ideas in my head to the tip of the end mill in a smooth fashion...
Build Author griso Views 8484
3d nika
Over 840 parts. Of whom around 450 are screws and nuts, more than 100 parts are printed on a 3D printer, the frame consists of about 60 components. There is nearly 40 electrical components connected with tens of meters of wires, most of them sleeved.
Build Author Greg Lampman Views 8478
C-Beam Intro to CNC
Build log for my first CNC machine, a C-Beam Plate Maker
CORE XY 3D Printer
This is an inexpensive build, large volume 2225 cubic inch, CORE XY 3D printer providing decent speed with precise and repeatable precision with expandable features.
Build Author Gooshpoo Views 8421
Gooshpoo's H style cnc machine
A cool project about my cnc machines unique style.
Build Author Anglesachse Views 8412
Corexy, with possible head change (3d, cnc, laser)
Spindle cooling setup
Cooling system for water cooled spindle.
Build Author StrictlyScale Views 8360
Lead1010 Build with Enclosure
First time CNC builder puts together a Lead1010 machine.
I am building a H bot style printer so this design will not be finished any more than it is.
Build Author Sergio Di Ventura Views 8311
Prusa Dragon LR
Below are the details of my build and a good story for those who read till the end. Sorry for the grammar
Build Author Marco964 Views 8281
Lead CNC 1510 modified
This is an Openbuilds LEAD 1510, modified to supports a liquid cooled 1.5Kw spindle. The movements are made with lead screw on all three axes.
OXilla - a 3ft x 3ft CNC Router/Mill - Goals are strength, power and speed
This will be an ongoing log as I build this machine. Name change by popular demand - at least a couple of us. :)
Phoenix Alpha
Hobby project
XYZ Factory Bot
Very large format build platform designed really for printing multiple items in one session ether all the same or different. Longer term I would like to have multiple X axis on the Y axis rail. bit of a slicer challenge though.
Build Author Lindsey Lewis Views 8247
Update Eleksmaker with Openbuild eccentrics for X-Carriage
A simple approach to making the Eleksmaker A3 Laser build have a better functioning X-Carriage! Of course this assumes you bought an Eleksmaker A3 or plan to.
Build Author Hisha Views 8224
Sphinx XL/R7
A 1000mm x 1000mm Sphinx/R7 build.
Build Author evildean Views 8214
One meter square. Short and stout.... reminds me of a Sumo Wrestler. A temporary and adjustable configuration I have devised to cut my own plates. I have kicked around ideas for about a year and the C-Beam extrusion has made this attempt to realize my ideas irresistible. This is just one step towards bigger and better things!
Build Author Christian James Views 8208
Workbee "style" 1010 cnc
This build is based on the Workbee 1010 CNC. It is not a kit build and is much the same as the original but with some significant changes made here and there as the build progresses.
Build Author Richard Bugland Views 8194
Heavy Inexpensive CNC
Acquiring a CNC has been on my list for some time now. This concept is a bare bones, upgradeable machine that will not require a complete rebuild when new parts become available. With a cutting surface over 36" square, this beast should be capable of creating its own parts. Lowering the price to make upgrading and making this contraption beefier, faster, and more precise.
C-Beam Machine Bundle
Short description of my assembly and use of the C-Beam bundle from the Open Builds Part Store.
OX 1500x1500 Dual Drive
Ox inspired 1500 x 1500 CNC with belt and pinion drive and lead screw drive options.
Build Author Tucstrlly Views 8167
Stainless OX Kit Build "Diamondback CNC"
A copy of the Stainless Ox by Martin Barfoed. Similar design, construction and control.
core xy smoothie
i had som left over parts and i dit like to test the corexy control so this is wat i came up with. sorry bad englich.
Build Author Bridge Port Views 8159
CNC Line Boring Machine
This is a CNC Line Boring Machine for our cabinet shop. It drills the holes every 32 mm for the adjustable shelf pins in the cabinet side pieces. I chose this option over purchasing a multi-head boring machine that requires 11 drill bits - Left & Right hand twist - that also requires a lot of strength to plunge that many drill bits into the wood to be drilled.
Build Author Karan Singh Sisodia Views 8151
CNC Laser
CoreXY based CNC Laser machine.
Build Author boutrous Views 8148
Laser Rotary Attachment
Build Summary updated after parts list completed
FLSUN Kossel 3D printer
A brief write up of the making of the FLSUN Delta Kit. This kit is based on an open source design. I had a need for a 3D printer without the desire to dive into another project, so a kit was the obvious way to go. I already have a delta printer in the works and so this is more of a stop gap in the interim.
Build Author Mohsen Abbasi Views 8095
Foldable Rainwater Collector
Realisation of my idea about a foldable collector for rainwater, which is light and easy to make. People around the world need water and can collect rain water with this collector. I made it for syria and all too.
Build Author recoush Views 8087
CoreXY 3D build one
an 8020 build with 1010 extrusion (1") Square tubing Rough size is 24x24x36 (600x600x900) The expected usable print area 21.5x21.5X32"roughly (510x510x760) An XY 3D printer with 3 extruders and 3 Z-axis 0.9 degree motors the table (Z-AXIS) will lift up to the XY Carriage on 3 12mm linear rod and 3 8mm Lead screw's Corexy designs complete and Z-axis build is started don’t have a 3D cad system yet so building my prototypes on a pcb layout tool
Build Author Colin Russon Views 8083
Lead screw based Foam Cutter that can easily be adapted to full belt / pinion drive and to CNC.
HYDRA multi tool CNC , based on ACRO
modifying ACRO
Build Author zann68 Views 8063
OX CNC 4'x4'
Out with the Old in with the New. Trying to build a nice clean setup that myself and my sons can use and enjoy.
Our OX CNC Router Project
Our version of the OX, a Cartesian CNC Router Build. 1,500 mm Y-Axis, 1,000 mm X-Axis, 300 mm Z-Axis - Lots of Fun!
Build Author Justin Butler Views 8021
My Belt & Pinion Drive CNC Router
My CNC Router design and inspiration came from the Routy CNC project. I modified some of the aspects of the Routy build, but left the original XY dimensions intact. The build has been very enjoyable thus far and am nearing completion of all wiring in preparation for my first test run!
Build Author Bob Darrow Views 8005
A slightly more than one half cubic meter 3D Printer using V Rails, V Rollers, "C" Rail, mounting plates, and a bunch of 3D printed brackets to provide strength and stability to the frame. Rigidity was the goal and precision and accuracy the result. The software is a whole other topic, many weeks spent dialing that in to make the printer print.
Tower Printer
Tower Printer H-Belt type printer Prototype
Build Author Ahmed Ibrahim Views 7993
Cairo Mini 3d-Printer
We are introducing the Cairo Mini 3d-printer! It’s a DIY fully Open-source Reproducible 20x20cm 3d-printer. The original goal of the Cairo Mini 3d-printer is to create a low-cost 3d-printer below 220$(3500 LE). That anyone can build with ease.
Build Author CWidt Views 7992
OpenBuilds CAndC - CNC Machine
A new derivative of the famous OX CNC, with increases strength, rigidity, and accuracy.
Build Author Frank Gore Views 7984
Kossel Extreme
A custom Delta printer for large projects with any filament that still retains speed and accuracy, all within a 15 amp/110VAC power budget. Based on Johann's Mini Kossel design.
WorkBee 750x750 build
This CNC build is to help with some areas of my guitar builds - mainly inlays but some body work as well where appropriate. I expect it will be used for lots of other things once I get to know what it's capable of (sorry - what I'm capable of!).
Build Author Pol Feliu Views 7966
Batxillerat Research Project: Design and construction of a CNC
I'm working on a cartesian cnc router for my school research project
Robo Morten
A horizontal-router CNC using openbuilds parts geared toward routing out mortise and tenon joinery; or any other end grain work on wood.
Schematix OX metal build
OX metal build from an noob
Build Author DiggerJ Views 7937
Babe - The Big Blue (Laser) OX Build
A 1000 x 1500 OX build with the ability to router cut dovetails as well as laser engraving and light cutting.
Build Author Tinker Views 7936
Kitchen Space Saver
The frame is made from all open builds parts, add the rubber feet and pads for the glass. The glass is clear 12" x 16" x 1/4" with a polished edge. A light basket slides on the countertop.
Build Author Huub65 Views 7935
My C Beam - NEMA 17 - GRBL- Arduino project
Cbeam machine. Using small stepper motors (NEMA 17) and Arduino controller. Try to get this working in de upcoming month.
Build Author Limine3D Views 7911
M3D Squared
A cartesian build with a build dimension of 200x200x750mm. I will be using a dual extruder, heated build plate, and a screw drive for the z axis.
Mandarin-Bot :)
Another slight variation of Niko's Eggbot using Openbuilds V-slot and other 3d printed parts.
Build Author thinman Views 7813
A 250x250 mm Delta Printer utilizing a Duet Wifi controller and a Titan Aero direct drive extruder.
Build Author John J Talavera Views 7804
CNC FOR EVERYONE, THE DUCK! the Duck is something that i think would be helpful in my shop since we already do cold casting.
OX 1000mm Y Axis Upgrade
Expands y-axis to 1000mm. 1/2 day build.
Desktop CNC
This unit is made with openbuild v-rail and c-beam. using direct drive with lead screws. Nema23 motors
Just an easy build .... uncomplicated.... simple tools .... but hoping for a good result!
Build Author Kenneth Witthuhn Views 7779
Openbuilds CNC (witthuhnCNC XKLBR-1S)
Based on the popular C-beam / V-wheel design, with the largest available work area, relative to machine size. Screw driven with anti-backlash, integrated drag chains, Carbon fibre gantry plates, Openbuilds BlackBox Controller (USB), Transformer & kill switches, with internal wiring, limit switches & Nema 23 motors.
Build Author MikieLikesIt Views 7753
Cousin CNC OX Router
A lower profiled machine. Built all out of aluminum. Removable control panel/PC unit. Option for vacuum table and cooling pump for a spindle.
C-Beam Big Mouth
My first build was with the basic C-Beam Build. I soon found the z clearance a little constricting So I added 2 500 mm actuators to support the x axis rail . I also left off the front and back y axis support rails for easy cleaning. I mounted the base of the machine to 1/2" mdf with 10/32 screws and blind nuts.
Build Author mikev Views 7739
C-Beam Evolution MkII
The C-Beam Evolution is an evolving machine. The MkII is inspired by Kyo's C-Beam Spinx but currently uses my own design of plates made of 8mm acrylic (X-axis ends) and 6mm polycarbonate (Y axis ends). The plates were made on the MkI but I hope to be able to make 6mm aluminium plates on the MkII for the MkIII.
Build Author Neptunes Guitars Views 7736
Neptunes Ox
First build of CNC OX for the purpose of using it for Guitar building to take a lot of the muscle work out so I can concentrate on the finer details.
Build Author richthorn Views 7730
Aluminum Ox
I have been looking for a good solid kit to build off of for some time and when I saw the Ox buildlog I knew I had to have one. Ordered most of the pieces from Open Builds and started planning. Had a nice gentleman named Chris cut the required plates from 6061 aluminum for me (he sells them on eBay now if you're interested) and got to work.
Ox Stainless with ballscrews
Ox Stainless with ballscrews for motion, nema 23 steppers, LInuxcnc for control software. Using basic parts for frame from Makersupplies, and the rest sourced from ebay. Building a small router hoping it will be able to cut aluminum with decent results.
KeePrint Monster
Large 2 foot x 3 foot x 4.5 foot build volume Core XY printer build in process at this point. I am designing everything from scratch and using typincal parts bought from amazon for the build.
Build Author Krishnakumar Views 7698
Hobby OX CNC
This "hobby OX" CNC is built for multiple purposes such as cutting and engraving various materials, laser etching and cutting, etc... Its a great platform for hobby enthusiasts like me where this machine can be used for so many different purposes effectively and efficiently!
Build Author dmasters Views 7655
DM C-Beam XXL Tank
1000mm x 1000mm C-Beam XXL CNC with external drivers and high torque Nema 23 motors, 2.2KW Spindle with VFD.
6 Axis Motion Control Camera Rig (PAN, TILT, ROLL, SLIDE, FOCUS, ZOOM)
6 axis rig based on OpenBuild C-Beam and ESP32 MCU, WiFi controlled with custom app.
Build Author Frank Del Favero Views 7615
Portable self-contained Lead 1010 table
I have a two car garage NOT devoted to 3d printing or CNC. I have set aside a space for my 3d printer and a place to store my portable CNC table. The reason it’s portable is so that I wheel and can use my Lead 1010 outside where it won’t make a mess in the garage. The table is self contained. It houses a vac system as well as my CNC tools and supplies.
Build Author Julius Views 7608
The "Hand" CNC (or OXCarve)
more to come, please follow along the journey!
Pick and place
Openbuilds Pick and Place using ideas from OpenPNP Frame work is from the Openbuilds Part store using 1000mm C beams and vslot 40x40 for support Surface is 3/4 " Particle board
3D Printed Solid - Large Format Printer
I need a large build plate without spending 10-20k for a "store" built printer.
Yet another Sphinx
Here's my Sphinx with a few slight modifications.