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Mighty Chihuahua

Oct 26, 2020
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The idea was to use materials from previuos failed projects into a succesful one. I have build this tiny but powerfull CNC machine mainly using the universal gantry plates for the X and Y axis. Also another innovative part is the fact that I assembled the Z gantry with 2 aluminum sections of 20X40 and one aluminum seccion of the 20X20. I used NEMA 17 stepper motors with GT2 pulleys. This was designed on Fusion360

Voxel Evolution

Jul 4, 2018
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a remix of Marshal Peck's Voxel OX, with some design tweaks inspired by Makerparts and jjcolletta. It has a build area of 300mm X 300mm X 480mm, but is easily configured for just about any build area up to 500mm X 500mm X 750mm. I have used some laser cut acrylic plates and a couple of 3D printed parts in its construction, however it can be assembled using nothing but OpenBuilds parts with the exception of the heated bed and the Y axis carrier for the heated bed.

Plywood Built CNC Router

Apr 10, 2020
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is my first build attempt, a large form (4x4ft.) 3 axis 4-motor CNC router table, . The build components are Baltic birch plywood, stepper motors, SBR linear bearings, and ball screws, LinuxCNC, Mesa controller.

3D Printer 051

Sep 30, 2020
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Functional real-world 3D printer build with RM2-2RS bearings in routed V grooves on phenolic resin rails (lab countertop scraps) and NSK 25mm linear rails/trucks.


Jun 3, 2014
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The aim of this OpenBot build, was to make a 3d Printer that was easy to build with minimal tools and using of the shelve parts from Openbuilds.

Horizontal CNC V-Beem v1

Sep 16, 2020
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

V-Beem horizontal milling machine built on OpenBuilds components. Simple structure, great expansion possibilities, high stiffness.


Apr 27, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

An OX-inspired mini desktop mill. Designed in OpenSCAD, these parts are fully parametric and can be customized to your liking.

Textile Drawing Machine

May 4, 2018
Other Style DrawBot
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Textile Drawing Machine is a drawing machine thought specifically to draw on textile. Unlike other CNC machine it's dimensions follow the standard textile dimensions (1500mm) and it's on wheels to allow to draw on an unlimited area. TDM has been developed for the project Digital Wax Print, a self initiated research project, carried out by The Future Continuous, a collabration between Olivia De Gouveia and Eugenia Morpurgo.

Sphinx Derived Router

Jul 6, 2020
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I Like the Sphinx design thought I would attempt my first build. I wanted to build this and use Arduino controller with GRBL to be able to learn and understand my machine.

Beamlazer Laser cutter CO2 100W

Jan 4, 2020
Laser Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Hi everyone, im new to the world of lasercutters but i have been granted access for a Trotec laser for a while with old firmware and only compability trought Windows XP. Then i decided to build my own laser, with some easier workflow and support for Windows 10. Since im still a student i have limited resources, so i will try too use scrap parts as much as possible. I will publish photos and updates during my build continously. Gladly taking advices from others.

LayerFused X301 - CoreXY Large Volume Printer

Aug 25, 2020
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The X301 is a CoreXY 3D Printer that has a small footprint and a large 300x300x330 build area. The open style of this printer breaks the "Cube" mold of many other printers in this class but still retails rigidity and great performance.

V-King CoreXY

Dec 12, 2018
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build Complete!

V-King CoreXY 3d Printer- 380*340*340 Build volume - All wheels on V-Slots - Belts on XYZ - High quality and controlled design - Proven fast, reliable and it is all open source

Acro Pick And Place Machine

May 13, 2018
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a machine for placing SMT components on PCBs. It is based on Acro system, off the shelf parts, and a number of custom 3D printed elements.

Openbuilds CNC (witthuhnCNC XKLBR-1S)

Feb 25, 2020
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Based on the popular C-beam / V-wheel design, with the largest available work area, relative to machine size. Screw driven with anti-backlash, integrated drag chains, Carbon fibre gantry plates, Openbuilds BlackBox Controller (USB), Transformer & kill switches, with internal wiring, limit switches & Nema 23 motors.


Jun 9, 2020
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Currently I have Velleman/3Drag K8200 modified and CNC machine self built and wanted to use both to make new 3D printer. After looking at different designs I liked Voron a lot and have decided to go that way. Currently I have ordered majority of parts and build shall start soon. I don't plan to rush it as I am usually 2 months home and 2 off. Today done some electronics. Looks ok. https://youtu.be/ls_tl54ruE0

Tall OX

Jun 24, 2020
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

After completing a standard OX build, I found I didn't have enough Z-clearance and designed a set of taller gantry plates

A custom arcade

Jun 19, 2020
Furniture Builds
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is an arcade "cabinet" of sorts built almost entirely from OpenBuilds extrusions. Save for a few 3d printed parts, the electrical components, the acrylic panels, and the monitor mount, every component was purchased from the OpenBuilds part store.

Cartesian 3d printer

Jun 19, 2020
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is the build of a cartesian 3d printer made of an old Anet and Geeeteck, some 2020 alu profil and linear rail. Powered by a Rumba with a Nextion screen. It should be modular and accept dual Extrusion and laser engraving.

INDY-TR12 CNC (12mm Diameter Lead Screws)

Jun 7, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

TR12x3 screws, M8 wheel sets, a draw built into the design, an electronics set built onto the kit, back brace to stop C-Beam twist.

ApiNui - CNC Router ( an oversized workbee )

May 23, 2020
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Based on the WorkBee CNC, this is an oversized router built with a specific use-case in mind, for manufacutring beehives, and beehive components

Plasma CNC machine

Jan 17, 2020
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The plasma CNC that I have built has a water table that measures 1350mm x 650mm. The water is flooded onto the cut area while cutting and recycled around with a pump. This is to reduce smoke, cool the metal being cut to reduce distortion and also to keep sparks to a minimum. Most of the machine has been made from aluminium , the frame and table from steel, the water table, stainless steel.

Angle grinder converted into electric drill

Jan 13, 2020
Furniture Builds
Build Progress
Build Complete!

How to convert an angle grinder into an electric drill? Remove the angle grinder, leaving only one main motor, and then find a suitable intermediate roller with a point drill to assemble it.

V-Baby CoreXY - Quality Engineered DIY 3d Printer

Sep 16, 2019
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Easy to build - affordable opensource DIY CoreXY 3d Printer for fast reliable prototyping on your desktop - All wheels and V-Slots for smooth quick moves and opensource firmware on 8 or 32 bit controllers

Plasma cutter - 608 on steel tube version

Apr 20, 2015
Plasma Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

CNC Plasma cutter: 608ZZ on steel square tube linear rollers Welded frame HDT2-15 Belt Drive Tradeweld Cut-40 Plasma cutter with converted hand torch Virtual Torch Height Control through inductive probing - open source electronics project


Oct 21, 2016
Delta Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Delta 3d Printer using 3/4" Electrical Metal Tubing (EMT) for Horizontals & 2060 V-Slot for the Verticals and adding a tetrahedron at the top.

1515 Deluxe

Apr 18, 2020
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Build features include a double c-beam gantry (bonded & mechanically fastened), linear x rails, custom gantry end plates, a custom linear rail & ballscrew Z axis, and custom lead screw tensioning plates. The primary goal was to remove twist from the 1500mm gantry & stiffen the Z axis.

Peristaltic pumps, Automatic Cocktail mixer

Apr 3, 2019
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is an automatic cocktail mixer made with 8 small peristaltic pumps. this is driven with the touch screen or over wifi. the controller used is a raspberry pi with a Apache webserver

Microwave Filter Tuner

Apr 8, 2020
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The Microwave Filter Tuner (MFT) combined with the University of Regina’s tuning algorithm automatically tunes microwave filters by using a custom CNC machine with a computer vision system for identifying, mapping, and tuning each filter element, providing improved consistency, flexibility, and accuracy compared to traditional methods. The MFT is low cost and is capable of tuning multiple filter configurations with minimal preparation.


Feb 21, 2019
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build Complete!

A robust Core XY style 3D printer that has a clean parallel belt implementation and whose dimensions are adaptable to meet builder's needs. The use of open builds V-slot and other open hardware make customization easy.

Model train lift - scale HO

Mar 12, 2020
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This build is about a model train lift in a secure and dust free storage. It is a roll on/roll off concept for a model train layout.

Aluminum OX build with some modifications

Mar 15, 2020
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is my OX CNC router. It has been a labor of love for over a year now! I hope you find it interesting and inspiring! I also hope that it gives some of you more experienced CNC builders a different perspective and some ideas!

Lead 1010 Build - Anything but stock.

Feb 24, 2020
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is a lead 1010 build that I wanted to have a little fun with. I purchased the whole Lead 1010 kit, and felt like studying a few shortcomings of the original to see if I can improve it or just have some fun with it.

1250x1000 Build

Jan 9, 2020
Laser Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A new design of my based on a couple different machines I have seen both on openbuilds and youtube. In the end will have a and X/Y workspace of 1250mm x 1000mm and a Z axis range of about 200mm.

Niko’s Egg-painter robot (OpenBuilds)

Mar 31, 2015
Sphere Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This EggBot design has a perfect functionality (the same as the original EggBot professional), a perfect cable and microcontroller arrangement, and a perfect cost as it uses a minimum list of parts (with one V-Slot Linear Rail size20mm x 80mm and length 500mm you can build 3 EggBots!)

Acro 1010 with 10 watt Laser

Feb 5, 2020
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Built a 32"x40" ACRO Kit for my 10watt Endurance Laser. Put it in a stand alone clamshell cabinet, added a 340cfm 6" fan and variable speed switch for the fan. Using LIght Burn for my primary software. It seems to be work well.

My C-Beam machine...

Jan 17, 2020
Other Style CNC Mills
Build Progress
Build Complete!

A C-Beam machine design, strengthened with extra brackets and plates. GRBL controlled, opto-isolated inputs, jogging box.

LCD Based SLA Resin Printer

May 3, 2016
Resin Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

SLA resin printer based on a gen3/4 iPad Retina display. The design intent is to create a printer with the highest resolution possible with a lower cost of entry compared to DLP projector based SLA printers.

Senior Project CNC table

Jan 9, 2020
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

So for my senior project I decided to build a CNC router. I kind of need to get this done before May so we'll see what all goes down. It's going to be a 3 axis machine (for now) and will be able to handle 4x8 sheets of wood. This is my first build. It's going to be intresting..

Double D-Bot 400mm x 400mm x 600mm

Feb 11, 2019
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Based on D-Bot but used more metal bracing / openbuild plates instead of plastic parts. Also size was increased.

Vslot Kossel

Apr 15, 2014
Delta Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Base is a Delta Kossel Printer modified to be build with openbuild parts like vslot 20x40 , pulley .... It inclued the latest modification for auto level : FSR

3D printed CNC Machine

Dec 28, 2019
Other Style 3D Printers
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

So I thought I would make the Leon van den Beukel version three 3D printed CNC Machine, it is the third incarnation so you would expect a relatively bug-free CNC Machine with a strong foundation.

Barcelona Build

Dec 18, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This will be my second CNC build but this time a proper CNC not a small desktop model that I played with for a while to learn Gcode, It was great but now its time to start playing with the big boys and girls.

Plasma cutting table

Sep 26, 2019
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is our plasma cutting table , based on the famous OX CNC . Can cut up to 15 mm ( steel , stainless , aluminium ) with a really good accuracy and at a really high speed .

The Spice Must Flow: a coreXY Sand Table

Nov 4, 2018
Other Style DrawBot
Build Progress
Build Complete!

A 1.9 x 1 m table that uses a magnet to move a steel ball and draw geometric patterns in sand. The magnet is moved using a corexy mechanism driven by 3D printer controller board reading the patterns in the form of gcode files.


Sep 3, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Heavily upgrading my 1200x500 Shapeoko 2... ...er, wait, scratch that... Building an all new machine, roughly the same size, that should be more rigid than a Shapeoko 3!

Rotary Axis for Laser Engraver/Cutter

Oct 9, 2019
Laser Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a fully adjustable, low profile rotary axis for your Laser Cutter. Many OpenBuilds components are used, plus a handful of 3D printed parts.

Workbee CNC on steroids

Nov 23, 2019
Other Style CNC Mills
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

My First major improvement was changing the controller to a Acorn board. I loved the way a dedicated userinterface was speeding up my workflow. Next project my Y Axis. On Aliexpress I ordered a couple of 16mm ballscrews and some lineair rail. Before I took my gantry off I quickly made some aluminium profiles to fit my carriages. Withouth any doubt these improvements where worth it

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