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Build #2 - Bigger & Stronger

Jan 11, 2018
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Large format CNC router with a 1500mm x 3000mm cutting envelope (5 x 10 ft) strong enough to cut wood and aluminum constructed from 20-series and 40-series aluminum extrusions. Complete Project Log w/ Pictures: https://goo.gl/photos/Co81AvGwVijE2zow9

C-beam Machine - Modesty

Mar 18, 2024
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Modified C-beam Machine. Taller (30 cm) C-beam uprights in gantry, and longer 750 mm frame in Y direction. XL gantry plate on X (and Z?). Y will have additional 700 mm SBR16 rails as extra support and slightly raised bed to fit above stepper motor. Approx. machinable area of 370 x 370 mm.

Sphinx Evolution

Mar 3, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Let me explain: About a year ago I was planning to build a CNC router of my own design. I started gathering components including the THK linear rails. I soon found out you pretty much need a CNC to build a CNC and this is when I decided to build my Sphinx machine. I've had these rails and some other parts sitting around so it's time I used them! I'm planning to incorporate linear rails and 1605 ballscrews into the Sphinx design. I really like the overall appearance of the Sphinx.

Lab Power Supply + Soldering Station

Mar 14, 2018
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build Complete!

A small 32 V, 96 W lab power supply with voltage/current/power limit, program memory and an outlet to power the popular TS-100 soldering iron

CoreXY - e3d inspired

May 1, 2018
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

CoreXY printer heavily inspired by e3d's new open source printer with tool changing. I intend to make it so when e3d start selling toolheads these can be added to the machine without any major work having to be done.

A custom arcade

Jun 19, 2020
Furniture Builds
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is an arcade "cabinet" of sorts built almost entirely from OpenBuilds extrusions. Save for a few 3d printed parts, the electrical components, the acrylic panels, and the monitor mount, every component was purchased from the OpenBuilds part store.

C-Beam Mini Mite

Jul 9, 2022
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build Complete!

A small system with a big bite. Design achieves a good balance between machine size vs. build area, rigidity and ease of construction all while keeping build cost as low as possible.

Portable self-contained Lead 1010 table

Jul 18, 2022
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

I have a two car garage NOT devoted to 3d printing or CNC. I have set aside a space for my 3d printer and a place to store my portable CNC table. The reason it’s portable is so that I wheel and can use my Lead 1010 outside where it won’t make a mess in the garage. The table is self contained. It houses a vac system as well as my CNC tools and supplies.

My Lead 1010

Mar 18, 2024
Other Style CNC Mills
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a fully loaded Lead 1010 and located in a shed measuring 3 by 2.50 meters. Here i build my guiyats by hand and the help of my Openbuilds friend! Pure for hobby.

Griffin Delta Printer

Mar 9, 2014
Delta Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Designed from the ground up as a low cost, highly scalable delta printer. This printer has been built as small as carry on luggage size, up to an 18in wide print surface and is capable of larger. Approximate cost is low to mid $500 range start to finish, including electronics for a basic model.

CubeSpawn Ultimaker 3D Printer Module

Sep 15, 2015
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This 3D printer is an implementation of the Ultimaker 3D printer Using the Modular approach, many of the parts from the CubeSpawn 3 axis mill translate straight across into this design, so adding new concepts should go quicker

Ox with Gecko Controller and CNC Linux

Dec 26, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This build is the documentation of someone with no experience building the OX cnc machine with a Gecko G540 controller and CNClinux


Feb 15, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

A bigger OX. As this build is nothing new I will detail my build process, I am not an experienced builder, this will maybe help someone else. The size of the bOX will be 100cmx75cm. I will use aluminium plates, a tinyG, and most probably only open source / free software.


Oct 9, 2014
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

OpenBuilds box type printer using min-v-wheels for X & Y axis. Designed for plexiglas panel enclosure of build area.


Nov 1, 2014
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a work in progress 3D printer Dimensions are 230x230x340mm height. Print dimensions are: 135x135x160mm. Prototype has a bowden extruder with a J-head hotend. Assembly instructions: http://reprapstyle.blogspot.pt

Delta 3d Printer

May 27, 2015
Delta Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I am going to use this as a build log for my delta 3d printer build. I have access to a MakerBOT to print some of the parts. I am still finishing up a few of the design elements but the idea is to have a rigid unit to eliminate deflection in components and maintain accuracy.

H-Bot CoreXY Cube with Fixed Build Plate

Apr 21, 2015
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Use of V-Slot for frame and rails with option to use identical 500mm uncut lengths: 8 * 20x60 x 500mm 8 * 20x40 x 500mm 7 * 20x20 x 500mm (2 cut into four identical 125mm pieces for filament holders) Use of uncut 500mm rails obtained through use of 12 joining plates for use as spacers. Alternate approach is to trim two 20x40 and 1 20x20 rail by 6-8mm each. Build volume ~400mm cubed (with dual extruders). Use of only openbuilds components! Currently in design phase...


Jan 7, 2016
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

OneZ gets it's name from it's most unique feature - only motor for the Z axis while maintaining the stability of two bearing guides for the Z axis. Reduction to one Z motor eliminates need for auto bed leveling.

C-Beam Double X

Sep 11, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Per the special notes its a variant of the C-Beam, Machine.... I have noticed that alot of people build a CNC router to cut parts for other larger CNC machines.. eg Delta Printers etc....plus this will enable me to cut parts for model RC plans UAV's etc...

Hedron's build with Ooznest kit and Xylotex motors

Oct 26, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

A 3-axis flying gantry (4'x4') mechanical kit is assembled. A 3D printer is used to make cable chain for tidy and cheap wire management. A BeagleBone Black development platform with Machinekit software (LinuxCNC) is configured to control a Xylotex motor driver box connected to an Openbuilds Ox direct-drive pulley and belt motion system. A vacuum dust-collection system is designed, CNC-routed and installed. A steel table is made to mount the table onto.


Oct 21, 2016
Delta Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Delta 3d Printer using 3/4" Electrical Metal Tubing (EMT) for Horizontals & 2060 V-Slot for the Verticals and adding a tetrahedron at the top.

CNC Glass Grinder

Nov 21, 2016
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a 1-Axis CNC Glass Grinder. It uses a hobby grinder to miter a precise angle on the edge of a piece of glass.

MakerSL MSL-6 DLP 3D Printer

Apr 22, 2016
Resin Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This will be a DLP 3D Printer designed around an Openbuilds Frame and rail system. It will be a collaborated effort between myself and Ben Smith. We will be building two prototypes.

LCD Based SLA Resin Printer

May 3, 2016
Resin Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

SLA resin printer based on a gen3/4 iPad Retina display. The design intent is to create a printer with the highest resolution possible with a lower cost of entry compared to DLP projector based SLA printers.

Pong CNC

Jun 2, 2016
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This build is to show what's possible as well with openBuilds! I use a single ArduinoMega and 5 separate stepper drivers (A4988). The LEDs are all NeoPixels. Collision 'detection' is all done within the code, so the endstops are only sensors I use in this build. I'm a self-employed video-artist and this is my first installation which just needs power and it runs (where I'm quite proud of). Normally my interactive installations take a long setup time, so this installation is a relief :)


May 17, 2016
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Open source 3D printer with very powerful heated bed and light weight x axis design. Full source repository can be found here: https://github.com/a-drizzle/Printer1

My 1st Build - Delta Printer with 3 filament hot end

Jun 6, 2016
Delta Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The build area will be fully enclosed. I anticipate using primarily ABS, and have interest in the soluble support materials as well. The main components to date include: OPENBUILDS - 3 x C-Beam™ Linear Actuator Bundle, 1000 mm, w/ Included NEMA23 Motor) Extruders (3) - [Sintron] 1.75mm Mini All Metal MK8 Extruder Hot End - reprap diamond Control board - RUMBA Stepper drivers - DRV8825 StepStick Power supply - eTopxizu 12v 30a

Archer - An extendable all metal 3D printer

Jul 15, 2016
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is an all metal build using OpenBuilds V-Slot linear rails to produce a high quality and cost effective 3D printer. The printer is designed to be scalable for your desired build area and can utilize high quality hotends with 16mm groove mounts such as E3D.

Openbuilds V slot Rail extrusion retrofits for Lulzbot 4/5 Taz Printers (X, Y and Z axis)

Jun 20, 2016
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This project shows how to use Openbuilds Vv slot extrusions and wheels to retrofit a Lulzbot Taz 4 or 5 printer. These modifications improve layer consistency, eliminate nozzle and bed sag, and allow for larger toolhead mounting. Project updates and newer accessory files may be located at http://www.thingiverse.com/piercet/designs


Jul 2, 2016
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is a simple, yet rugged design, weighing only 6 lbs and with 13x13x14" volume with a 8x8x6" build area. While assembly is pretty simple, the small size and rigidity of the design make shipping assembled printers attractive.

Update for my 3D Printer - Big Size

Jul 19, 2016
Build Progress
Build Complete!

I like combo machines, so I upgrade my 3D Printer with a Laser. It is a double head combination. The Laser is easy removable.

C-Beam based modular Resin Printer

Aug 10, 2016
Resin Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The build is based on a 500mm C-Beam and the SeeMeCNC FlexVat. The C-Beam is both the linear motion and a structural element of the design. The frame that holds the 45 degree first surface mirror and the build vat can slide up and down the C-Beam to accommodate projectors with lenses at different elevations.

CNC Line Boring Machine

Aug 8, 2016
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a CNC Line Boring Machine for our cabinet shop. It drills the holes every 32 mm for the adjustable shelf pins in the cabinet side pieces. I chose this option over purchasing a multi-head boring machine that requires 11 drill bits - Left & Right hand twist - that also requires a lot of strength to plunge that many drill bits into the wood to be drilled.


Sep 25, 2016
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Hi! This build is, or at least should be, a multipurpose box (mBOX). Due to limited space I want to build something that can serve multiple purposes such as 3d printing, 3d scan, plexiglass cutting and hopefully some milling too (both wood and metal). Switching between modes should involve switching heads and worksurface (change heatbed with a wood platform and viceversa). (for the scan part I'm thinking of integrating this opensource project into the frame: http://www.freelss.org/ )

blackcat3d printer

Mar 1, 2017
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

in construction ! chassis vslot 80x20 & 20x20 & 60x80 (Z) home made plates with whells polycarbonate build volume environ, 750x300x200 2 ed3d v6 volcano nozzles 0.8mm & 0.6 + titan extrudeurs rumba bord + auto levelling ip camera home made heat bed aluminium 5mm + glass + heat air chamber 6 doors plexiglass......

SHRED-Buddy3D UPcycler - Open Source Multi Material Cutter&Pelletizer

Jan 2, 2017
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The whole system is powered by 12V / DC power. Process it into Pellets or Granules to use it with your 3D Printer or Filament Extruder. Our self-developed steppermotor Controls allows you to optimally adjust Feedrate for your Situation. Forward, Backward and Stop is integrated for easy operation. The Speed can be continuously regulated via rotary switch.

Openbuilds C-beam

Nov 22, 2017
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a build supported by Ooznest by a team of girls in Year 8 (12/13 years old) to machine model F1 cars for the F1 in Schools competition.

RSW's 3D Printer Build

Mar 15, 2017
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I recently completed my C-Beam Plate Maker build ( http://www.openbuilds.com/builds/rsws-c-beam-build.4286/ ) and quickly got the build bug. I was looking for something to make with the new C-Beam and decided its time to venture into the 3D printer world. I can honestly say I have never been in the same room with a 3D printer, so this is going to be a learning experience. I spent some time browsing the 3D printer builds and finally decided to copy the Talos3D by AlexLee.

FFF 3D printer 2x2x2m

Apr 24, 2017
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The 3D printer will be able to print 2x2x2m components and not just in PLA or ABS. It's not just a DIY printer but I'm trying to apply engineering formulas to make it. I'm going to apply the state of art for 3D printing and scannering existing.

Mini D-Bot

Oct 30, 2017
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A smaller version of a standard D-bot. Smaller to fit better in my workable area and to fit my vision for the printer.

PhlatPrinter MK 3

Jun 20, 2018
Other Style CNC Mills
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The Phlatprinter 3 was designed to be used in a small shop with the ability to cut large sheets of foam for RC airplane projects. The idea was that you could save all of your aircraft as models and tweak to perfection after every flight.

WorkBee CNC Machine

Nov 20, 2023
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The WorkBee is our latest CNC Machine and is a culmination of all our experience, feedback, and suggestions from selling the OX CNC Machine over the past 2 years. The WorkBee is capable of accurately cutting foams, woods, plastics or aluminum at depths greater than 25mm to 0.2mm accuracy or greater.

MMXL - A MiniMill Conversion

Oct 29, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Using most of the parts of the MiniMill, and adding a few other parts (cost < $200), transforms the MiniMill into a very capable machine. Final build area as shown is 10.25" x 16". With a custom Y-plate, I will take it to 10.25" x 20-24".

Vertical Mill

Nov 22, 2017
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This will be a CNC milling machine. My goal is to make this mill for the minimum cost I can while not sacrificing quality. In hope of staring an educational YouTube channel on CNC milling and 3D Printing. Along with when to use both.

Hydraulic lifting table

Nov 30, 2017
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build Complete!

I started this project without drawing. in itself this went fine with some minor adjustments. My profession is machine builder that might make it a little easier. I still enjoy it every day.

Modular DIY CNC Machine

Jan 21, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This modular CNC machine is based on the OpenBuilds ACRO System, however I wanted something that did more than just laser engrave. So I designed my machine using the same style as the ACRO but with some upgrades such as an actual Z-axis and the ability for multiple tool attachments.

(Portable) Large Format 3d Printer 4ft square frame. Build Volume 36in x 36in x 36in

Jan 12, 2018
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Large format printer build based off successful small Corexy. I figured it could be scaled to large format and be portable. Portable meaning by removing a few pieces it could effectively be rotated out of a standard door frame.

CNC-machine 650by700

Feb 4, 2018
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A home-made CNC-machine with a 1.5 kW air cooled spindle motor suitable for milling materials such as wood, plastic and soft metals. The work table is 650 mm wide by 700 mm deep and the maximum movement is set to 560 mm for the x-axis, 480 mm for the y-axis and 105 mm for the z-axis.

Quack Ball

Mar 5, 2018
Camera Sliders - Rigs
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Quack Ball is a game in which the objective is to knock down moving ducks. The ducks are protected by a barricade that moves at a very fast speed. The game can be played individually or by two or more players. Each round consists of a total of ten targets to shoot and each player will have four balls to shoot. Prior to beginning play, a player selects how many ducks, maximum four, the player will knock down continuously. If player fails games is over for that player.

D&R Tiger Paw build combo

Feb 17, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The Tiger Paw will be a 1000mm X 500mm Cartesian style CNC with the Minimill attached to the end. It is named the D&R Tiger Paw because my son, Daniel, and myself, Richard, will put this Tiger strong and fast machine together. Our goal is to have a Tiger strong build with a Paw print that wouldn’t take up a huge amount of space in our garage.


Sep 2, 2018
Laser Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build Complete!

A minimalist 2-axis A2 sized laser diode cutter/engraver. Designed to give the most function using the very least number of parts at the lowest price.

Cricut Expressions 2 to ESP32 GRBL Control

Nov 18, 2018
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A log of my "brain surgery" on a Cricut Expressions 2 to change the control board to something open so that I could cut what I wanted. The ESP32 GRBL board I used has bluetooth and WIFI built-in and was very easy to get working just the way I wanted.

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