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My C-Beam machine...
A C-Beam machine design, strengthened with extra brackets and plates. GRBL controlled, opto-isolated inputs, jogging box.
Build Author Keith Davis Views 18216
BldrBot S2
A Prusa i3 design running on Open Build's mini V wheels
Joe's Minimill Build
I put this together to cut aluminum. Chips get everywhere! Cover your lead screws. Put the mill inside an enclosure. DON'T mount electronics (especially the power supply) inside the enclosure, chips will get into it and short it out. Remove the manual jog wheels, they contribute to chatter (something about having a mass on the end of the lead screw causes vibration). I cut at 14000 RPM, 0.05 inch width of cut, 0.05 inch depth of cut, 30 inches per minute and just barely avoid chatter.
Ox cnc improvements chain driven
Just ox cnc experiment
NCS P3-v Steel with 12X12 Build area
A large 12x12x12 build area sturdy printer made of steel
Core XY Beast
Super solid core xy build inspired by the e3d tool changer
LCD Based SLA Resin Printer
SLA resin printer based on a gen3/4 iPad Retina display. The design intent is to create a printer with the highest resolution possible with a lower cost of entry compared to DLP projector based SLA printers.
TesseractXY (MendelMax 1.5 version)
History about making 3d printer.
Build Author HuguesP Views 8433
Yet Another Chinese Linear Rail CNC, my first one, doing this mainly for the fun of building it more than using it.
Build Author DaleShaw Views 3717
Senior Project CNC table
So for my senior project I decided to build a CNC router. I kind of need to get this done before May so we'll see what all goes down. It's going to be a 3 axis machine (for now) and will be able to handle 4x8 sheets of wood. This is my first build. It's going to be intresting..
Behemoth cnc router with linear rails
Behemoth cnc router build in progress using hiwil rails and closedloop servos.
Build Author David Florian Views 9268
Dual Extruders 3D Printer - Zidex Upgraded
How to build an Independent Dual EXtruder (IDEX) 3D printer from OpenBuilds parts.
A More Rigid C-Beam
I added the steel to create a less flexible milling surface to make heavier cuts in aluminum. I can also do light steel cutting now as well. I wish OpenBuilds made a steel and rail version of these kits.
Vslot Kossel
Base is a Delta Kossel Printer modified to be build with openbuild parts like vslot 20x40 , pulley .... It inclued the latest modification for auto level : FSR
Build Author Andrew Helsel Views 11357
MiniMill Smoothie
MiniMill with DW611 and SmoothieBoard 4x v1.1
Build Author Darren Dickson Views 3481
3D printed CNC Machine
So I thought I would make the Leon van den Beukel version three 3D printed CNC Machine, it is the third incarnation so you would expect a relatively bug-free CNC Machine with a strong foundation.
Build Author Neil Scott Views 2373
Barcelona Build
This will be my second CNC build but this time a proper CNC not a small desktop model that I played with for a while to learn Gcode, It was great but now its time to start playing with the big boys and girls.
Build Author mytechno3d Views 34676
Plasma cutting table
This is our plasma cutting table , based on the famous OX CNC . Can cut up to 15 mm ( steel , stainless , aluminium ) with a really good accuracy and at a really high speed .
Build Author Mark Carew Views 30573
OpenBuilds Sphinx 1050 (20" x 40")
The OpenBuilds Sphinx 1050 - 500x1000 Lead Screw Machine
The Spice Must Flow: a coreXY Sand Table
A 1.9 x 1 m table that uses a magnet to move a steel ball and draw geometric patterns in sand. The magnet is moved using a corexy mechanism driven by 3D printer controller board reading the patterns in the form of gcode files.
Building a Phlat based CNC for MDF processing. Capacity of 48" x unlimited length.
Build Author SecretSpy711 Views 20678
Heavily upgrading my 1200x500 Shapeoko 2..., wait, scratch that... Building an all new machine, roughly the same size, that should be more rigid than a Shapeoko 3!
Rotary Axis for Laser Engraver/Cutter
This is a fully adjustable, low profile rotary axis for your Laser Cutter. Many OpenBuilds components are used, plus a handful of 3D printed parts.
Build Author Vunnie Views 6073
Workbee CNC on steroids
My First major improvement was changing the controller to a Acorn board. I loved the way a dedicated userinterface was speeding up my workflow. Next project my Y Axis. On Aliexpress I ordered a couple of 16mm ballscrews and some lineair rail. Before I took my gantry off I quickly made some aluminium profiles to fit my carriages. Withouth any doubt these improvements where worth it
LayerFused C201 - DIY 3D Printer Build, i3 Style
My DIY 3D Printer build which is similar to an i3 style printer. This is a fully documented step-by-step build with videos.
V5- 2in1 ( 3dPrint+laser Engraving )
2in1 ( 3dPrint+laser Engraving )
Build Author Fábio Pires Views 6264
Frezar - Desktop CNC
This is a small desktop CNC inspired by the Mini OX project. It's designed with the nema 17 motors in mind. It's a 650mm x 500mm machine that it will be used to mill cast acrlic.
Rise of the Sphoenix
I am building a Sphinx 55 from the bones of my old C-Beam machine. Rising from the ashes so to speak.
Two color Drawmachine
GRBL, vvvv, drawbot, penchanger, custom plates
Build Author Keith Davis Views 16724
OneZ gets it's name from it's most unique feature - only motor for the Z axis while maintaining the stability of two bearing guides for the Z axis. Reduction to one Z motor eliminates need for auto bed leveling.
Fully 3D Printed Small CNC Router/Plotter
3D Printed CNC machine. The build is on Thingiverse. I posted it here to give props to the Openbuilds Control Software!
Gary's Mod Plates for OX Heavy Duty X and Z
Gary's take on the OX HD X and Z plates, making it stiffer, adding mini wheels to the C-beam and Quick removable Z axis.
Build Author megashub Views 22418
K40 C02 Laser Rail System
An Openbuilds replacement rail system for the common eBay "K40" C02 Laser Cutter
Build Author Mark Carew Views 11152
C-Beam® Double Wide Gantry Actuator
This easy to build actuator is configured to have not only strength, but accuracy! This low profile option offers endless possibilities, and we cant wait to see how this actuator is implemented in your build ideas!
Build Author Mark Carew Views 89622
V-Slot™ Mini V Linear Actuator
Learn to build the V-SLOT Mini V Modular linear Actuator System and create all kinds of cool machines!
Build Author tmadrms Views 6616
C-Beam Mods
C-beam machine mods.
Build Author RobSaunders Views 15969
Laser Cutter/Engraver OptLaser 6W with Z-axis
This was my first attempt for a laser platform. I'm using the OpenBuilds ACRO 20"x40 platform, 6W OptLaser, homemade z height and the xPro driver board.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 25442
OpenBuilds Workbee 1050 (40" x 20")
The OpenBuilds WorkBee 1050 - 1000x500 Lead Screw Driven CNC Machine
Build Author j0achim Views 11385
CoreXY - e3d inspired
CoreXY printer heavily inspired by e3d's new open source printer with tool changing. I intend to make it so when e3d start selling toolheads these can be added to the machine without any major work having to be done.
Build Author MattR Views 15700
Fixed Gantry CNC Router with Old Industrial Supplies
I got lucky enough to purchase aluminum extrusions and linear motion components (and nuts/bolts/etc) at scrap metal prices when a bunch of industrial automation equipment was decommissioned. The only problem is that the aluminum extrusions are not metric sizes... they are the 1.5"x3" 80/20 series. It has presented a few challenges but nothing too bad.
TrueUp Kit Version
A Cartesian printer using bushings for the Z axis instead of wheels or linear bearings. The design also synchronizes two Z axis screws with a timing belt for a level lift. The ratio of the drive pulley and Z axis pulleys produce .005 lift per full step on a 200 step motor, eliminating layer resolution "drift" caused by microstepping.
Build Author Craig Hollabaugh Views 3980
Hyatt and My Journey to Tonehenge
I'm conducing guitar loudspeaker cabinet fabrication technique research (material type/thickness, mechanical joints, adhesives, etc) and how these relate to cabinet/speaker coupling and enclosure resonance with respect to psycho-acoustics. Basically, does one speaker cab sound better than another and why?
Build Author rkugler Views 5666
Miter Saw Stop Block
Just starting a miter saw stop system. Any suggestions appreciated.
x_y_module laser engraver
low cost 2 axis cnc laser, really portable and easily expandable
Build Author mjenkins5720 Views 2187
Modified LEAD machine
At the moment this build is in progress, I will be updating the files as I finish the remainder of the machine. This machine is intended to be a multipurpose CNC, but a bit bigger than a desktop unit. The machine is scalable in the X and Y axis.
Cnc od grinder and thread grinder
This is a totally original build of an od id grinder and thread grinder, I hope.
BKE Lead 1010 - First CNC Router
Build Author reef Views 10816
CNC Cyclone PCB Factory, my way, step by step.
I'd like to renew my cnc for PCB so I decide to create new one from an existing project named Cyclone PCB Factory.
Build Author recoush Views 7968
CoreXY 3D build one
an 8020 build with 1010 extrusion (1") Square tubing Rough size is 24x24x36 (600x600x900) The expected usable print area 21.5x21.5X32"roughly (510x510x760) An XY 3D printer with 3 extruders and 3 Z-axis 0.9 degree motors the table (Z-AXIS) will lift up to the XY Carriage on 3 12mm linear rod and 3 8mm Lead screw's Corexy designs complete and Z-axis build is started don’t have a 3D cad system yet so building my prototypes on a pcb layout tool
Build Author Cortellini Views 3644
The Feedback Fractal Project (Project) - building "A Monument For Our Time." As its intent is to build a monumental sculpture, the Project will produce an object d'art. Yet, once begun, the Project has evolved a life and character of its own. I continue to follow the thread woven by the materials, the processes, and the people that come to it and in the end the work will not only be a faithful rendition of an image and a concept, it will also be a tapestry of the story of its making.
Build Author taratata2016 Views 7329
Panther 3D printer
After use of the i3 Prusa 200x200x180, the volume increases to 300x300x450 on the V-Slot and driven by a Megatronics V3
Build Author Lasersc Views 9665
D&R Tiger Paw build combo
The Tiger Paw will be a 1000mm X 500mm Cartesian style CNC with the Minimill attached to the end. It is named the D&R Tiger Paw because my son, Daniel, and myself, Richard, will put this Tiger strong and fast machine together. Our goal is to have a Tiger strong build with a Paw print that wouldn’t take up a huge amount of space in our garage.
Reworked Routkit SD
I could not "tram" the spindle to the table. I found that the V Rails could not accurately be adjusted so the Gantry was equal distance from the spoilboard in multiple places.
Build Author viktop Views 16636
Simple CNC Router (Nema17, V-slot 2040, Arduino, GRBL)
An OX-inspired mini desktop mill.
Mammoth (Delta printer)
Massive Delta printer with a print area of 25 Inches (634mm).
Build Author Sir Bagels Views 2345
CNC Auto-pipette
Senior Design Project Bennett Robertson, Megan England University of Iowa College of Engineering
Build Author Lasersc Views 4178
The D & R TigerPaw Trilogy
Hopefully this will be a quick guide to one way that you can add a laser to an existing CNC router.
Minimalist Laser Platform
Minimalist laser platform built with Makerlink connectors and modified Nema 17 stepper mounts used as gantry plates.
Build Author James Evanko Views 6091
Laser Displacement Golf Ball Scanner
Getting an accurate scan of a golf ball can be difficult with general-purpose 3D scanners. This purpose-built golf ball scanner uses a very accurate Keyence LK-081 laser displacement sensor with an Open Builds linear actuator for the vertical axis and a Sherline CNC rotary table for the turntable. Scan detail is determined by the sample step size and can be set arbitrarily based on desired scan time.
Openbuilds C-beam
This is a build supported by Ooznest by a team of girls in Year 8 (12/13 years old) to machine model F1 cars for the F1 in Schools competition.
C_Beam X5L Hybrid_Tank
classic router with a ab table
Build Author pek Views 79077
Prusa i3 Bear Upgrade V2
Stronger frame for Prusa i3 MK2(s), MK2.5 and MK3 3D printer
Build Author roadss Views 23550
Rawcnc 1.5 Desktop Edition
This will showcase the build of my Rawcnc 1.5. A rigid cnc router from the Swedish company Rawcnc, featuring a rather cool linear motion system, rack & pinion and steel reinforced X-axis capable of milling aluminum.
Build Author msdosfx Views 5360
Workbee 1510 Screw Driven
Workbee 1510 screw driven build by MsDosFX.
Openbuilds Co2 80w Laser Cutter
Co2 80 watt openbuilds laser cutter, 1200mm laser tube, 1500x1000x500mm dimensions. Build frame first and then panels to be added.
CBeam Sphinx Upgrade
Simple upgrade of the Y axis on a Cbeam sphinx from 500mm to 1000mm.
Build Author CoreCube3D Views 19523
CoreCube3D - A CoreXY 3D Printer
Building a CoreXY based 3D printer using primarily parts from China on eBay. Large 500mm frame.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 18054
V-Slot Modular Sit/Stand Desk
In this build we put together an awesome modular stand-up or sit down desk that is perfect of any home or office.
EOX v2
Upgrading my CNC router to run on ball screws. Me and the belts where not getting along.
KeePrint Monster
Large 2 foot x 3 foot x 4.5 foot build volume Core XY printer build in process at this point. I am designing everything from scratch and using typincal parts bought from amazon for the build.
Mushu - Large Scale CoreXY
20x26x28 inch Build Volume CoreXY. Unlike many builds, I've decoupled the XY movements from the Z-Axis lead screws to help prevent Wobble, will be using linear guide rails, and mains powered bed heater, and a bed that is Allowed to thermally grow. This build is JUST narrow enough to fit through a standard sized doorway.
Large format laser
Large format laser build for Student use at my school as well as some personal use.
Build Author KronBjorn Views 3870
WorkBee Lead 1010, Reduced Footprint, Nema17
This is a WorkBee 1000x1000mm with lead screws and Nema17's. It has a reduced footprint, with the geared Nema's inside the frame.
Vacuum laser table
Large 10’x6’ vacuum table made from steel tubing and 1/4 inch steel plate
Build Author Todd Brous Views 4653
Modified Acro with build plate, Z-axis and OPT Laser
Modified Acro for laser engraving. Extra height and and a sturdy build surface for part fixtures, custom mount plates, OPT Laser, and a Z-Axis.
C Beam Rotary
I've used the good work of Openbuilds & expanded it to suit.
Build Author RobFromLDMS Views 4387
Lithgow Mens Shed CNC build
The tale of how we put together our CNC Router, and some of the difficulties encountered. It is now ready for final testing and commissioning.
Rotary CNC
I'm building a machine specifically for doing 4th axis work on woodwind instruments.
Build Author RV6APilot Views 3578
South Carolina Workbee 1000X1000
This is about my build of a Workbee 1000X1000 being built here in Trenton, SC. My goal is to use it to help cut the new panel for my RV6A airplane.
Build Author Stan Howe Views 2596
Bee the Boss
The frame of the CNC is going to to Bee a basic Work Bee with maybe 1 modification to the spoil board attachment. This will be located on a custom bench housing the electronics and vacuum. I plan to install Stepper online steppers, drivers, power supplies, and break out board. I will add a 1.5 KW water cooled spindle, with a radiator. The fans from the radiator will pull air from a filtered enclosure for all the electronics.
ricks workbee build
i had the ox build and wanted to do a more beeffer style so i went with a workbee style machine ..
Build Author Keith Davis Views 18780
PrintAir CoreXY
A CoreXY/Bowden design with a belt driven Z axis. This is a box design without the front end of the box, making the print area and maintenance, like changing a nozzle, easily accessible.
Phlux Core XY Laser Etcher
A 750mm x 1000mm Core XY Laser Etcher/Cutter. To cut down on cost I tried to have as many parts as possible be printed.
Build Author John J Talavera Views 17708
This build was very complex due to the fact I wanted to create a low cost larger than normal CNC. I did not want a MDF or plastic body. I wanted it to be able to do more than most CNC routers this size on the market.
Black out Edition Workbee 1010
Thanks to all the Open Build elves that meticulously package and wrap all the little tiny parts and pieces. I have put in a request to get you people a raise..
Cnc mill, Plasma cutting and weld table
A functional table for plasma cutting, welding, tooling........
Build Author Mark Carew Views 33483
PhlatPrinter MK 3
The Phlatprinter 3 was designed to be used in a small shop with the ability to cut large sheets of foam for RC airplane projects. The idea was that you could save all of your aircraft as models and tweak to perfection after every flight.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 72256
Original PhlatPrinter
Phlatprinter foam cutting CNC machines are awesome space saving mills that use a rotary axis as a sheet feed.
Build Author MarkM_NJ Views 18991
Spartacus Inspire
My very first openbuilds cnc machine. Followed along DaztheGas's Spartacus build.
From where Mark left off from the Ox build I am going to film the whole process of customizing the Ox.
Dirt cheap build.
Build Author Cortellini Views 4845
the Feedback Fractal project
The Story of the Scecina Memorial High School 1510 BUILD will unfold through a series of 10 minute Episodes. Each episode will consist of video showing how to assemble some aspect of the 1510 overlaid with a discussion about Technology, Art, Philosophy... and Life the Universe and Everything. Episode two is soon to follow. If sufficient interest ensues, the episodes may continue beyond the building of the 1510 to relate its use in the making of the Art.
Open source large format CNC-machine and 3D printer
For a schoolproject we decided to build this large format CNC-machine. The greatest part of the mechanics were sourced from OpenBuilds.
Build Author mytechno3d Views 24120
SLA (Resin) 3D Printer
SLA LCD 3D Printer ( 8.9'' LCD screen )
CNC Hot Wire Cutter 4 Axis for Cutting Foam Wings
My build is to allow me to cut foam wings using CNC Hot Wire Cutter.
Shapeoko 2 - my first CNC
This was my first foray into CNC. I chose to go with a reliable kit build since my knowledge of GCode, controllers, and steppers was pretty rudimentary.
Hevavy duty 1300mm x 1300mm laser cutter Ceramic tube Servo motors
Starting the next Laser build, Plan to complete within 60 days.
Build Author Spark Concepts Views 4655
MPG Jog Controller for CNC xPRO
Been playing around with an MPG Jogwheel
Build Author crystaldragon141 Views 5814
Rostock TETRA V0
This is an experiment to build a Linear Delta Printer using four towers instead of three. Primary reasons: 1. Build area is roughly cubic vs roughly cylindrical 2. Greater speed and precision from additional control provided by fourth tower. 3. Symmetric kinematics from even number of towers.
iTopie RepRap - 3D Printer
A stable and strong 3D printer made of 16mm MDF and machined on my OX.