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Y-1200 co2 laser
Y-1200 Build The Y-1200 has a cutting area of 1200 x 600mm and the main chassis has a external size of 1620 x 955 x 450mm. The recommended power output is 60-90W, this can also be increased with the use of an extension box. designed by furtherfabrication ROB CHESNEY FREELANCE INDUSTRIAL DESIGNER.
Custom 4x4 CNC
I started designing and ordering parts for this build back in Oct 2021. Unfortunately life got in the way and I had to sideline the project to deal with more important projects. I am now back working on this project full time. I originally was building a MPCNC on this torsion box platform I built but quickly realized how difficult it would be to produce anything with good accuracy. So I decided to design my own CNC that would be more robust and accurate.
Build Author alex_b Views 17411
TACIT RONIN CNC - Flood Coolant Enabled C-Beam
The TACIT RONIN CNC is a fully enclosed C-Beam platform intended for flood coolant cutting of Carbon Fiber and G10 composites.
T Nut Holder for V Slot
This is a T Nut Holder for OpenBuilds V Slot System. Useful when you want to keep t nuts in place, for example when you're mounting something vertically.
Laser Rotary Tool / Attachment
Rotary attachment to engrave cylindrical objects on laser machines
Much4 - LaserV printed version
By following the way of Robert Hummel, I drew a version of its exellent Laser V to use NEMA17 and easily printable parts.
Build Author Cam Garrett Views 3056
Sturdy Motorized Photographic Copy Stand
i would like to build a sturdy motorized photographic copy stand. i have hobbled together a hand crank version using a used umbrella pole but it is not suitable as it is awkward and wobbly.
Build Author OpenBuilds Views 3958
Multi Z LEAD Machine Addon
The Multi Z adds multiple Z axis to a LEAD CNC Machine allowing it to cut and carve 2 to 3 times the amount of projects in the tame it takes to make just one
Cairo 30 3d-printer
We are introducing the Cairo30 3d-printer! It’s our new premium creature with no compromises! The Cairo30 3d-printer is the culmination of our accumulated years of experience designing and producing open-source CNC machines kits.
Photogrammetry 3d Scanner
A mid-sized version of a Photogrammetry 3D Scanner.
Build Author Spark Concepts Views 72853
CNC xPRO Driver
Spark Concepts CNC xPRO Driver. A new GRBL compatible, all-in-one stepper driver board with 4 motor controllers for XYZ + 1 clone (or rotary!). Capable of powering your next build with an ATX PSU (or 12V 2 wire supply), and ready for wireless printing. Compatible with Arduino (wireless robots anyone?)
Build Author Mark Carew Views 1182747
OpenBuilds OX CNC Machine
OpenBuilds OX CNC Machine. A strong easy to build shop CNC router that can be sized to suit your needs. Many new features have been incorporated into the OX to make it a great router that is sure to inspire!
Build Author deltajegga Views 8895
THE delta
probably as big as you'd want it...
CNC built, work in progress, fail
2x4 cutting area, enclosed with dust collection mainly built out of wood.
Budget friendly starter build
DIY CO2 laser build. Budget friendly, 2020 T/V-slot profiles and scalability.
Build Author Ted Moyer Views 4504
OLD Lead 1010 High Z Mod converted to Newest Lead 1515 with High Z mod, slimmer cbeam motor mounts, thrust bearings etc. Extended by original table out and upgraded my 1.5kw VFD and Spindle to 4kw ER20 Spindle and 7.5kw GT VFD
Build Author boutrous Views 8140
Laser Rotary Attachment
Build Summary updated after parts list completed
Filament winder ( carbon fiber )
Carbon fiber filament winder
Dedicated Rotary Laser Made from Scrap and Spares
A clone of
Custom 40W Laser Cutter
So this is my custom 40W build. I wanted to make another laser similar to the one I built but a lot smaller and an all in one system so that if I ever decide to do a farmers market or something similar, I wanted to be able to put the laser on the back of the car and drive to whatever location. I think it's going to work. It will be see-through with lights and screens eveywhere. The lights alone should attract people like flies. That's the plan anyway.
CoreXY W/ Fixed Build Plate & Enclosure
Building a Core XY printer with a fixed build plate from off the shelf parts.
Build Author Jasont Views 3152
MY first CNC build
my first cnc build using the lead 1010 to build bigger and better!!
Build Author Sonny Lowe Views 5796
MakerSL MSL-65 Manual Coffee Grinder Stand
I know this build is a little off category here at OB, but I wanted to share it with the community (as well as other coffee lovers) and show however vast the possibilities are when OB hardware is involved. This is a powered stand intended to operate a manual coffee grinder. It is compact, light, portable and uses simple drive components (B&D Cordless Screwdriver). I will post two version, V-1 (Beginner skill level ) and V-2 (Intermediate skill level). Both accomplish the same results.
Sphinx 55 on MGN12 linear rails
My machine is a combination of the Openbuilds Sphinx 55, MGN12 linear rails knockoffs and custom made plates made by Chris Laidlaw
My 3D Printer
A DIY 3D printer. At beginning made from aluminium profiles, aluminium sheet and wood :)
1500*1500*1900 (xyz) Biocomposite Pellet 3D printer
Build Author sausagePaws Views 1750184
DIY Embroidery Machine V2
My second attempt at an affordable sewing machine embroidery add on. This one uses readily available electronics modules and 3D printable parts where possible.
Build Author Jason @ MCC Views 11008
QueenBee Pro CNC Router and Lathe
A 1000x1500mm QueenBee Pro with a 4th Axis Rotary attachment/Lathe Bed.
Build Author nc3dpw Views 22087
(Portable) Large Format 3d Printer 4ft square frame. Build Volume 36in x 36in x 36in
Large format printer build based off successful small Corexy. I figured it could be scaled to large format and be portable. Portable meaning by removing a few pieces it could effectively be rotated out of a standard door frame.
Build Author JCPhlux Views 25226
Large Core XY 3d Printer W/fixed build plate
Build Author tarekhassan2030 Views 4459
Home build from A to Z
I made this from A to Z at home by myself with reading and watching tones of videos. 50 cm X 50 cm but I get 40cm x 35 cm as a real workread
Build Author Rick 2.0 Views 16289
C-Beam Mini Mite
A small system with a big bite. Design achieves a good balance between machine size vs. build area, rigidity and ease of construction all while keeping build cost as low as possible.
Build Author BNMaker Views 10628
A minimalist 2-axis A2 sized laser diode cutter/engraver. Designed to give the most function using the very least number of parts at the lowest price.
Dragon Portable CNC Plasma Cutter
A small portable CNC Plasma Cutter with some unique features
Build Author viktop Views 22224
Simple Cnc System (arduino Grbl)
Arduino powered simple CNC system using GRBL firmware. Designed to give the most function using the very least number of parts at the lowest price.
Build Author ahayden Views 25994
C-Beam Prefab Untitled
The C-Beam Prefab Untitled is designed as the cartesian compliment to the C-Beam XL. With the exception of requiring a couple more 1000mm C-Beams and lead screws, the build requires a minimum of additional parts. The primary intention of the build is to maximize the cutting envelope while still staying within the sweet spot for C-beam rigidity. This design can easily be modified and allows for further custom structural components to be cut with the initial build platform.
Remote Toiler Flusher!
This project provides an easy method for my granddaughter to use the facilities in the smallest room of the house! The toilet cistern is located in the garage and was originally manually activated by a pushbutton connected via a cable. The location of the pushbutton - combined with the stiffness of the mechanism made it tricky for her to use. This project provides a solution to the problem.
Build Author Indieflow Views 112496
Indie i2
A lightweight, portable, accurate 3D Printer that has a good sized print area and small overall footprint that is easy to build, with easy to source components. The design is OpenSource allowing those with the capability to make their own parts get up and running.
Build Author joetemus Views 25724
K40 ACRO Conversion
A K40 to ACRO Co2 laser cutter build. Designed and built to expand the work area of the K40
Build Author James Archer Views 12887
Archer - An extendable all metal 3D printer
This is an all metal build using OpenBuilds V-Slot linear rails to produce a high quality and cost effective 3D printer. The printer is designed to be scalable for your desired build area and can utilize high quality hotends with 16mm groove mounts such as E3D.
Desktop CNC
A desktop Cartesian CNC router
Build Author OpenBuilds Views 9928
Swing Arm
Simple Swing Arm Build for the Modular Table Series. Create a simple vacuum swing arm that swings over your machine keeping your vacuum hose and router cord, etc. up and out of the way
Build Author mytechno3d Views 14048
Z FLoating head for Plasma cutting (OX CNC compatible)
How to convert your OX CNC to a plasma cutter at low cost
W|W plasma/drag knife 1500x1500 (floating head & z-axis)
Step by step designing and implementing of my plasma approach
Build Author Ahmed Ibrahim Views 7985
Cairo Mini 3d-Printer
We are introducing the Cairo Mini 3d-printer! It’s a DIY fully Open-source Reproducible 20x20cm 3d-printer. The original goal of the Cairo Mini 3d-printer is to create a low-cost 3d-printer below 220$(3500 LE). That anyone can build with ease.
Build Author Leonard Cross Views 35508
Workbee CNC Router/Laser/Plotter
A CNC machine with an expansive 30x30" work area, supporing a router, laser, simple plotting and work monitoring camera. Control includes a tethered control box, game controller style jog control, and relay controlled AC outlets for all appliances. Accessories include a 3D printed dust shoe, a complete spoilboard and hold down system, an XYZ touch probe and multiple vacuum retention boards to support full profile routing.
Build Author blterry1 Views 17489
The Beeline CNC
Here are the instructions to build the Beeline custom CNC router table.
New Workbee Z Axis
Hopefully an upgrade of the Z axis of the Workbee.
V-Slot Miter Saw Stop
A quick and simple saw stop build.
Travel Printer
Build using standard parts as much as possible, Open Builds etc. To keep printer usable for more materials will be trying a heated bed with rotary elec union for the thermistor and power.
ACME OX (A Lead Screw Driven Ox Derivative (850x1500))
Another build based on the original OX design with a cutting area will be about 26" (680mm) x 50" (1300mm) and driven by lead screws.
DIY CNC Machine
In this project, I show you how I built my DIY CNC machine. All moving parts of the DIY CNC router are running on ball bearings while the structural parts are made with natural materials, namely birch plywood and solid beech wood.
Build Author Ariel Yahni Views 51905
Modifying the K40 laser cuter stock gantry in favor of OpenBuilds superior and smoother movement. Also will provide me a better level control for easier beam alignment.
SolidCore CoreXY
All metal CoreXY 3D Printer Design with triple z, kinematic bed, and scalable corexy mechanism.
Build Author Damian V-SLOT Poland Views 14929
DIY Slab Flattening Mill
V-SLOT profiles and OpenBuilds accessories give us many possibilities. We decided to build a manual ROUTER SLED using only components of the OpenBuilds system. The design is simple to build, construction takes little time, and the frame is easy to transport.
Custom build 80w Co2 Laser Cutter
Building a custom made 80W Co2 Laser cutter. Making it from scratch and it's a work in progress but I've learned a lot and I'll be sharing a bit of that knowledge with you guys since I've learned a lot from here.
Shawn's Workbee 1510
Shawn's adventure in assembling and customizing the Openbuild's version of the 1500x1000 Workbee.
Build Author Lindsey Lewis Views 8247
Update Eleksmaker with Openbuild eccentrics for X-Carriage
A simple approach to making the Eleksmaker A3 Laser build have a better functioning X-Carriage! Of course this assumes you bought an Eleksmaker A3 or plan to.
My Openbuilds Journey
I've learned a lot from building this machine, and had and will continue to enjoy using it. Let The CHIPS FLY!
Build Author Scott Martinez Views 10895
The Growler
This machine is a heavy duty, moving gantry style CNC router. It uses Teknic ClearPath servo motors driving ballscrews and linear rails. The machine has 36" x 48" x 19" of travel with about 7" of clearance below the gantry.
Build Author Jay Almers Views 6968
FlashPoint CNC v1: 500mm x 1000mm 3-Axis CNC Router
My build is based on many different builds but pieced together into a unit specifically to suit my needs. The footprint, without motors, is around 500mm x 1000mm with a gantry height of around 250mm. I used a combination of C-Beam, for the linear transmission, and V-Slot for the base and gantry supports. Forged angle connectors were used for attachment and I utilized the C-Beam gantry cart kits with anti-backlash blocks for both Y axes, the X axis, and Z axis.
Build Author Serge E. Views 59704
myOX : a 4' x 2' OX CNC with potential
This is the story of me building myOX - my version of the "ideal" OX. I want a machine which can route/mill at least 4' wide and as long as I can feed through (don't be shy, think "infinity") as well as going deep on multiple faces - manual 4th axis. I have loads of ideas to take myOX towards that goal and way beyond. Time will tell. Just follow along through this build and possibly a few others along the way ... Check out my OXCalculator : let your computer figure out your BoM
Ooznest Ox with 3D Printed Gantry Plates
Ooznest Ox with gantry plates and end caps 3D printed in ABS rather than aluminum.
The RAT. A form ply and aluminium hybrid.
A hybrid of form ply and aluminium. 835x1260x100mm working envelope.
Promoveo Study Builds
Promoteo Build
7 Axis Camera Slider with Telescoping Vertical Lift
A six axis camera slider with a 7th LIFT axis added!
Build Author Frank Gore Views 7982
Kossel Extreme
A custom Delta printer for large projects with any filament that still retains speed and accuracy, all within a 15 amp/110VAC power budget. Based on Johann's Mini Kossel design.
Build Author BeTrue3D Views 21034
BeTrue3D Printer
High Quality CoreXY with focus on quality and optimized printarea versus physical size of the printer.
Build Author pedrofernandez Views 16834
Co2 Laser Cutter/Engraver Rotary Attachment
Vslot rail system at work again, laser cutter/engraver rotary device for cylindrical objects .
The Franken Rotor
Yes another K40 Franken machine dedicated for round objects,,,
Build Author winand Views 16159
YAOP (Yet Another Openbuilds Printer)
Yet Another Openbuilds Printer, my version :-P
Build Author rcKeith Views 6978
USB Hot Wire CNC Foam Cutter
Build a Hot Wire CNC Foam Cutter with inexpensive 3d printer electronics.
M10CUBE PICO CNC. A Universal Controller
An attempt is to be a Unified Modular Controller based on M10CUBE platform. For GRBLHAL and MARLINHAL applications. HAL porting is under way 1 - WIZnet Pico Clone W5100S-EVB-Pico 2 v- 6 X StepStick. Not sure about the sixth driver, (Pico pins limitation) . External connectors for larger drivers 3 - Opto - isolated spindle PWM. 4 - HMI 5 - I/O on diferent modules and Ethernet 10MBPS communication. Patches will be written to GRBLHAL for Ethernet I/Os (Interrupted).
Build Author Edgar Mata Views 25186
ME - Core XY 3d printer
I wanted to make my own Voron, so I made my own Voron,
Build Author LukasK Views 22535
I have completed some custom build 3d printers (i3 and delta style) and a cnc mill based on v-slot and c-beam. From the beginning the cnc was built to fit/change between router, 5w led laser module and plotter pen. While all three works great, the build is primarily focused on heavy duty milling and brings some disadvantages when it comes to laser - slow because of leadscrew motion system and not as powerful because of “only” led laser. That is why I have started this build of co2 laser machine.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 124064
V-Slot® NEMA 17 Linear Actuator (Belt Driven)
Quick and Simple V-Slot Gantry System. This example build shows how easy it is to make a linear actuator using a few OpenBuilds Parts. You can mount this system an many ways so be sure to download the example models.
Build Author Savvas Views 18646
C-Beam Lead Screw CNC Mountain
I’m making a desktop CNC machine based on the C-Beam platform. It will be driven by Tr8 Lead Screws, and initially made from 12mm birch ply plates.
Build Author T4Concepts Views 75040
WorkBee CNC build - My honest opinion, tips and help
My main goal for my build is to have a machine that is capable of profiling and help me in my designs, for the manufacture of custom automotive headlights.
Build Author pedrofernandez Views 36264
Openbuilds Table Top 50w Co2 Laser Cutter/Engraver
DIY build of a Co2 Laser cutter/engraver 12x24 working area.
Build Author Glenn Weston Views 9991
"AcroCadabra" My Acro Laser built with my C-Beam XL
Well I built a C-Beam XL around a year ago, I am still learning things as I make stuff with it, it has been quite a wonderful learning experience. Now I have gained enough confidence and knowhow to Mill the required Plates to build an Acro Laser System using the Acro Laser Sketchup Model. I have pulled the Model apart in Sketchup, isolated the Plates and generated the G-Code to cut/Mill the plates. I have used Sketchucam to generate the G-Code. I Use Mach3 on my C-Beam XL to Mill.
Draw bot core xy
In the design stage. Help guide.
Build Author Shaun Weitzel Views 5680
OpenBuilds Lead 1515
First build of a Lead 1515!
Robo Morten
A horizontal-router CNC using openbuilds parts geared toward routing out mortise and tenon joinery; or any other end grain work on wood.
Build Author Keith Davis Views 8958
Upgrading Your 3D Printer With Synchronous Leveling
Upgrading printers for Synchronous Leveling
Build Author ymilord Views 57023
FARM OX (Four Axis Rotary Machine)
Four Axis Rotary Machine (FARM) OX. Equipped with a X,Z,A & C Axis.
Build Author HPB Views 42388
A simple XY laser engraver/cutter
A simple low-cost XY plane laser engraver/cutter inspired by the Much 4 laser build, with minimal parts and assembly time. Uses standard off the shelf components in almost 90% of the build with the exception of the axes motor and wheel mounts which need to be 3D printed.
C-Beam Dust Shoe
A short description of the dust shoe I made for my machine.
Build Author Martin.Barfoed Views 5748
40x40 V-Slot Rod Type Linear Actuator
A Rod-type Linear Actuator based on the 40x40 V-slot profile
Build Author Robert Hummel Views 151663
Laser V
With such great success/attention my laser got, I ended up with a good friend that would like to dabble in stencil art and so I have decided to share my build with him and you here :) I will be using all the same electronics as in my previous build except the driver boards I will be using are the famous reprap 4988's they are more easy to come by and cost less. I will also be using open builds mini v wheels/v groove extrusion just so I can get a feel for their versatile products
CubeFoot CNC
This small desktop machine is built inside a 300mm cube of 20mm extrusion. Work area is 14cm by 14cm. I used 400 step nema17 motors all around.
Build Author shanehooper Views 13805
SolidCore CoreXY 3D Printer
Modular and Scalable CoreXY Printer with all metal parts.
Build Author Michael.M Views 64651
This machine has been in the works for quite a while. Most of the plates were cut with my Shpinx machine. I have a lot more photos and information to share soon.
Adjustable Router Guide Template
This project is an adjustable router guide template made with 20x60 V-slot. It was meant as a less expensive and more user friendly alternative to commercially available units.
A cabinet to keep a constant temperature for pizza or bread mother dough to grow.
Stabilus 3d Large Format Printer Kit
Stabilus 3d Large Format Printer Kit
Build Author crypt-tek Views 33121
My first 3D printer build. It is almost complete and will be posting the first completed print shortly. I still need to mount the print spools and a couple other odd ends to complete this.
Phlatformer v2
Hello, I have been looking around for a vacuum forming machine for a long time, and could not find one that was either in my price range or was safe enough for me to want in my home. The Phlatformer answers both of these requirements... Unfortunately, it was not available in either cut-out or...
Build Author Mike Campbell Views 10005
bor 454-D
A large format, modular, rack and pinion build designed around OpenBuilds components.
Build Author Damian V-SLOT Poland Views 12007
Router Sled V1.1 V-SLOT
We want to present you the new design of the device which is Router Sled. The whole structure is made of aluminum elements and ensures good quality of the device. We used V-SLOT aluminum profiles and OpenBuilds accessories for the construction. The instructional video can be found on our YouTube channel (subtitles in English soon)
My C-Beam build and modifications
Modified C-Beam which I plan to add a laser module and eventually convert to C-Beam XL size.